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If you could replace the Revenant's attack with anything else of your choice, what would it be?

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I'd replace it with a multi grenade dispersal attack. Explosions going off all around the revenant, possibly pissing off more doods. Random grenades would act like proximity mines that roll around until somebody walks close to one. Maybe some roll towards the player but you can shoot them. :D

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I would keep them the same, but make them stop attempting to track the player when they are around a corner, only to resume tracking when they have line of sight again.


I would also make them move excruciatingly slow.

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3 hours ago, BladeWolf said:

Because, why not? Me personally I absolutely abhor their 60-damage guided missiles flying straight at me, it would be a cooler option to replace em with dual chainguns or dual plasma weapons.

With its missile barrage attack from Doom 2016, of course. 

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I'd keep them the same, but either make their missiles shootable, their missiles disappear on death, or having partial invisibility disables their homing attacks entirely.

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24 minutes ago, Snarboo said:

I'd keep them the same, but either make their missiles shootable, their missiles disappear on death, or having partial invisibility disables their homing attacks entirely.

You are in luck! Someone recently brought this mod to my attention.

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With a pink tinted edition of it, or a different colour, maybe extra smoke coming from it like in Ancient Aliens or Heartland. The speed and tracking mechanism are intact. I would consider to lock the damage range to either 40-60 (if it were possible in vanilla), or 8-64 as a second choice for universal compatibility, but this isn't that relevant to me anymore.

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In my current project I made the attack travel a lot faster but do less damage. I always felt like the homing mechanism was cool but since the fireball goes so slow, it's less like a fearsome attack and more like annoying demon tadpoles swimming toward you.

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i like Revenants, their guided missiles i've only come to appreciate now for the challenge they give.  They can never be taken lightly, and noncommittal play will be always punished - as will running around like a headless chicken as i'm learning...  Why should they be replaced?


Comes to mind that there might be a tendency to overuse them these days, but i don't know.  A lot of maps tend to throw them not only in pairs but in threes and fours like they were biscuits... but i think many need that challenge, too.  More than two and i'm always dead at least once, anyway.

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Revenants are one of the most fun enemies of the game. Without his homing attack I probably would not be playing Doom anymore.

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The revenant is easy to improve...


Instead of the occasional homing missile, you make them use both their shoulder mounted launchers, so that they end up firing a guided and unguided missile at the same time, each time they attack you from a distance...


To further make matters more interesting, you give them a damage range from 40 to 60 on their rockets... Et voilà...

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26 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

The revenant is easy to improve...


Instead of the occasional homing missile, you make them use both their shoulder mounted launchers, so that they end up firing a guided and unguided missile at the same time, each time they attack you from a distance...

And then just put the cherry on the top...


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Bunches of flowers. He's just misunderstood, really. He just wants to be loved but doesn't know how to express his emotions.


These threads are getting more ridiculous, so I reserve the right to give progressively dafter answers.

Edited by Murdoch

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Revenant missiles are evil but that's part of what makes them such a well-designed enemy...and the fact that they're well-designed is the reason they're so heavily used.  They're dangerous but fair to fight whether they're alone on turrets, in hordes, in tight spaces, out in the open...they lay pressure on you, force you to be quick on your feet but also go down in a few shotgun blasts and wince easily enough that you can even take one in a chainsaw fight without too much trouble.  I guess I might knock off a tiny bit of damage but honestly I don't think a lot of maps would be as exciting if I did

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40 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Instead of the occasional homing missile, you make them use both their shoulder mounted launchers,


I have often wondered why the Revenant has two launchers but only fires a single shot.

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8 minutes ago, Murdoch said:


I have often wondered why the Revenant has two launchers but only fires a single shot.


I think the original attack pattern was one missile straight at the player and another one at a 45 degree angle, fired simultaneously. I forget where I read that, some interview with an id employee. 

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I think my bigger beef with Revenants isn't their attack, but that they're one of a handful of enemies that fits between a Demon and a Hell Knight in terms of strength and opposition. There are Cacodemons and Pain Elementals, but those are infinitely worse due to their tendency to clump together and block off all forms of escape, including by air. I feel like Doom is in need of another 200-300 health monster that mappers can thoroughly abuse. :p

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i think the missiles should stop homing if you're a.) invisible or b.) if the revenant is dead. other than that they're pretty much perfect

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antares031's Revenant alter behavior from Struggle - Antaresian Legacy is probably my most favorite. Not only that it's a good gameplay mechanic that fits Doom perfectly, it also utilizes the Revenant's twin launcher sprite quite awesomely. If I had to choose its attack form, I would go for a twin-launch projectile, reduced damage but upped speeded rockets. It would still make the Revenant dangerous at close quarters but also would give the player the opportunity to survive more hits if landed.

Edited by Uni

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I would just like to alter the current form slightly


1. dmg isn't random, flat ~30hp or something

2. always seeks

3. each attack is two fireballs that begin 90 degrees apart from one another

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two rockets that fire straight. After using that attack they would need to get close and do melee damage. The damage wouldn't be that high though. There main attack would be the rockets. The rockets can not be fired more then once!

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4 hours ago, The_SloVinator said:

Rail gun.


Oh, that would actually be worse. lol

Good luck dodging if it's actually hitscan.

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4 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

With a pink tinted edition of it, or a different colour, maybe extra smoke coming from it like in Ancient Aliens or Heartland.

Visual changes are hella appreciated too. :D

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The shoulder canons shoots a railgun like laser. It locks on you and charges. You need to get out of line of sight otherwise it has a 75% accuracy hitscan dealing 60 to 80 damage.


If it's for a modern sourceport I would make their weapons be destroyed similar to Doom Eternal, turning them into a melee enemy.


But really I wouldn't change them.

Edited by Chezza

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Another Revenant. Just squeezes out more bone buddies out of his tubes when the player isn't close enough to trigger his punch state. If you're too much of a coward to get up close and fight him man-to-skeleton, the game should punish you by spawning more punchy skeletons.

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I'd leave unguided shot intact and replace guided shot with bfg tracer attack that also makes revenant vanish out of existence.

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