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Lowering floor to 8 above highest raises the floor instead

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I've been trying to figure this one out for the last couple of hours now. It seems like everything should work, the only two neighboring sectors to the target sector (355) are both lower than the target sector, and the target is not split by any linedefs or anything like that. Anyone know what's up?


The format is Doom 2 in Doom format, it's a vanilla compatible level.


The map.

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I think vanilla has some restrictions on where platform would go, height-wise. I'm not sure where it is. Try offsettting your entire map closer to zero and see if the problem goes away.

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If @ViolentBeetle is right then it’s the same problem I had with one of my maps before (more specifics in the thread here).  It’s easy enough in UDB to add floor and ceiling heights and make all the floor heights positive—saves you a lot of trouble that way anyway.

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The sector lowers correctly for me on both GZDoom and PrBoom/UINFO. I pick up the blue keycard, the sector lowers to 8 above the sector behind the platform, showing me that there's something there. And then upon triggering the line behind the wall that lowers to the left/south, the platform lowers completely. Perhaps it's a bug in the sourceport you're using?

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1 hour ago, Gradius said:

The sector lowers correctly for me on both GZDoom and PrBoom/UINFO. I pick up the blue keycard, the sector lowers to 8 above the sector behind the platform, showing me that there's something there. And then upon triggering the line behind the wall that lowers to the left/south, the platform lowers completely. Perhaps it's a bug in the sourceport you're using?

Yeah I think it’s the problem @ViolentBeetle mentioned. I had the same thing, where I didn’t even know there was such a limitation because everything worked fine in GZDoom and PRBoom+—and then I tried it in Crispy and suddenly my lowering wall wasn’t lowering. I thought it was a bug with Crispy but it was actually a bug with Doom ;)

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