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Who wants to help me with a Baron Harkonnen sprite??? :3

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Hey kids


So I have a Doom 2-with-limits-removed, 13-map WAD I've been working on since autumn of 2010, which is finally beginning to come together and may at last be finished this year sometime.  Amazing!  I have 8 or 9 maps already finished, one mostly done and a few more in progress but probably not demanding too much more work.


All this is to make the point that this is a real project that's actually happening and that I'm not trying to just shanghai someone on board some kind of vaporware flight of fancy that I will abandon in two months.  Better yet, I have the boss level for the sprite (yes, it is a boss) as well as the deHackEd states for it essentially ready, as well as a pretty specific idea of what I want the character himself to be.


The sprite I want to make is Baron Vladimir Harkonnen from Dune (yes, as the title now expresses).  Because I initially wanted to do this sprite myself, and because I also think it would be kinda lulz I thought I would make the Baron an edited mancubus sprite, preferably using the un-cybernetic one from JoeyTD's Vanilla as Fuck mod.  I figured instead of his gun being on his arms or hands I'd put it somewhere else.  Plus some other edits to make him look more Harkonnen-ey, like red hair and stuff.  I wanna get weird with this one, as any Dune sprite should be.


The reason I'm seeing if anyone is game to do this is mainly because, well, I've got very limited experience with spriting, and since every part of a project like this matters timewise I was interested to put out feelers and see if anyone more talented with this sort of thing would be keen to help with this one, especially since it's relatively unambitious as a sprite edit, rather than as a from-scratch sprite--even more so since the Baron just floats, obviating the need for walking animations--and since I know there must be some Dune nerds out there who would be enticed by the mention of Bad Vlad as an editing project.  Plus I promise the mapset will be pretty cool when it's done.


If anybody is interested, I will DM them the remaining details about what I'm looking for, some possibly hilarious concept drawings as well as the map with the .deh to see what he's supposed to be about in action.  Feel free also to give ideas, suggestions, critiques, brutal teardowns etc of any parts of the idea that you don't like or think could be improved on.


Here is where the Baron lives btw



Edited by StupidBunny

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I'm not a sprite artist - just wanted to post an encouragement:


This looks interesting! I grew up reading Dune/Dune Messiah/Children of Dune. I'd love to see a Dune Doom mod, so following this one. Is is Arrakis-based? Or Giedi Prime? Or many of the Dune locations?


Have you managed to get a Sandworm sprite? That would be so cool to see.

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@smeghammer Oh I wish I was doing a full-on Dune mod.  Not to disappoint, but as it is, the Baron will be appearing as one of a couple odd cameos that I decided would be fun to include as part of a somewhat varied mapset.


I just got through reading God Emperor of Dune, was fascinating if definitely a denser read than the previous three books...I can see why it's so polarizing among Dune fans.  I've thought from time to time about what I'd like to see in a good Dune TC, and if I have some more specific ideas and git gud at spriting then maybe one day I will spearhead such a thing.

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"Bring in the floating fat man, the Baron".


Also just want to provide some encouragement, would be great to see the finished wad.

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54 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:

@smeghammer Oh I wish I was doing a full-on Dune mod.  Not to disappoint, but as it is, the Baron will be appearing as one of a couple odd cameos that I decided would be fun to include as part of a somewhat varied mapset.


I just got through reading God Emperor of Dune, was fascinating if definitely a denser read than the previous three books...I can see why it's so polarizing among Dune fans.  I've thought from time to time about what I'd like to see in a good Dune TC, and if I have some more specific ideas and git gud at spriting then maybe one day I will spearhead such a thing.


Yeah, a full on sandworm sprite(s) would be epic. I can imagine 6 or so linked sprites with one being the head, and the others being surfacing/submerging coils, a la classic Nessie photos, that follow the head around. Being rideable too would be amazing.  There would need to be sand texture and particles too I guess.


I got as far as Chapter House (number six?).  Yeah, it did get rather - ummmmm... - convoluted, IIRC.


[don't click the spoiler as I don't remember which of the books these are in...]


The Bene Gesserit sort of became good guys (or gals) and he basically replaced them with the Honoured Matres as the evil nuns, Leto (forget which one...) became a sandworm to protect the spice supply for the guild, and the endless gholas of Duncan Idaho definitely got wearing.



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I have a really vague memory of a Dune TC from like 20 years ago. But it was basically just the title screen and a midi IIRC.

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I have been banging around the idea of doing something "Dune" in Doom for a while now. Looks like you beat me to it. haha. I'm a fan of the series and look forward to this. Can't help with the sprites right now but best of luck on your project.

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