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Scary bedtime stories

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You, probably, know the rules. Some random folk write a short sentence / few. Another one continue. In top of that I suggest to add an speck of dark/mythic atmosphere. Like you know, some of that old stories.




"Chapter I: A bad dream?..."


There was an typical evening autumn day. A random guy walked alone in the central park, thinking about something insignificant... when suddendly old and forgotten for good, but familiar song, start to play quietly, like somewhere ahead...



Edited by UnknDoomer

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“Lol probably just nerds or goths or goth nerds or something,” he chuckled to himself. But as he walked on into the park, he realized that this path was not the same as it had been the hundreds of other times he’d come into the park...and that the park seemed to be growing bigger and deeper and more primal the farther he went into it.

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- said the guy. "A bad realistic dream? Like those where you are aware of yourself in a one", he thought to himself, when at the same moment he felt an a strange feeling - massive hand on his shoulder. Someone with deep and dark voice asked him: "Do you know what time it is?".


He turned slowly and saw strange looking huge white rabbit with beautifully painted box in another hand.


- "No idea about that. Why are you wearing that weird costume for walking in the park alone?", said the guy to bunny.

- "Why are you wearing this weird human costume?...", said the bunny.

- "I have a gift for you".


The rabbit handed over the box and seemed to disappear into the shadows.


- "What a weird folks you can meet sometimes...", said the guy.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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But unbeknownst to Jummy, the rabbit was coming from inside the house!


Am I doing it right?

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But unbeknownst to Jummy, the rabbit was coming from inside the house!

Am I doing it right?

Somebody tried to break the "fourth wall", commenting on events, but no one heard him, because there was no one.


Continue to walk deeper in the park that now look more like an a forest. He saw a building named "The Jelly's house".


- "Do they sell candies here?...", said the guy and entered in.


The room was quiet and there was no one there. Old posters and not working arcade machines hung all around. One showed an 80's retro car and a girl in a leather robe.


- "I've seen this one somewhere...".


Our hero opened the box. It contain some sweet cherry candies and a peace of paper with a such words: "Hint: to win this game you need to find the opposite of the jabber.


- "Never heard about such a guy. And what the difference between "the opposite" jabber?""

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Our hero was startled by a loud spark in activity across the room, flashing lights and a cacophony of high pitched wails and drones burst from a nearby cabinet.


Dazed and confused, the shaken hero groggily dragged his limpened body over to the architect of his suffering.


His eyes lay upon horrors unimagined, warped creatures too fast to comprehend flew across the screen, bright garbled colours formed the blinding pallet of the pain inducing canvas, searing pain shot through his very bones as he endured the incomprehensible garble that assaulted his very mind... Only when on the clasp of insanity did the attacker approach him in a comprehensible form, it stood vaguely humanoid, rows upon rows of needles stood upon its spine fit to pierce existence itself with but a motion, long spindled limbs carried the decrepit being, appearing oddly anthropomorphic for such an inhuman creature. Upon our hero did it stare with a wide gaze, a single globe in the malformed head stared back housing 2 conjoined malice filled eyes...


It spoke...


"You're too slow, come on, step it up..."





Edited by mrthejoshmon
Horrifying, truly

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"You're too slow, come on, step it up..."

- "Oh, hello there. Do you know who is "The Jabber"? And, by the way, who are you especially?"

- "Eh... No, first time hear. Perhaps one of that ancient dark lords?"

- "Which dark lords?..."

- "This place is a maze, buddy!", said blue creature and run out, puzzling things ever more.

- "No rest for the living..." - said the guy to himself.


Familiar song continue to play softly somewhere...

Edited by UnknDoomer

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"Wait... why did it talk? And more importantly... why did I talk to it?"

Edited by Dark Pulse

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"Chapter II. Into the Abyss".




Continue run through area corridors. Lights are start flickering around in sort of a mad sequence. In the distance he saw something like a mirror, reminiscent of a kind of a portal. Nearby a figure stood motionless. It's face it was impossible to see. The figure's hand seemed to be pointing at the mirror.


- "Well... So be it.", said the guy, and jump into, which at the same moment, after he entered in somewhere, mirror crumbled into shards of regular glass.

- "Oh, frabjous day. He's here. It's time to start the real game...", said someone, like it was addressing to the reader of this words.




(note: this image is not art; it's an screenshot from real existing indie exploring / hard puzzle game called "Kairo").


All around there were many strange platforms hanging in the air, among which a kind of a trail passed thru them. He slowly moved forward.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Continue to walk forward in tense silence among strange figures he pondered. What the difference about real life and a dream? What if it's just an sectors of the reality, where one was come true and it seems familiar for everybody and himself, when others just have never been implemented? Same as stranger they looks then far they can be from. "I heard somewhere that you can distinguish dream from reality by trying to remember how you get in that specific place. Usually, if it's dream, you can't remember that. Same as right after you, usually, wake up", our hero began to reason out loud.


He tried that trick but it didn't work - nothing has changed, same as, surprisingly, he understand the fact that he did not remember how events ended up in the park in the current evening...

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Life is boring. But can it be better? The question, like from an movie poster, that many asked themself for a long time. But not so many of them heard another: "Beware of your own dreams. Some day they suddenly can become true...".


"Seems there was no end in sight to this abstract structures", said the guy, when suddenly he saw an a sort of high building with an a entrance. Door was decorated by beatiful gothic like jaguar muzzle. He knocked. The door creaked open slowly. In the distance at the table sat two figures. A beautiful looking girl with dark/purple long hair and not less strange orange eyes and an a strange creature in a dark robe, whose body was not visible at all. Apparently they were playing cards.


"So, looks like we meet again" - someone's voice sound in his head at the same time that he realised that girl looked at him closely.


"Royal flash, you loose again buddy" - said the girl, without looking away.

"Less then one 1% chance to get a such combination...", said dark figure.

"Who are you?" - said the guy.

"He-he! Don't remember, don't you?" - said the girl.

"That's doesn't matter much for now. Tell me, young soul, do you know four principle of Japan longevity?" - said the dark figure.

"Never heard of them..." - said the guy.

"One of them tells that you life is matter till you have at list tiny purpose for it. Looks a like you are coming to lost last one in past few days..." - said the dark figure.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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"One time there was an ugly barnacle and he was SO ugly that everyone died. The end"

Edited by Dubbag

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The shadow of another figure appeared behind. Sort of dark gothic looking guy with an apple in his hand and a smile on his face entered the room with the such words:



"So my theory about "goth nerds or something" have something after all...", said the guy to himself.

"You can call me Josh, Raven, or Prodigal Angel, as you wish, kid", said smilling guy.

"A guy named Josh with a Jamaican accent, or someone who is very quiet; My name is Joshm! Like in an a old urban dictionary!", said the girl.

"Quiet you say... Those guys in addition have really weird sence of humor", said the guy to himself.

"Anyhow... A... Folks. I've a really long evening today... Before I've meet the bunny in the park. He gave me the box. There I've found a message that need to find "The Jabber". Any ideas what to do, perhaps?".

"The Jabber...", said dark figure.


The smile on the new character's face gradually changed to a serious one.


"Come with me, boy. And let's take Ruby with us too".

Edited by UnknDoomer

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He tried to make a step, but the image began to blur around and he heard a growing sound: "Beep. Beep. Beep.". Suddenly woke up in his bed, as if he had been dropped from a great height. Sounds were made by his old alarm clock.


"What a pity. And I just started to delve into the essence of the events. Weird one dream today... but, whatever.". While doing his usual routine, among other things, looked at the doomworld forum for fresh topics messages. one of them was from The Jabber about their common latest creation for Heretic. He told him about fragments of a recent events, which pretty much hung both of them.


The day went on as usual, in the evening he took a walk in the park, where he met a friend in a rabbit costume who played with children and handed out balloons.


"Seems to today it is more crowded here than usual, isn't it?".

"Yeah, it is.".




Our hero was already about to go to bed after the next twists of his fresh wad when he suddenly received an e-mail.


"At such an hour? Hm... weird. I've never seen any of this kind before. Empty sender line...", he said to himself.


"From your secret friend.


This wasn't a dream.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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@thedarklord - a new member of doomworld forum with no avatar or other information, who registered just few days ago and have... just one message. One more then another member with similar nickname and zero messages.


He posted something called "Spiritual experience. An exploration". Another forum member, decide to give a try.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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In this moment, OniriA spiraled into a psychedelic vortex in which he saw every DW forum member ever to be banned, a great cloud of rage and angst and stupidity ululating in a cacodemonic cacophony, every one of them directing their ire at him.  OniriA, in what was by now a deep psychotropic episode, didn't know if what he heard was his own screams, or the shrill echo of all those voices demanding that he love their maps or take their political trollbait or help them with their abortive teddy bear themed joke projects.

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He didn't know yet that he, same as the guy, was the only one that can see this specific topic / message. But, anyhow, it was too late. Like in old "Twilight Zone" episode that so called "WAD theme" was nothing else but a portal to another dimention.


The events developed as if someone put together a complex puzzle that was supposed to consist of certain participants. And there was still room for at least one more participant. You can call it another "lost soul", if you want, that made a fleeting thought that he/she's life is "too boring" for the moment and required new, unfamiliar experience.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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"Chapter III: You and me and The Jabber make three".


Old byword says - two is not much, three - already many. That sort of a party required already. Someone little more special then others two, in sort of esoteric matters, perhaps.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everybody familiar with coins. Same as automatic machines. Those that you can find in amusement parks. Or those that can give you a soda. You drop the coin. You get what you wanted. There are different kind of coins exist around.






Winter. Strange combination of cold and atmosphere in that forgotten place that was well known some time ago. Once again he moved through deserted courtyards. A guy, which name and life during past few years covered with fog even more then before. Like someone that you probably know, someone like an sort of old friend, but one that you can't remember where met such. Reflecting, he rotated the last coin in his hands. The one with dragon mark or sort an image on it. Some coins are used for soda. Another one used to get anything. But the cost of getting some more of last onces can follow non-typical process and cost higher in matter of words.


The old car, seems to Nissan 240 SX, but highly modified awaited with the girl with orange eyes inside.


"Time to get two others folks, I suppose." - said the guy.

"It is. Things require, as you know." - said the girl.


The tossed coin disappeared, same as car, that slowly set off into the darkness of the night.


"There is a time to live. There is a time to think. There is no point to hurry up... Like an old song says - everything you do right will never take you back to life." - said the stranger, once again, like it was forwarded to so one who looks to things from the side. All depends on the position of the viewer.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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  • 6 months later...

"Halloween ain't till mañana!" - shouted a strange... stranger.

"Eh, another weird folk", said somebody, heading home from the local Canadian pizzeria in order to examine the bowels of the well known forum. Randomly he opens one old topic that has a warning at the bottom, but it doesn't look as it usual notice do... "

Edited by UnknDoomer

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for those into this, I recommend the SCP series (Secure, Contain, Protect). it's crowd-sourced horror writing, with the gimmick that the stories are supposed to be documents from an agency (NGO or similar) tasked with keeping monsters, demons, and other nightmarish entities hidden and locked away. there's some legit good quality stuff there.

Edited by Xcalibur

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  • 2 months later...

Creepypasta stories?

All persuasions were completetly useless,

Stubbornly rest he on the edge of grid,

An ancient beast appeared from the abyss,

And told him: "Never do such, kid!"

Edited by UnknDoomer

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I'm still getting notifications on this thread because for some reason I started out as the star of it, and every single time I've looked in since then, it's just made less and less fucking sense.

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