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What are the best Doom sounds/SFX across all of the games and ports of the games

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The various Doom games and some of the ports are sometimes fairly different from each other in terms of the sounds they use for objects, monsters, etc. So I wanted to ask what the community thinks are the best sounds across the franchise. 


If I had to go by each game specifically, I'd go with Doom's plasma gun, Doom 2's Super Shotgun, Doom 3's PDA, Doom 64's doors (specifically the mechanical sounds), and Doom Eternal's chain gun.

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The SSG from DOOM II is such a great sound, especially when you combine it with the death of an Arachnatron. It’s so satisfying!



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Always been a big fan of the sfx in PSX Doom/Doom 64, those would be my favorite, then PC Doom and D2016.

Edited by seed

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I think the best sounds are definitely the SSG from Doom 2, the regular Shotgun from Ultimate Doom, and also the entire Midi-Pack from Ultimate Doom because it reminds me of Punk Bands I listen to, something like Aura Noir, Monstrocity, or maybe Necrodeath... and then there's Doom Eternal, apart from the fact the game has the best overall package in sound quality and atmosphere, I think the best sounds from THAT game are the normal shotgun, the auto-shotgun and probably the Rocket Launcher, and also the big chaingun from Eternal because that one makes my subwoofer cry and scream for mercy, I find that sound extremely satisfying to hear, even for hours upon hours non-stop. It's just such an utterly deep sound! Besides that, also Doom 2016 has some sounds that are solid like the SSG from 2016, and its Rocket Launcher, but I think that's it.


By the way, I'm unsure about Doom 64 and Doom 3 because I haven't played those.


So my conclusion is that Doom 1 has the best Midi pack and the second best shotgun, Doom 2 has the best SSG, Doom 2016 the second best SSG and the best rocket launcher and Doom Eternal the best overall sound packing but the best sounding vanilla shotgun so far. I could now go to mods like Project Brutaliy that has probably the best shotgun and pistol sound I ever heard in my entire life, but since I'm unsure if the mods are part of this thread, I will not talk about them for now.


Edit: Sorry, I kinda forgot a few things I'm just thinking about after I finished this. Okay so I forgot to mention the pinky death sound, it's pretty funny and dumb and I wonder why the hell he sounds like that, but he does, so that's that, and I love it. And then the Imp pain sound, that sounds extremely dumb but funny, therefore it fits into the game. Also the Pain Elemental pain sound is pretty awesome. Also the Imps make that weird quiet sound when they're idle, that makes for some great atmosphere in the game. And when the Pinky wakes up, he sounds like a dog, that's just really funny to me.


And on Doom Eternal's enemies I can't really pick any enemy death sound over the other, they're all pretty good, Doom 2016 sounds once again a bit boring to me but I think that's it now for the enemies. Also when Doomguy presses E on a wall that doesn't do anything, that's also an awesome sound, and when you get hurt in Doom Eternal, that also sounds awesome. Yeah, that's it now, really.

Edited by 0o0[ULTIM4TE]L1FE[F0RM]0o0
I forgot a fuck ton of stuff, sorry!

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I was always rather fond of the PSX/Doom 64 sounds, almost more so than the PC vanilla ones.

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2 hours ago, MFG38 said:

I was always rather fond of the PSX/Doom 64 sounds, almost more so than the PC vanilla ones.

Personally also a big fan of those sounds. Gotta give special mention to the BFG. It sounds A LOT more potent than ol' PC Doom's.

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I have a particular soft spot for Doom 3's sound design, personally. A lot of it is quite fun and crispy and I can tell a lot of weapon mod authors feel the same way I do due to how many times I've heard them use things like D3's shotgun, plasma rifle, BFG and explosion sounds specifically across various mods along with miscellaneous stuff like footsteps and metal clanks and the like. There's just this nice, chunky and distinct style to 'em that presses the right buttons in my brain.

Edited by Biodegradable

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7 hours ago, seed said:

Always been a big fan of the sfx in PSX Doom/Doom 64, those would be my favorite, then PC Doom and D2016.

Absolutely love the SFX from PSX DOOM! 

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PSX/N64 Plasma Rifle because its the exact sound of the plasma weapons in The Terminator/T2 - I've never liked the original PC sound.


Doom 3 Plasma Rifle reload (specifically the little "whirrr" at the end).


Doom II Super Shotgun - iconic, and never not satisfying. BOOM, CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK. 


PSX/N64 chaingun and pistol - it just has more sonic impact and is more satisfying to hear, particularly the chain gun. For the PC version, I always wondered why the Chaingun Zombies/Spider Mastermind and even the SS guy got the cool auto-shotgun sound for their weapons and I didn't. 


The "whoosh" sound travelling rockets make in Doom and Doom II.


That cool "gong" noise when you get a powerup.


The classic door opening sound - one of the stock sound library ones I believe.


The Spider Mastermind death noise. 


The Cyberdemon hoof thumping off the ground.


Probably loads more but that's what comes to mind right now.



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Hearing arachnotron pistons pumping away always perks me up for some reason, even though I find them pretty unthreatening.


They should have given arch-viles some really, really creepy sound - something really alien and startling 


edit: oh yea baron's wake-up scream always gets me, even though to me they are one of the least dangerous monsters you can run into.

Edited by Kute

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Doom 2 SSG sounds, Doom 3 Soul Cube, Shotgun, Plasma gun and BFG sounds, Doom 2016 Rocket Launcher and Chainsaw sounds, Eternal fodder head pop sound.

Edited by sluggard

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