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If you could add one single demon to Doom, what would it be?

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There's a few roles not perfectly filled so there could be a few options;


1. Weak flying projectile enemy like Snarboo suggested. It would be a tad faster.


2. A ground charging enemy like modern Doom's pinkie (straight line charging like lost soul)


3. Another inspiration to modern Doom, perhaps a summoner unit that spawns similar to Eternal's Archvile. Slowly summons random enemies but can be disrupted with a stun. Make it a bit tanky.


4. A new idea, a Demon that consumes demon corpses. It could;

- Gain strength and size when it eats more, causing more powerful attacks, perhaps moves and attacks faster as well

- or it could recycle the corpses to spawn a unique enemy type. Maybe weak but very fast swarming demons. Reproduction of such monsters happens quite quickly, risking a swarm in a room full of corpses. Maybe the Demon prioritizes the corpses once aggro'd?

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6 minutes ago, Chezza said:

There's a few roles not perfectly filled so there could be a few options;


1. Weak flying projectile enemy like Snarboo suggested. It would be a tad faster.


2. A ground charging enemy like modern Doom's pinkie (straight line charging like lost soul)


3. Another inspiration to modern Doom, perhaps a summoner unit that spawns similar to Eternal's Archvile. Slowly summons random enemies but can be disrupted with a stun. Make it a bit tanky.


4. A new idea, a Demon that consumes demon corpses. It could;

- Gain strength and size when it eats more, causing more powerful attacks, perhaps moves and attacks faster as well

- or it could recycle the corpses to spawn a unique enemy type. Maybe weak but very fast swarming demons. Reproduction of such monsters happens quite quickly, risking a swarm in a room full of corpses. Maybe the Demon prioritizes the corpses once aggro'd?


4th thing you mentioned would fit perfectly in the map I'm making. I literally have an area that I refer to as the "Flesh Recycling Pit". Maybe call the demon Breeder or Mother Demon, and she'd attack the player by spitting acidic goo that deals slight DoT, then she'd eat nearby corpses, decoration or not, and gibs, and use the material to either heal herself or summon another new demon type, the Leech, which could be the number 2 you talked about. Weak, charging enemy.

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1 hour ago, Snarboo said:

Augh, I forgot to mention that they would still launch fireballs! Think something like the Fire Gargoyles from Heretic without the charge attack.

I believe such enemy already exists, thanks to Realm667!

Edited by Rudolph

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I would add this guy, it's satan himself!


No, I'm serious, imagine Mecha Hitler in Doom

Edited by Lol 6

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1 minute ago, Lol 6 said:


I would add this guy, it's satan himself!


No, I'm serious, imagine Mecha Hitler in Doom


I mean, the Harbinger of Doom is in Wolfenstein RPG, I don't see why we can't have the CEO of Racism in Doom II. To be frank, it would probably behave like a reskinned Spiderdemon.

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2 minutes ago, Pompeji said:


I mean, the Harbinger of Doom is in Wolfenstein RPG, I don't see why we can't have the CEO of Racism in Doom II. To be frank, it would probably behave like a reskinned Spiderdemon.

It would be possible to add him instead of the spidy, some dehacked magic and slade magic and BAM!, mecha hitler in doom

Edited by Lol 6

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2 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Something fast and fragile, basically a "melee glass cannon" that can be used in larger quantities would be nice...


Might want to check A2Rob's "Running Late 2" if you haven't already, it has exactly a fast and fragile melee-only skeleton.

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Just now, galileo31dos01 said:


Might want to check A2Rob's "Running Late 2" if you haven't already, it has exactly a fast and fragile melee-only skeleton.

I actually want something that is even smaller than that... Preferably as fast as an arch vile... at least roughly...

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A machine gun zombie.  Like a middle ground between the sergeant and commando.


Hell, I've seen Enjay repurpose the SS to be used this way, as a zombie.

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4 hours ago, TotalTS said:

The Demons from Don Ivan Punchatz art. Which I've made just one sprite.


And maybe the double cannon Cyberdemon from Doom 64 alternative cover.


I always thought the cover demons were meant to be Barons

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4 hours ago, TotalTS said:

The Demons from Don Ivan Punchatz art. Which I've made just one sprite.


Can you please make that an actual thing? Very cool looking. I always wanted to see these monsters in game! (Even though I assumed they were just Barons.)


I wonder what the best way would be to put them into megawads and the classic games... maybe this monster just replaces the Barons and Hell Knights? Energy attack = Hell Knight, gun arm = Barons


Those alien faced skulls in the original game would make a cool enemy, too.


Also: the eyeball idea is neat. Have mappers ever considered making an unofficial DOOM III? Meaning it's classic vanilla gameplay, but with new weapons and monsters, as if it were a third official entry in the series created on idTech 1? But otherwise vanilla when it comes to gameplay itself.


As for me, I'd love to see a monster that looks like this art below, like a pentagram with a skull. It could act a bit like the Iron Lich in Heretic, and kind of be a boss version of the Lost Soul. Maybe it can send supercharged Lost Souls at you that explode on impact, while also having a few other attacks.


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6 minutes ago, Captain Keen said:

Have mappers ever considered making an unofficial DOOM III? Meaning it's classic vanilla gameplay, but with new weapons and monsters, as if it were a third official entry in the series created on idTech 1? But otherwise vanilla when it comes to gameplay itself.


I've wanted to do a wad like that for years. Stuff like Eviternity and Valiant give me alternate universe Doom 3 vibes, would be cool if somebody played that aspect up.

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Kamikaze lost soul with rocket launcher damage level of explosion.


SSG zombie which runs fast to the player and tries to shoot point blank.


Arch-vile that boosts other monsters speed (kind of like with -fast parameter).


Zombies that resurrect unless gibbed.


Pinkie that steals pickups and runs away.


Flying anomaly that appears and disappears randomly, flies towards player if approached but loses sight quickly. Instagibs everything on contact, can't be killed, has to be avoided.


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Actually nothing, I think the base game is fine as-is, community wads fill whatever remaining gap and add even more variety.

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9 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

I want (..) Something fast and fragile, basically a "melee glass cannon" that can be used in larger quantities would be nice...

Would 1/2 health, 1/2 size, double-speed revenants with no rocket launchers fit the bill?


9 hours ago, BoxY said:

A cyberdemon that always fires inaccurately as if the player was partially invisible.

That is.. cruel..


5 hours ago, Captain Keen said:

Meaning it's classic vanilla gameplay, but with new weapons and monsters, as if it were a third official entry in the series created on idTech 1? But otherwise vanilla when it comes to gameplay itself.



This is what I was essentially going for with the Rowdy Rudy series. It’s still Doom, but the weapons and enemies are still very similar to their original counterparts in most ways, yet with a new twist.

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I always thought it would be cool to see pre-cyber versions of the Cyberdemon and Mancubus, maybe with some gnarly melee weapons.  I'm kind of imagining the Mancubus with two spiked shields he can use to make a shield wall like those guys in Dark Souls 2.  Cyberdemon could have a hook attached to a chain that he uses to pull the player in and a devastating stomp attack.

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9 hours ago, Captain Keen said:

Have mappers ever considered making an unofficial DOOM III? Meaning it's classic vanilla gameplay, but with new weapons and monsters, as if it were a third official entry in the series created on idTech 1? But otherwise vanilla when it comes to gameplay itself.

@Mangcubus You mean like this?


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35 minutes ago, garudave said:

I always thought it would be cool to see pre-cyber versions of the Cyberdemon and Mancubus, maybe with some gnarly melee weapons.  I'm kind of imagining the Mancubus with two spiked shields he can use to make a shield wall like those guys in Dark Souls 2.  Cyberdemon could have a hook attached to a chain that he uses to pull the player in and a devastating stomp attack.


Any non-tech versions of all the tech demons would be gnarly. Here's my ideas.


Harbinger of Doom(Cyberdemon): Basically a bigger, tougher Baron. Melee attacks consist of a stomp, which instakills you and a scratch, which deals devastating damage. Ranged attack consists of shooting a fireball out of the hand that would eventually get cyberized. Mostly serves as a meat shield for weaker monsters behind it.


Incubus: A bloated demon, its hands produce deadly nukage(explains why it shoots globs of fire, the cannons ignite it). Leaves trail of nukage where it walks, and a puddle when it dies(they go away after a few seconds). Attacks consist of a ranged glob throw that makes a nukage puddle where it hits, and if it hits the player it deals DoT. All nukage is volatile and highly flammable, so any explosion, energy attack or fire attack will ignite it, and when hit with said attacks the Incubus itself will explode and leave fire where it expired.


Ghoul: A skeleton, non-tech version of the Revenant. Does not have a ranged attack, but will run really fast towards you with the intent of punching you to death. Easily dispatched. On occasion, it will stand still and screech, waking up all demons in the area and alerting them of the player's location, unless they're flagged as Ambush. Has a flag for "Loud" which makes them screech as soon as they see a player, so that the map maker can set up cool scenes(example: you walk into a room, open a door and it's a large empty room with one ghoul facing away from you. You shoot it, it turns around, screeches, and all the demons in the blind spots wake up and rush you down.)


Maniac: An immobile pile of brain. It will summon weaker demons like Imps and Zombiemen if it spots the player. Really easy to kill, since it doesn't move due to its lack of legs. You guessed it, it's the Arachnotron. It's also implied to be psychic. When it summons enemies, you'll see green plasma particles where the enemies are about to be summoned(to avoid telefrags). Enemies summoned by it will look "charged" as if by plasma. When dead, they have a 50% chance to explode into green energy. Killing the Maniac yields cells.

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Maybe as a only Close Combat Unit a Succubus  with a Whip.
As a special Ability maybe make her seduce other Demons near her to stay and crowd around her as a "Shield".

This could be also used to make some special Situations.


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10 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Would 1/2 health, 1/2 size, double-speed revenants with no rocket launchers fit the bill?

We're getting there... Sounds good so far... Ideally such a monster would not have the melee delay of a revenant or demon, when it shows the attack animation the players should get hit 100% of the time, even if they're running away from the monster...


Also, I was thinking more like health around that of a former human... Certainly less than a chaingunner....


I know I'm being super "picky" and specific, but that's what I'd want to have in the game, and I've yet to even find a decent sprite for that purpose...

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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I would simply add a second Revenant. he wouldn't even be different from the original Revenant or anything, he would just be another Revenant. i love Revenants

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Something more powerful than the cyberdemon. I think it'd be an interesting idea to swap e2m8 with e3m8 so the episode bosses are properly balanced, being that the spider mastermind is weaker than the cyberdemon. Along with the episode 1 and 2 boss fights being swapped, episode 4 has a unique final boss fitting to its difficulty. Maybe a highly mobile boss that can move faster than the archvile could change up the gameplay from the slow ass cyberdemon and spider mastermind.

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1 hour ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

We're getting there... Sounds good so far... Ideally such a monster would not have the melee delay of a revenant or demon, when it shows the attack animation the players should get hit 100% of the time, even if they're running away from the monster...


Also, I was thinking more like health around that of a former human... Certainly less than a chaingunner....


I know I'm being super "picky" and specific, but that's what I'd want to have in the game, and I've yet to even find a decent sprite for that purpose...

So something similar to the Snarks from Half-Life? The spiders from the PC version of Powerslave, or perhaps the rats from Blood, have the best sprites to fill that role. They also behave roughly similar to what you're looking for in their native game.

Edited by Snarboo

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I really do want something to replace the Revenant as the go-to most spammed monster for slaughtery levels. I was thinking something that moves fast and quickly shoots energy but only has like 200 HP. Perhaps an elite armored zombie? It could even drop cells after downing it.

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53 minutes ago, Sotenga said:

I really do want something to replace the Revenant as the go-to most spammed monster for slaughtery levels. I was thinking something that moves fast and quickly shoots energy but only has like 200 HP. Perhaps an elite armored zombie? It could even drop cells after downing it.

I was thinking of another former human type of soldier. If you have played Half-Life before, you might remember the black-ops assassins. I'd like to see their equivalent in Doom, maybe give them a plasma gun for good measure. 

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