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What is your favorite demon in DOOM?

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This goes for any DOOM game, feel free to even list a favorite for each game. I see a lot of hate posts and I'm curious to see people's positive opinions on things. I'll start!


DOOM(1993): Pinky demons. Their lack of a ranged attack but increased speed and melee damaged for compensation makes them a tricky foe to fight in tight nicks and crannys or when a bunch of hitscanners are in a room with you. They really add to a lot of fights purely because of their rush down attack.


DOOM II: Revenants. The fact they can shoot either a straight projectile or a heat seeking missile of rng room always keeps you on your toes, and prioritizing them when in a group encounter. They also keep you constantly moving which is like my favorite thing in Doom.


DOOM (2016): Cyber Mancubus. These things were the pinnacle of "I gotta kill this thing before I kill ANYTHING else in the room", mostly because I suck with controller dodging and played the newer titles on my Xbox.


DOOM ETERNAL: Marauders! I was always a fan of situations that forced the player to slow the fuck down and focus, like the Chasm's tightrope or most of Petersen's maps, and Marauders are just that! They aren't just the usual "Shoot till dead" and I love it.


Your thoughts?

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Doom II:Arch-viles- Their androgynous appearance feels validating in some weird way, and their immense power and speed demand respect along with your hatred.


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Honestly? Imps.


If combat encounters are a meal, then imps are the seasoning: you can add them to any situation and it will almost always improve the whole thing. They're so versatile and perfectly balanced, being moderately threatening with their projectile attacks while being easy to kill even at a distance. Plus, killing them with the regular shotgun feels simply fantastic.


I just love Imps.

Edited by Dwimepon

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Don't really have a fave but I love how an arachnotron brain caves in especially after a SSG blast.

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Ultimate Doom: Zombieman, it's fun to blast a whole group of them with the shotgun.


Doom II: Arachnotron, it looks and sounds cute.


Doom 64: Nightmare Imp. I like its faster projectiles, blue hue, and slight translucency over the default Imp. Mancubus comes in second for its nicely timed projectiles and not being a sponge like the Baron.


Doom Eternal: Whiplash. It's very challenging to fight against (especially in multiples) but I find it the most satisfying to play with. The Maykr drone comes in a close second for its piñata-style death.

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I like the Archvile personally. I have never once encountered an enemy similar in any other game. Great gameplay design, and great spritework, too.

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Just now, Arrowhead12 said:

I like the Archvile personally. I have never once encountered an enemy similar in any other game. Great gameplay design, and great spritework, too.


If they didn't have such a bad rep from mappers being sadistic while using them, I feel as if they'd be more respected enemies. I'm inspired by a post talking about brutalist architecture, and it reminded me of the game HROT, and so I decided that after I release my next map I'll start working on something more horror oriented. Archvile will definitely be the enemy I have chasing a player equipped with only a pistol throughout the whole level. Everything about the Archvile is pure good design. The sound they make when they see you, when they get hurt, when they die, and their unique hitscan attack that doesn't feel like bullshit because it isn't instant and you can avoid it.

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Visually? Cacodemon

Gameplay-wise: Revenants and Archviles (but I also like Mancubi and Pain Elementals)

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arch fucken vile

unrelated but damn im liking the more positive treads you are making recentely

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4 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

arch fucken vile

unrelated but damn im liking the more positive treads you are making recentely


Thank you! I like to spread positivity and kindness when I can, goal is to put a smile on someone's face if they're having a shitty day :)

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Myself, because I'm the worst of all :p .


Nahhh, on a serious note, the AV, burns everything in sight without second thoughts.

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Pinkies, especially when I make them infight other monsters. It's so fun to see them bitting zombies and imps to death. XD

Also their PSX death sound is great.

Edited by LUISDooM

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Archvile aside, the mancubus! They are probably the best at infighting among non-boss monsters.

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My favorite are the doom 2 monsters except the mancubus,


Revenant because they are basically glass cannons.


Arch-viles makes cool as noises and I love fighting against them.


Arachnotrons make great turrets in maps, and whenever they die they play the crack cocaine of doom sounds.


The mancubus always seems to fuck me over and causes me the most pain.

Edited by ZeMystic

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Archies, because they're one of the best enemies in fps history and can really shake things up in a way other monsters just can't when used well.

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I'm partial to Mancubi myself. I find them to be challenging but not bullshit, and their design amuses me. They definitely got a lot more fierce in the new Doom games too.

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this is honestly a really tough question to answer cuz of how well-designed they all are lol. i think the top 3 for me would be the revenant, imp, and mancubus


On 3/8/2021 at 8:14 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

Doom II:Arch-viles- Their androgynous appearance feels validating in some weird way

nb demon :o

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One of my favorite doom enemies is the Archvile. If I'm fighting a pack of enemies I might be doing pretty good but the moment the Archy Boi shows up changes the whole dynamic of the fight. Now I have to get rid of him as fast as I possibly can before he brings back monsters I killed and because his flame attack is a pain to dodge. Also there's nothing more terrifying than being in the middle of a fairly large battle, things are going pretty good, when all of a sudden you get the crackling flame of the Archy's magic showing up in front of you sending you into an instant panic. Now you have to quickly find cover and determine where the heck he is before he gets a chance to make your life miserable. Basically what I'm trying to say is that they can change an entire battle and test your abilities to work under pressure and I love that. 

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  • 1 year later...

My favorite is the archvile, but since a good number of people already picked it as their favorite (for good reasons), I'm actually gonna go with pinky.


I really like how a large number of them essentially turns them into a giant blob that is rapidly approaching you. Rocketing them is super satisfying when they are far away. Beating them down one by one with a berserk is really fun too. It is also fun trying to find the best way to kill all of them without getting stuck when you are in a room with them.

Edited by BigMetalhead

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