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I might have found a bug with IWAD locating

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I recently made a command-line Doom launcher in Rust to practice my skills, and canonicalized paths don't seem to be recognized by Eternity. Here are the args I'm passing it:

[src\main.rs:317] &binary = "C:\\Users\\Kyle Coffey\\doom\\.\\engines\\eternity\\eternity.exe"
[src\main.rs:318] &args = [
    "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Kyle Coffey\\doom\\iwad\\DOOM2.WAD",
    "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Kyle Coffey\\doom\\pwad\\mods\\qol (no gameplay changes)\\D2SPFX19.WAD",
    "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Kyle Coffey\\doom\\pwad\\mods\\D2DEHFIX.DEH",

and Eternity asks for an IWAD folder as if I hadn't given it a specific IWAD. Also, when I select the correct folder, it doesn't seem to like it. This might have to do with the fact that my Windows home folder has a space in it.

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I'll look into this. I probably forgot to test this scenario when I added the little IWAD dir GUI on Windows. I definitely didn't try it with UNC paths. The intent was to try make first-time use easier. Thanks for the report. I'll try keep you posted on the issue when I find the time to get to it (hopefully soon, but certainly not right now as I'm punching out for the night not long from now).

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2 hours ago, Altazimuth said:

I definitely didn't try it with UNC paths.

UNC paths are supported, but those are "canonicalized" paths, which are a kernel-level thing on Windows. I never coded in support for them as I didn't figure anyone would ever come up with a use case.

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5 minutes ago, Quasar said:

UNC paths are supported, but those are "canonicalized" paths, which are a kernel-level thing on Windows.

I initially read this as "caramelised paths".

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