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1 Weapon Has to Go...

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Excluding the chainsaw and fist, which weapon would you remove if you had to? Doomguy has a Super Shotgun to your head and is making you make this decision.


I would have to say the BFG 9000. Why? As amazing as it is, I can see myself finishing any commercial DOOM game without it.

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Well, the weapons I see myself using the least are the minigun and pistol. So maybe the minigun.


Alternatively, I could get rid of the SSG, because Doom 1 was perfectly fine without it.

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  On 3/10/2021 at 7:00 PM, Keyran-Solo said:

I would have to say the BFG 9000. Why? As amazing as it is, I can see myself finishing any commercial DOOM game without it.



I'm kind of with this take, like I love the BFG but it's easy enough to make a map fast-paced and fun without it, unless it has like 80000 revenants and hell knights or something like that.  


I wouldn't eliminate the chainsaw anyway, it's too much fun and I love silly novelty weapons (the voodoo doll in Blood is also great)


The pistol is lame, I wouldn't get rid of it as such because it's a logical starting weapon but it could definitely use a faster firing rate or more power per bullet or something (there are exhaustive threads on that subject so I won't segue into it so hard here)

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  On 3/10/2021 at 7:13 PM, Pompeji said:

Pump Shotgun. Close range I can kill with the SSG, long range the Chaingun does just fine.



It's the intermediate range that gets you. Granted, on mods/ports with a railgun, that gap is filled.

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  On 3/10/2021 at 7:17 PM, Maes said:


It's the intermediate range that gets you. Granted, on mods/ports with a railgun, that gap is filled.



There's an easy solution, get closer. If you can't? Get closer anyways. SSG supremacy.


I don't use any mods that add guns, I like the vanilla balance as is.

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Definitely pistol. It's a decent starting weapon until you get the shotgun/SSG, but I rely on the shotgun way more often as a backup later on. Also, doesn't it share ammo with the chaingun too?

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The pistol is the obvious choice, so much that I wonder if OP just forgot to exclude it from consideration. The fist is a better weapon than the pistol if berserk counts, maybe even without berserk since the pistol is so boring.


If I have to choose something outside weapon slots 1 and 2, then I'm going with the chaingun. It's fine, but its primary use when you have all the other weapons is sniping and conserving ammo for more useful weapons. The last weapons to go would be the SSG, rocket launcher, and BFG.


  On 3/10/2021 at 7:00 PM, Keyran-Solo said:

I would have to say the BFG 9000. Why? As amazing as it is, I can see myself finishing any commercial DOOM game without it.



I'm offended. In all seriousness, this makes sense for Ultimate Doom or Doom 2 (playing Plutonia without the BFG would be unpleasant in many of its maps) but PWADs are more important to me at this point.

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Wouldn't choose the chainsaw even if I could. Pistol is the obvious choice. Normal shotgun if that's not allowed, though Doom 1's balance would probably be ruined without it.

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might just say super shotgun and turn off my notifications


Kidding, although I'd probably agree with everyone else and say pistol.


I don't use the plasma rifle much tho, so it could be that, only ever end up using when I run out of ammo with something and it auto switches it.

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I love the pistol cos I love watching Tyson demos
which frankly for the past couple of years I have done way more than actually play Doom myself


I would kick out the plasma rifle, it's loud and I think it robs individual Revenants and Archviles of their threat
I've seen Ribbiks use it well, and I've seen it play well in BTSXE2? but usually its a big loud vacuum cleaner which destabilizes a level

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Pistol os obvious choice.


As for other options, regular shotgun is vastly overshadowed by SSG in D2, although it still has some purpose. SSG is just too fun and I think game would be worse without.

Chaingun whilst pretty weak is still very useful (sniping, killing hitscanners, stunning), so I wouldn't part with it.

Plasmagun has issue of sharing ammunition type with BFG, but lack of splash damage and high firerate/dps makes it useful when BFG is not a concern. 

Rocket launcher too makes game more interesting by offering high damage and splash - with added danger of splash (also uses in speedrunning). 

BFG, whilst not mandatory in D1/D2 is superbly useful, fun and technical weapon. It is obviously very powerful, but is balanced by availability. 

So yeah. If not pistol, I'd remove regular shotgun. Plasma is an option too, but frankly, game suffers least when SG is removed (especially if I don't have to die anymore due to picking shotgun off a dead sergeant in heat of battle). 


Of course D1'd be borked without shotgun, but eh. It's probably toss up between plasma/bfg there, with bfg probably being more interesting to drop. 

The encounter balance is gonna be busted somewhere anyway since weapon design etc./availability informs monster balance and placement. 

Edited by floatRand

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unmaykr or the pistol

the unmakr was cool on doom 64 and eternal but not really necessary and the pistol is shit

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Should have been a poll. You would see Pistol get majority of the votes. It's not terribly effective nor entertaining. If I had to use the pistol several times in a wad there's probably something wrong with my performance or the wad's a bitch.

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Is this a trick question ;)


I'd be glad to see the anemic pop-gun gone myself. Just plop the regular SG in slot 2 and bam! no more annoying double tapping 3. Bliss.

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The regular pump shotgun (blasphemy maybe?)

As long as I'm armed with a lot of bullets or I have a super shotgun, the regular shotty is fine for picking off enemies rather than dealing with 8-10 at once (unless they're former humans or imps). People would say pistol but I think it's useful since it helps you shoot things at a distance before you find any other gun.

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the Pistol definitely, I would put the chainsaw as the starting weapon. 

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  On 3/10/2021 at 7:13 PM, Pompeji said:

Pump Shotgun. Close range I can kill with the SSG, long range the Chaingun does just fine.


This is the correct answer. The chaingun has the same exact horizontal spread of 5.6 as the shotgun but with a higher DPS. If you got rid of the Super Shotgun, then Doom II monsters would be too tedious to fight without cells or rocket ammo. If you got rid of the pistol for shotgun starts, then you would be overpowered in early levels.

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