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1 Weapon Has to Go...

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I feel like pistol is too easy of an answer.
Personally, I'd go with the Plasma rifle, call me wasteful but whenever I use it the ammo seems to just disappear really quickly

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People who want to get rid of the single barrel because the chain gun has a higher DPS on paper clearly aren’t deathmatchers! The ability to load 7 pellets into someone in a single blast then take cover is way more effective. Conversely, the chaingun just softens your opponent up for the 10 seconds you’re shooting at them.. whittle them down to 5 HP, only for someone wielding an SG or SSG to zip around the corner and steal the kill.. Happens all the damn time!!


Anyway, yeah the pistol. It’s iconic in its way, but boring and the only weapon that’s essentially useless once you have literally anything else.

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If pistol is not removed, the answer will be pistol.


If you remove the pistol from the choice, then I may remove the normal shotgun as supershotgun is more help against enemies with higher health (with Doom 2 enemies, supershotgun is needed).



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The pistol is still handy for finishing weak monsters (1 hit point Cacodemons) and saving shotgun ammo although I usually switch to the chaingun (if I have one) for those purposes. So goodbye pistol.

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Well, the pistol is way too easy to say, but Quake got rid of it, and most recently, Doom Eternal got rid of it. I'd also kick the Chainsaw and just make your punch more powerful.

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Pistol shouldn't even count. That weapon is literally a punishment for dying.


If I had to gut one, it'd be the BFG. I love it but it gets used the least. Regular shotgun is waaay too good at mid and long range, the game would be a slog at times without it.

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There's a catch though:  if you remove the Pistol, you'll have to start every new game from now on with the fists *cymbal crash*


inb4 this turns into another "How would you buff the Pistol" thread/s

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41 minutes ago, Maes said:

There's a catch though:  if you remove the Pistol, you'll have to start every new game from now on with the fists *cymbal crash*


inb4 this turns into another "How would you buff the Pistol" thread/s

Oh god, nobody considered this

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My first thought when I read the thread title was that he's going to exclude the pistol


But maybe we're underrated how many maps would be annoying to get started in without a shotgun nearby. You might have to punch some decent mobs to death pretty often

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