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Something I would like to ask of the mods


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When Doom 3 is released, if you could make a seperate forum for screenshots and spoilers. Simply because if the game is released before some of us have our new top end pc's built, such as me (will be built early summer but I don't know when the game will be released) it would really ruin it. I refuse like DSM to download the alpha, I don't want to spoil it, I would prefer to just play the game first. I dunno if you will do this for me, most likely not, but if you did, it would be nice to have it up for say maybe 2 weeks or so. I'm not sure if I am the only person that agrees with something like this or not.

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If you do not want spoilers, unplug the cable and don't talk to your friends. Making a whole new forum for screens and such won't do any good. There will be spoilers in all the forums.

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I doubt that would help - given the fact that there are already too many people on these forums that can't post the right things in the right forums, there's bound to be a shitload of dumb newbies who will post spoilers all around these boards, completely ignoring a forum where big flashy letters say "DOOM 3 SPOILERS!!!"

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Alientank said:

Well atleast enforce something like making them put in the thread title *spoilers* or something.

You can't make them do that. Play the game and return to the real world. That is my advice.

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When the game is released and in stores, I'm certainly not going to worry about spoilers to the extent that I would make a new forum. Hopefully people will post "WARNING SPOILERS" before posting pics of the final boss.

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Some fag did this thing, posted pictures of the end areas and bosses on Metroid Prime and Zelda:The Wind Waker....FUCKING BASTARD

Meh, i've played the alpha, that sorta spoils part of the game...

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The alpha doesn't spoil the game any more than a test or demo would, and most people have no qualms about an official demo spoiling anything. There were only 3 playable levels, and none of them were complete as far as I could tell.

BTW, I didn't download the alpha myself, a friend of mine did. My fastest computer is a P2 400mhz, and I'm on a 56k connection, so it would be pretty pointless for me to download it anyway. Even
my friend's dual 1ghz only ran it at 15fps max, and about 25fps during the cinematics, and as soon as any monsters came on screen, the framerate dropped to about 10 or lower. It was basically unplayable, and I just wanted to get a glimpse of the level design anyway. Being a mapper, that's the part that interests me most.

Checking out a couple of hallways doesn't spoil anything more than the pics that have been released so far do, IMO.

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