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Super Shotgun guy?

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We've got the zombieman. We've got but shotgun guy. We've got the chaingunner.



But... we don't have the super shotgunner. What would you think if it were real? I'd like it. Would it be easier or harder to take down than a chaingunner?

Edited by HombreSal

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Honestly, if I were to add a Zombieman, it'd probably be a rocket launcher guy instead. have an even more glassier cannon then revenant.


However a super-shotgun guy would be neat, mostly used for gotcha! moments and traps due to the high damage.

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ive played servers with custom monster with one of them being a super shotgunner

mods that add him usually just make a slow shotgunner that has to reload and is really powerfull kinda like a glass cannon

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8 minutes ago, ZeMystic said:

Honestly, if I were to add a Zombieman, it'd probably be a rocket launcher guy instead. have an even more glassier cannon then revenant.


However a super-shotgun guy would be neat, mostly used for gotcha! moments and traps due to the high damage.

ive seen some mods do this too so let me tell you a zombie with a rocket launcher is bullshit

zombies usually get mixed up with other demons and are placed on sniper spots all over the maps

the rev works because its relatively easy to avoid his projectile and you can tell were a rev is by miles and the cyber works because he is big thefore doesnt fit on most areas of the map is a good at infightig and is a rare sight

rocket zombie isnt a good idea

great seens like every tread i comment on i go off topic

Edited by omalefico32x

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8 minutes ago, HombreSal said:

We've got the zombieman. We've got but shotgun guy. We've got the chaingunner.



But... we don't have the super shotgunner. What would you think if it were real? I'd like it. Would it be easier or harder to take down than a chaingunner?

It is real, thanks to Realm667.


And I guess skillsaw for bringing Realm667's bestiary to my attention! :P

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When people start to augment the zombie crew, their popularity is below variants like the rocket zombie, plasma zombie, heavier chaingunners, and even BFG and chainsaw zombies. The reason is probably that they amplify the pesky fickleness of the shotgunner, whose strongest possible hit is 15 times more damaging than its weakest, while not really adding a novel role. It is still very much "hitscanner against which you duck behind cover for a moment." Some arrangement of regular shotgunners or chaingunners can generally capture the super shotgunner's would-be dynamic. 


But it can be a good monster if you want to use it. I'd add a substantial delay between when it pokes its gun out and when it fires, giving the player a window to react, making it kind of a mini short-range archvile that attacks a lot more quickly. It also would benefit from a noticeable roaming sound unless you want them to ever sneak up to the player, which can be ugly. 

Edited by rd.

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8 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

ive seen some mods do this too so let me tell you a zombie with a rocket launcher is bullshit

zombies usually get mixed up with other demons and are placed on sniper spots all over the maps

the rev works because its relatively easy to avoid his projectile and you can tell were a rev is by miles and the cyber works because he is big thefore doesnt fit on most areas of the map is a good at infightig and is a rare sight

rocket zombie isnt a good idea

great seens like every tread i comment on i go off topic

I disagree. Rocket launcher zombies have been put to good use in wads like Rowdy Rudy and Heartland. I enjoy encountering them.

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Just now, jmac said:

I disagree. Rocket launcher zombies have been put to good use in wads like Rowdy Rudy and Heartland. I enjoy encountering them.

well i never played those wads so i cant comment on them but most of the time when i see these guys they arent well placed

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1 minute ago, omalefico32x said:

well i never played those wads so i cant comment on them but most of the time when i see these guys they arent well placed

I'll agree it'd definitely be easy to misuse them, but I think they make an great addition to the roster of enemies in the hands of a skilled mapper.

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I mucked around with this idea once, opting instead to use the Scrapgun projectile from Supercharge. I liked the balance - it would shred me in a heartbeat if I got too close, but unlike hitscan, there were still opportunities to dodge it. Never ended up doing anything with it, though.



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1 hour ago, HombreSal said:

We've got the zombieman. We've got but shotgun guy. We've got the chaingunner.



But... we don't have the super shotgunner. What would you think if it were real? I'd like it. Would it be easier or harder to take down than a chaingunner?

Revenant carrying an SSG would sound cooler :P 

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1 hour ago, BladeWolf said:

Revenant carrying an SSG would sound cooler :P 




Edited by ZeMystic

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Didn’t Skulltag have SSG zombies? I vaguely remember making a map fragment with them but I don’t remember what they were actually like in combat tactically speaking

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They were in Skulltag and they were borderline troll enemies. You could die instantly from one that some dickish map designer placed behind you. Not a fan, just use a few regular Shotgun Guys instead.

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Honestly, I see Super Shotgunners being kind of interesting if they're handled differetly from other hitscanners. Could be an enemy that utilizes the super shotgun's spread by closing in on you and then shooting if you're too close.


Essentially a mix of a Shotgunner and a Pinky.

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As @Mangcubus said, SSG zombies were a thing in Skulltag. And as a former Skulltag player, I can confidently concur that they fucking sucked.

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Being a fan of the super shotgun myself, I think it's a great idea.

I like the idea of them being a little more powerful than the regular shotgunner.

Kind of like how Nightmare Imps are harder to deal with than regular Imps.

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I prefer the auto-shotgun zombies, I think they're in KDiZD and definitely in Complex Doom. 


The quad and hexa-shotgun zombies can get as far way from me as possible. 

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Here's an idea: SSG Guy who only attacks in a certain range and fires two shotgun blasts back to back as if they are firing both barrels one after the other. They could have the same health as the others and drop shells upon death.

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33 minutes ago, Nevander said:

Here's an idea: SSG Guy who only attacks in a certain range and fires two shotgun blasts back to back as if they are firing both barrels one after the other. They could have the same health as the others and drop shells upon death.

SuperShotgunGuy for Doom 64: Retribution confirmed? :o

Edited by Rudolph

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Well, "Super Shotgun Guys" are a staple in FCT maps on ZDaemon, and "getting jacked up" by one is never a pleasant experience. I'm not sure how much damage they can actually do but once one brought me done after having recently picked up a megasphere and being reasonably healthy so, yeah, quite a lot.


Rocket zombiies or "bazooka men" as that old 1995 TC (Obituary) used to call them just end up blowing themselves up most of the time, or clearing up entire rooms for you (usually both). The miniature cyberdemon used in STRAIN was much more effective in the role of a nimbler rocket-shooter.

Edited by Maes

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I would say no just because of the absurd amount of damage that the shotgun guy can do by default, it doesn't need to be tripled.

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9 hours ago, Kute said:

What about a plasma gun guy

That would be cool, but have them shoot one bolt or a couple of bolts, instead of an endless barrage like the aracnotron. 

Easy to kill, but in packs very deadly.

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:

That would be cool, but have them shoot one bolt or a couple of bolts, instead of an endless barrage like the aracnotron. 

Easy to kill, but in packs very deadly.

Calls to mind those piece of shit evil marines in Scythe II, can the plasma gun guy please not be as fast as Doomguy

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