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[WIP] EPOCH - The Xasermap Mixtape Megawad

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Gimme gimme gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie GIMMIE gImMiE GiMmIe GIVE-IT-ME!!!






Imma gonna keep an eye on 'dis. Looks good!

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I think I recognize some of these maps from the Tango Speedmapping sessions maybe? I could be so wrong though. Still, looks really cool. Will check it out as soon as possible. 

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Does this mean you will finally finish the stomper (RIP) city map? I would love it to be a part of this.

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Is there such a thing as too many Xaser maps? No. No, there isn't.


Looking forward to this!

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18 minutes ago, Xaser said:

Basically, yep. I technically started the project years ago, but got inspired to revive it when antares did his take on the idea. I kinda cribbed the idea of doing new weapons for it, and figured I'd take a stab at porting a few Heartland guns over 'cause they're fun to muck about with, and hey ho here we are.

Mind you, my "question" was just a joke. :D

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32 minutes ago, Xaser said:

Or maybe I should wait 'til release so I don't spoil the shit out of the whole wad. :P

Yes! Don't spoil anything!

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2 hours ago, Xaser said:

Side thought: I wonder if folks would be interested in some "developer commentary" on some of the map overhauls -- may plunk down a few words about how I approached doing things in some of these levels, since it's been a pretty fun exercise trying to figure out how to make some of these crappy old layouts have interesting gameplay. :P


[Or maybe I should wait 'til release so I don't spoil the shit out of the whole wad. :P ]

My monkey brain is like 'Ugg want Xaser commentary naow', but I think @dmslr is right sadly.


Needless to say, such commentary would be of great interest to me personally. I always wonder what goes into making a Xasermap.

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  • 2 months later...

Quite a substantial remix of Matryoshka Citadel! Eager to see the full package.

Edited by Catpho

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