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Maps you respect but never want to play again

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Various Requiem maps, most notably MAP16, MAP27 and MAP29.

Also MAP18 from Hell Revealed. While it's not conventionally genial, still quite formidable for its age and also uses my favorite ROTT soundtrack. MAP11 from the same WAD also qualifies to a slightly lesser extent.

Hell Revealed II's second half is sometimes easier on the eyes but the slaughter just slows the gameplay down to a drag.

Basically each and every map of Sunder beyond MAP03 is an up-to-eleven example of the above.

Edited by Cell

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Holy Hell and Okuplok's famous slaughter map.
The amount of literal hours I've spent playing and watching demos on both of these infamous wads...

Eternal Doom, too.

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The entirety of DOTB, really. It's a fun package with lots of great nods to the original Quake campaign, sure, but the new monsters are... urghhhhhh.


Why SPAWNS, out of all Quake enemies?

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Having just played Criticality for the MiniWAD Club - that. Miasma had a similar impact, but Criticality was definitely worse. To see that technical skill and detailing competence put to something other than a high difficulty slog with a dull green/brown colour scheme would be great.

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The entirety of Memento Mori.


Well, up until MAP22 anyway. Haven't played the rest yet.

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Haven't finished Eviternity yet, but first chaingunner that showed up and shit down my throat made me think "Wow, this map is fucking amazing and the people who made it are talented. I, however, am not patient enough for this." Then I booted up Wolfenstein 3D on "Can I play, Daddy?" and had a great time.

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Eviternity's map19 (Dehydration) is the biggest one for me, and it looks like I'm not the only one. It's just way too long, and doesn't give me any sense of progression.


A lot of the maps in Going Down also feel like ones I don't want to play again. Particularly maps like "Trip Switch," "Buried Alive," and "Necropolis," which have such massive ambushes that I didn't even try to kill everything.


Edited by northivanastan

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Mostly I'm not repeating any maps / pwads. But let it be


BTSX EP1, M31 - Optical Hopscotch. UV difficult + Complex Doom. Just finished one.

At the end of that secret level you are staying in rectangle 1x2 meters and you need to kill in a row 3 cyberdemons, while the exit slowly proceed to open.


1. With first one I've enough hp to wait near entrance and kill him via telefrag.

2. Second one... was not enough hp to do the same trick. After several savegames load figure out that can +/- stuck him by machine gun and later plasma gun, so then can exit and kill him by telefrag as a first one was.




3. For third one no hp or useful ammo left. Only BFG. Luckly I have enough ammo to shoot BFG 5 times - exact number that required to kill the cyberdemon. But on top of that, in case I'm playing with Complex Doom, it's require to, at least, 2 times avoid his rockets miliseconds before hit. Usually such type attack faster and shoot two rockets per time that can follow you compare to original regular one 1 rocket per time.


Whole M32 with it's 300+ monsters, 2 cyberdemons and 1 mastermind compare to this moment is walk in the park with same settings just because it have more place to move around.


By other hand for sure will not try again to deal with anything from this list (contain maps from Plutonia 2, Going Down, Valiant: Vaccinated Edition, Eviternity; all on UV + Complex Doom, except for the last in case it not support such mods):

Same as try to find 100% secrets in original Hexen game and it's add-on.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Though it's not for the reason you gave in your examples, ProDoomer by PsychosilverTH


I respect them for the sheer amount of stuff that's in there. Just looking at it, you can tell just how much effort was poured into it. Hell, I'm still not sure how half of the things in that were even done. Plus, The amount of scripting talent that must have been needed, the amount of Decorate that must have been written for it, I don't think I'd ever be able to match that amount of skill, dedication or effort. Often times when I'm running low on ideas, I look at my old videos of playing ProDoomer and it gives me new ideas to try and use in my own maps.


It's a real shame that the whole thing plays like complete and utter dog shit. It's a dumpster fire and a half. I have already played it twice and I am content to never playing it again. Would love to see someone beat the whole thing on YouTube though as I am still the only one with a complete let's play of it (Did not even attempt to get 100% on any map because fuck that nonsense)

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7 hours ago, PeterMoro said:

Ultimate Doom E4M1

About time, was wondering when someone would mention it - this thread would epic fail if nobody did :)

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Map 29 of Community Chest 1 falls into this category for me, I do appreciate the sheer scale of it and some of the vanilla 3d floors it utilises. I find it can be too confusing, and with it's reliance on having to use serious skills to progress, it does put me off. I do admittedly go back to it from time to time, but it's just dread at that point.

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The entirety of Doom 2.



I respect it because it brought Doom modding to what it is today.



But as a good set of levels I wouldn't wanna play them again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Slice Me Nice. Ok I still play that one, shit.


Uh, I guess Xtreme by Erik Alm. That level set is so damn annoying to beat, and I still haven't done it.

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