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23 minutes ago, Ofisil said:

@Mr Masker and everyone else, I totally understand if you don't feel like finishing your work, because I too struggle with balancing real life stuff with my hobbies.

Just plz inform me on time so that I can find a replacement mapper. I don't want this megawad to take forever, or be uploaded half-done.



Don't stress yourself out about it. There are community projects that took several years to come out.

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I may be able to pick up map 03 later, if it's not taken by then. But do you want only natural texturing or some amount of artificial things OK?

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2 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

I may be able to pick up map 03 later, if it's not taken by then. But do you want only natural texturing or some amount of artificial things OK?


As long as the "core"concept is the required one, add whatever you want and you feel can fit with it.

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when someone does take the new slot I'll be sure to give them the stuff I already have so the stuff I've done already isn't wasted

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16 minutes ago, Mr Masker said:

when someone does take the new slot I'll be sure to give them the stuff I already have so the stuff I've done already isn't wasted

If you don't mind me asking but how far did you get? i may not be part of the project but i just wanted to take a look at it.

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46 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

If you don't mind me asking but how far did you get? i may not be part of the project but i just wanted to take a look at it.

I've messaged the file to you if you wanna take a look, I'd say I got somewhat far but idk because I wasn't completly sure on the length of the map

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So i have a question for you @Ofisil. Would it be ok if i was a revered for map03? Meaning if you can't find anyone or someone doesn't take it by who know when can i fill the spot? I can DM if you want to talk about it? It's up to you man. I mean yes i was off this project but hey at least i wanna help as much as i can if possible.


Sorry if this sounds like a plead to come back, it isn't. It's more like just wanna give a helping hand if you needed. 

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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@xScavengerWolfx we're doing this for fun mate, and this is a "medium-tier" beginner-friendly megawad, so you are free to try again - I was a bit more strict with your  first attempt, simply because it was an Icon of Sin map, which is far more demanding. Early maps are much easier, imo.


Long story short, yeah, if you feel like it, I'll be glad to add u again. In order to be fair, of course, I'll mention Mr Masker in the txt file.

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11 hours ago, Ofisil said:

@xScavengerWolfx we're doing this for fun mate, and this is a "medium-tier" beginner-friendly megawad, so you are free to try again - I was a bit more strict with your  first attempt, simply because it was an Icon of Sin map, which is far more demanding. Early maps are much easier, imo.


Long story short, yeah, if you feel like it, I'll be glad to add u again. In order to be fair, of course, I'll mention Mr Masker in the txt file.

Sounds good i'll be more then happy to give it another shot and plus i understand you were being strict about the Icon of Sin map. 


Edit: I'll do Map03, i'm already working on it right now and i will post the first draft soon.

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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Hey guys, I just want to update that I'm not dead and still working on map28. Been busy with a lot of other stuff but now I should have more mapping time.

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Just wanted to give an update on MAP03. Yes i'm still working on it but i've been busy with work so i've only been able to do some work on it during my lunch breaks/day off. It's still being made (reworked) i should have the first draft done soon, i'm getting stumped on how i want the progress to work in it. Other wise i'm still here, i'm still kickin' and haven't forgot about it. Just taking a break from mapping for a bit.

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Okay i'm still here and I'm still working on my submission. there has been a lot going on and I've been experiencing some creative blockage while working on my map. I'm hoping to have a playable version complete by the end of the month.

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53 minutes ago, StarSpun5000 said:

Okay I think I finally have a playable version of the map. It still needs some work but I would love to hear what everyone thinks of it.

The Toxic Falls.zip


Away from my gaming pc for a few days, so I won't be able to check it yet. Will do the soonest possible though.

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2 hours ago, StarSpun5000 said:

Okay I think I finally have a playable version of the map. It still needs some work but I would love to hear what everyone thinks of it.

The Toxic Falls.zip

Ok so i've played it and i got two issues with it:


Issue no. 1: When i got passed the crushers (after dying a lot by them, but that's on me not the map) I went to this room where the imps and the chain gunner are, i saw a teleport pad and though "ok i can get the red key card and move on" turns out it didn't go anywhere :(.


Issue no. 2: I really like the layout but i kinda feel the start of the map is a bit too much, what i mean is as soon you hit the switch you ambushed by two imps, soldiers and pinkies or specters. To me i felt it was a little much but hey that's just me.


Overall i do like it and i hope you can keep expanding on it because when i went to the auto map i saw there was a huge empty space within the 3072 x 3072 square space. 


Before you ask yes i understand it's still being worked on and i understand it takes a long time to make but i hope you can expand on it some more.


My Advice: The next time you upload it please make sure the teleporter works (trust me i struggle with it too) and hopefully there will be a room to lead to the red key card. I had to No clip through the map to get it.  


Edit: Wish i could've taken screen shots but for some reason i can't take screen shots within the game. Yes i've tried F12ing but nothing, So i don't have screen shots.

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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Ok I get the feeling that I accidentaly gave everyone the wrong map. I think I gave everyone the crappy early version. Im out right now so I'll fix that as soon as I get home.

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17 minutes ago, StarSpun5000 said:

Ok I get the feeling that I accidentaly gave everyone the wrong map. I think I gave everyone the crappy early version. Im out right now so I'll fix that as soon as I get home.

No problem, i'm still working on mine (well Mr. Masker's Map i'm reworking on), i should have it up and ready by next week or the week after.


I say take your time on it, that's what i've learned so far in mapping.

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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4 hours ago, StarSpun5000 said:

Ok here's the actual finished completable level.

The Factory's Runoff.zip

I checked it out and i gotta say a lot better then the one before. I loved the "oh you think this is easy? Here have a bunch of monsters in a small room and a toxic floor". I got my ass handed to me so hard that i felt like the hell knights were just digging in my ass.......Sorry shitty joke.


Anyways the only thing i have one issue is where are the secrets? I no clipped through the whole map and couldn't find it, unless it's a bug on my end. Other wise i like it and it feels like a light version of Plutonia experiment.......Thank god you didn't toss in a shit load of Arch-viles, chain gunners and spooky boners. That's just my option.


Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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So I opened the door and this was behind it and then the level closed on my head like a door because you used switch action without tags and didn't notice because you probably tested in gzDoom.


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17 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

So I opened the door and this was behind it and then the level closed on my head like a door because you used switch action without tags and didn't notice because you probably tested in gzDoom.


Which one are you playing?

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2 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Which one are you playing?


Applying untagged switch effect to untagged sector is vanilla behaviour faithfully ported, gzDoom replaces it with applying effect to sector behind the line.

But I assume goal isn't to make gzDoom only wad, right?

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23 minutes ago, StarSpun5000 said:

I tested with zdoom. Which is my preferred port.

Well, I'm not sure what port does @Ofisil want to use, but if it's not gzDoom (Which, considering it's limit-removing project it probably isn't), your doors need to be fixed to either have tags or have D-actions instead of S-actions. Because S-action and tag zero means every sector without a tag tries to open like a door. It is very interesting to see but also breaks the game.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Well, I'm not sure what port does @Ofisil want to use, but if it's not gzDoom (Which, considering it's limit-removing project it probably isn't), your doors need to be fixed to either have tags or have D-actions instead of S-actions. Because S-action and tag zero means every sector without a tag tries to open like a door. It is very interesting to see but also breaks the game.

I should've of re phrase that question: Which wad did you play? I played the second one he posted and it was good. The first one yes i find the messed up door. As far as ports go i use LZDoom because GZdoom doesn't wanna work for me for some reason. I say let @Ofisil decide what he thinks of it, I mean yes we have options and we're helping each other out, i say let ofisil play it and see what he saids about which port to used. Just my option.

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@RemoveUwU I got a question for you? Can i take a look at your map? I'm working on MAP03 and i wanna see what you're theme looks like. I know it's a sewer theme but i want to play it so i can get an idea of what i should be doing for map 03.


Edit: Never mind i found where you posted your map and played it. I got a idea for the opening part now.

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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25 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I should've of re phrase that question: Which wad did you play?

The Factory Runoff.rar

Which should be the second posted.

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4 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

The Factory Runoff.rar

Which should be the second posted.

I never had that problem when i was playing it. Yet again i was using LZdoom port to play it.

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I was going to wait until i released the map to show it off, but i said "fuck it, i'll do it now". So here's what it looks like since i took over for Mr. Masker's map slot (thanks for letting me go hog wild on it by the way). i haven't placed too much enemies and pick ups yet i'm trimming the fat off and re texturing the map. I'm still going strong but i feel like (in my personal option) it's not good enough, i feel like the cavern part (where the S.W. are is the cavern part) is too much but i will let you guys decide that once i post the actual map.


Again i wanna say thanks to Mr. Masker for taking over for him and letting me go hog wild on this :P, Oh and don't worry (i might get yelled at for this) but i put MR. M in there where he started (look at the screen shot to find it), i hope y'all like it once i post the map. until then here's what it looks like and showing you i'm still in it. I maybe new (still) but i wanna prove thy self.

MAP03 The cavern.png

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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8 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I never had that problem when i was playing it. Yet again i was using LZdoom port to play it.

Yeah, zDoom family will do it for you. This is why if you don't want to specifically map for it, you should test elsewhere.

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