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On 2/10/2022 at 8:35 AM, xScavengerWolfx said:

Sorry i haven't been updating in a while, had personal issues going on and been taking breaks from mapping for a while.


But i'm doing ok now and i'm here to give an update on the map. I got the layout finished (See pictures below).


Now what i'm doing is making sure everything work, putting decorations in, figure out what and how i want the monsters to act/flow in the map.


I also wanna make a disclaimer when i finish this map/ get it ready for play testing: It will be a work in progress, i say that because i want to hear from people when playing it, make changes from the comments and do one more sweep of making sure everything works.


So yes, i'm still working on it, it will be done and ready by the end of this month....unless you need it early then i can work on it more. Otherwise yes i'm still in it, yes i'm still working on it (hence the pictures), Also i had an idea for the Midi and flavor text if that's ok.


Midi: I was thinking for the midi something like Doom 1 E2M4 There going to get you and Doom 2 waiting for romero to play, in that style of music. Please note i can't write or make midis because i don't know how and i can't compose music anyways lol. What i'm getting at is the midi for me at least something in the style of Doom 1 E2M4 (they're going to get you) and Doom 2 MAP18 (waiting for romero to play).


Flavor text aka the secret level text: I was thinking since i changed the name from Trapped inside madness to Sanity Breaker (i know metal as fuck name right lol) i was thinking for the text (if we're doing custom text or leaving it og text) i had this writing down as one of them.


Text #1: I see you find the secret level. Hope you brought enough ammo and haven't lost your sainty.....


Second text:


Text #2: After finding the portal you though was going to lead you to the next area of hell, you ended up in a weird place.


With the smell of rotting fleash, strong smell of blood in the air and the laugh of the demons echoing through the weird cavern you've find yourself in.


You take a deep breath, puke from the smell and raise your weapon.


With one last deep breath and puking again you've step forth into a sanity breaking world.


"Good luck, you're going to need it" a phantom voice said as you move forward into the abyss.


You know what i'll be a tease, here's some of the rooms i've been working on (see pictures below).


I hope this will be a great secret level for this project. Because i am putting a lot of effort into this and also i'm kinda doing an ode to my map 03 Cavern of sorrow.


Anyways i think this has gone for too long now lol, but yes i'm still on it and still making it. To me i think it looks great but i still have to do the enemies and health...you know to keep up with the theme of the map.


(Picture 7 is the door that leads to the super secret exit by the way).

Santiy Breaker.jpg

Sanity Breaker 1.jpg

Sanity Breaker 2.jpg

Sanity Breaker 3.jpg

Sanity Breaker 4.jpg

Sanity Breaker 5.jpg

Sanity Breaker 6.jpg

Sanity Breaker 7.jpg

This flesh rooms looks cool!

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10 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Yeah i was worried about the ammo situation, i need to trim it down more and as far as nazi's go, they're there just for the hell of it of chores lol.


I can play around with the lighting more and try to make it more darker/lighter through out the map.


The crushers are meant for trapping/killing monsters that you've missed but i'll to fix that as well.


My question is what about the secrets? are they ok or do i need to fix that as well? I only ask because i know Titan was talking about it and i change it around.


And thanks for the feed back, this is what i like about map making, i mean yeah i'm still green at it but at least it's teaching me how to get better at it.


Just click some stuff away for UV :)

In that way it will stay in a nice spot for HMP Wimps like me ;)


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So i made a few more adjustments to it and here's V2.5 of it. 


Please note i'm still kinda flushing it out and trying to make feel more like an actual secret level then just generic doom 2 map. Also yes i've been reading feed back and i did fix the major issues and trimmed down more of the ammo and enemies. 


So this is might be the last one before i do an official final version of this map. I got a lot of free time so i've been busy on this and trying to make it look good. I mean i put a lot of work into crafting this (makes me sound like i'm making beer lol) and also kinda changeling at the same time.


Oh and for people who want to do a video of play testing it, i did replace the metallica midi (thank you lokk for telling me about the copyright thing with youtube) and put in Doomkid's map 10 from plutoina 2 midi track Denali i think it's called i don't remember and for Osifil the midi is a placement holder for now, feel free to change it when i post the final version here.


Anyways hope this one is more in the realm of what a secret level should be like, again i should have the final version done soon but for now this is a updated version of the work in progress. 

Sanity Breaker V2.5 (not final).zip




@Ofisil I know your busy and eveything but i do want to ask if you have played it yet? Like i've said in the post it is not the final version of the map, i will have the final version of it ready when i get it done. 


Everyone else: I do plan on making/releasing the final version of it when it's done, i have played with the lighting and made a few adjustments like now there's only one secret (which leads to the secret exit room), the reason why i not releasing the final version of it yet is because i need to do more touch up/sweep and make sure it all works and it flows nicely. I do want to thank everyone that has played it and let me know what needs to be changed/done to it.  I hope this turns out to be a great secret map.


Should have the final version done either sunday or monday my time zone PST.

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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15 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Anyways hope this one is more in the realm of what a secret level should be like, again i should have the final version done soon but for now this is a updated version of the work in progress. 

Sanity Breaker V2.5 (not final).zip




I played through all versions now and the map looks better and better. More details and lighting contrasts.


Gameplaywise it seems to fluctuate between being crazy hard and way too easy. The newer version is super easy early on and is still managable at the later fights with no ammo problems at all. In the earlier version, the start was doable and the rest nearly impossible. In every version the first half is very cramped with lower tier monsters and the second half has bigger rooms, crushers and high tier enemies.


To fix the difficulty issue, I think you have 3 options :

1. You could give out lots of ammo like in the newer versions and make earlier fights tougher. Maybe put in a few revs and archies. This kidnnddestroys the survival aspect a little but it makes for a fast paced and fun map.

2. You could take the approach of the first version and let the player only use melee weapons for the most part. Use less high tier monster like mancs, arachnos and barons. Remember that the player must be able to beat the fight with berserk and chainsaw or has to lure monsters into crushers. This really feels like your more surviving than fighting, which fits the theme, but maps liek this can get very tedious if done wrong.

3. You combine both. Really starve the player of ammo the first half (I was a fan of the very early berserk pack). That makes even small enemies hard to fight. Then in the later parts, put in stronger monster as the rooms get bigger but give out weapons and ammo accordingly. I think this idea could work if done right and it gives a feeling of accomplishing the map step by step, getting stronger by moving forward. 


Bugs: one of the imps and a caco behind the first fake wall are stuck in each other. Same with the archvile and another imp in the secret exit teleporter room.

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58 minutes ago, Titanoxus said:

To fix the difficulty issue, I think you have 3 options :

1. You could give out lots of ammo like in the newer versions and make earlier fights tougher. Maybe put in a few revs and archies. This kidnnddestroys the survival aspect a little but it makes for a fast paced and fun map.

2. You could take the approach of the first version and let the player only use melee weapons for the most part. Use less high tier monster like mancs, arachnos and barons. Remember that the player must be able to beat the fight with berserk and chainsaw or has to lure monsters into crushers. This really feels like your more surviving than fighting, which fits the theme, but maps liek this can get very tedious if done wrong.

3. You combine both. Really starve the player of ammo the first half (I was a fan of the very early berserk pack). That makes even small enemies hard to fight. Then in the later parts, put in stronger monster as the rooms get bigger but give out weapons and ammo accordingly. I think this idea could work if done right and it gives a feeling of accomplishing the map step by step, getting stronger by moving forward. 


I might play around with the three options. I like the idea of early on the struggle of fighting with melee and chainsaw and then making the player more stronger later on in the level. Maybe i should spread out the weapons more so that way you can pick them up along the way before the end of the level. 


As far as the bugs go, which one we're you playing? I know in the newer on i replaced some of them with other monsters that won't get stuck on each other.


As always thanks for the feedback but i do have a question though, Do you think i should fix the lighting or make places a bit more brighter? i mean i am doing more fixes/a final sweep of the map.

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8 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:


As far as the bugs go, which one we're you playing? I know in the newer on i replaced some of them with other monsters that won't get stuck on each other.

I played until version 2.5. But I'm testing on glboom-plus. In gzdoom monsters tend to not get stuck in each other.


8 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

As always thanks for the feedback but i do have a question though, Do you think i should fix the lighting or make places a bit more brighter? i mean i am doing more fixes/a final sweep of the map.

The lighting was fine and i liked the contrasts. Nothing was too dark. You could use the holes is the ceiling and make it look like light shines through them, so a few places in a room are brighter.

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6 hours ago, Titanoxus said:

The lighting was fine and i liked the contrasts. Nothing was too dark. You could use the holes is the ceiling and make it look like light shines through them, so a few places in a room are brighter.

I can do that. Like i've this one is kinda of a ode to map 03 i did for the project. i can make the holes in the ceiling a little more brighter. i have them sitting at *looks at map* 300 as of right now.

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Giving a quick update on the map:


I have changed things around weapon wise, now instead of getting all of them (expect BFG at first) I spread them out through the map so that way it's more covenant then making the player over powered from the start.


i have played with the lighting in the map so some areas are more darker when there's no light or where you can the sky box.


I've tone down the enemies and put a dash more ammo around where you'll need it the most I.e the fleash/rock area. I've also took advice from people who played V 2.5 of the map and i made the macies and baby spider masterminds in-fight with each other in the fleash/rock area. Also i'm leaving the nazzies in because why not.


i'm still doing the final sweep of any bugs or things that need to be reworked/fixed in the map. I should have the final version of it ready by this week hopefully. Again i know we're all busy and stuff but i do want more people to give me feed back on the map and stuff, but like i said, i should have the final version done and posted here by this week hopefully.

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Alright after doing a final sweep/bug fixes/re working the map hopefully this is will be the final version of this map. The changes i made are the following:


1. During the sweep/fixes i tone down the enemy count so it's not so cluster clucked on UV.


2. Made kinda of a more balance of health and ammo, so now first half is a mike tyson slug fest (if you forgot to grab chainsaw) and the second half is where i made the player a bit over powered hence i said a bit, not too much because it's survival and i don't want the player to be like "oh this is too easy".


3. I added my signature (sw) to the map because why not you know. I think of it as like a artiest painting a beautiful picture and putting there signature on it.


4. I messed with the lighting some more and i think it turned out well for the theme i was going for.


5. (This one i wanted to do for a while because it was kinda bugging me when play testing) i spread the weapons out so now each area has a weapon to grab in case you die or restart the level, i kept the ammo in the starting area as well. I switch the backpack and berzker pack (can't spell it right at the moment english right lol) around, so now it's more like you'll need to punch your way through if you run out of ammo.


6. The midi is still the same as a placement holder. The midi is called Denial by DoomKid (if he found out i used one of his midis he would be so proud lol) from the plutoina midi pack i have still.


7. This is the final version of Sanity Breaker unless it needs more work done to it (hopefully no more work on it, i'm starting to get burnt out again).


8. I do want to thank everyone that has played the work in progress versions of this map and gave feed back on it. It really helped a lot to make this map work well and play like an actual doom 2 map. This was a lot of work but since winter is almost gone and it's starting to be spring soon, i will have less time to do any mapping for a while, but i will still be around and check up on the project when i can.


Final note: So i present to you the Secret map to Theme-Gawad #1 for Doom 2: Sanity Breaker.


Please note it's under MAP31 so when playing you need to start a new game, select your difficulty then go to map31. Have fun and don't lose your sanity.....


Edit: Thanks to titan for pointing out a few issues but now i added a teleport for the end you'll see what i mean when you go through the secret exit portal. 


I rearanged the monsters so there no longer stuck (hopefully) and for UV only i got rid of the second Mega sphere so there only a med kit now.


Hope the issues are fixed and it works better now.


Sanity Breaker Final version.zip

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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4 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:



Please note it's under MAP31 so when playing you need to start a new game, select your difficulty then go to map31. Have fun and don't lose your sanity.....

Sanity Breaker Final version.zip


Allright this map feels more and more complete. Lighting looks neat. The progression works very well now and after getting the plasma,you can blast through everything and the map is pretty much over. The two megaspheres are a bit overkill I feel. At that point the map is allready pretty easy and your very healthy. 

Also, did I miss something or do I really have to go through the whole level again to open the secret exit and BFG after finding it? Feels a bit strange.


I also found these monsters, who are still stuck:



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22 minutes ago, Titanoxus said:

Also, did I miss something or do I really have to go through the whole level again to open the secret exit and BFG after finding it? Feels a bit strange. 

You have to go back through to open the secret switch to leave the level, i will change that for some thing more easier. 


24 minutes ago, Titanoxus said:

I also found these monsters, who are still stuck:

Damn i'll fix that as well but at least over all it's fun. I should take the second megashere out while i'm at it.


As always thanks for the feed back


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Nice! That demo has been a blast to play so far! The levels so far pretty dang ole snazzy. I've completed up to map04 so far


map01-- Very nice but maybe a tad to open? Not much advice here. Defintiely a great opening map though!

 map02-- Sewer count increases! Short and sweet level with a nice trick or 2 to it.

map03-- This one was...a rough start but ended up being really fun! Didn't look too promising at first but then blew into its adventure.

Map04 --- Okay.... Drop dead gorgeous for a Stock Texture map! This was a bit maze like due to its structure, but I did get all the secrets and the combat was superb for low end monsters!

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4 minutes ago, kalensar said:

map03-- This one was...a rough start but ended up being really fun! Didn't look too promising at first but then blew into its adventure.

Funny story the first part wasn't done by me, it was actually done by mr. masker. After the big area was all done by me and it was a pain to work but i'm glade you had fun with it.


I do have map31 available for play testing but it's not in the demo yet, just waiting on Ofisil to play it, slap a midi on it and have it in the slot. 


Again i'm glade you like it.

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@xScavengerWolfx hey there man.

Just so u know I've played all your versions, just didn't have much time to send a detailed reply.

When you fix the small flaws mentioned above (stuck enemies and so on) send over your final version and I'll add it to the pile.


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1 hour ago, Ofisil said:

@xScavengerWolfx hey there man.

Just so u know I've played all your versions, just didn't have much time to send a detailed reply.

When you fix the small flaws mentioned above (stuck enemies and so on) send over your final version and I'll add it to the pile.


Ok i will and thanks for playing all the version of it. 


Edit: Fixed the stuck monsters where they we're stuck at. So this is the final version of it. 

Sainty Breaker (Final Version).zip

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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  • 2 weeks later...

MIDIs added + some changes.

There wasn't a lot of space to make 10 seem more damaged. If you have any ideas, I don't mind if you alter the map. Same with 29's difficulty, I didn't really know how to make it harder effectively. 


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3 hours ago, A.H. Sankhatayan said:

MIDIs added + some changes.

There wasn't a lot of space to make 10 seem more damaged. If you have any ideas, I don't mind if you alter the map. Same with 29's difficulty, I didn't really know how to make it harder effectively. 


Never mind there sperate maps. I'm writing my review on them now, so it will be a bit before i post it. 


Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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@A.H. Sankhatayan


I checked both of them out and i was right they we're in map10 and map29. So i played both of them and here's what i though of then: 

Map 10: Let me start off by saying, how goddamn good looking it is i mean the outdoor area is *cheif kiss* better than what i could've done to be honest. 


The starting area i loved the node to Rymante's map 09 jail break. It made me laugh becasue i was like "on man i did the same thing for the ending of map 03 leading to Magicsofa's map 04". 

The layout of the map is great but kinda confusing, let me explain:


1. I loved the crate maze bit but kinda got lost trying to figure out where i needed to go like i go one way but it would be a dead end or a trap. 


2. Trying to find a way to a room out of reach was upsetting but i did find a "ladder" to get up to the rooms and the switches....i'll get to that in a second.

Note: When i say "ladder" i mean the sector where i can just go up the steps and it acts like a ladder, since doom engine couldn't render ladders at the time.


3. The switches, on man the switches. It what killed the fun for me especially towards the end where i had to figure out which one did what, i mean the double switch with blue and red key cared was a cool idea (might incorporate that in one of my personal maps someday), but like i said it's what killed it for me but to each it's own.


4. I felt like there we're too many chaingunners at least for me there we're too many chain gunners. Don't get me wrong i love getting turned into swiss cheese but man that was brutal. 


5. Unless it's a secret i didn't find the rocket launcher, i found the ammo for it but didn't find it. 

Overall: Yes i liked it but the progression is kinda at least for me a little confusing. 

Map 29: At first i was like "oh this cool" then i remember playing it before a while back and then going "Oh right, the arch vile's" i think i've already did a review on it before when you posted it but i'll do a newer one.


1. Still love the transformation from normal to demonic with a few button switches.


2. I remember the issue of the button from the last one you posted a while back. But it looks like you've fixed that and it was a lot easier to hit the switches and run out of the room to exit.


Note: i'm referring to the switches in the room where you had to lower the bars to get to the exit switch.


3. Pistol or shotgun starting with an arch-vile is not fun at all i can tell you that much. I know i know it's the climax of the entire megawad but i still think it's funny that playing this without going through Map 1-28 and being armed to the teeth is funny to me. 


Overall: Still a great map and love the ending that leads to the final level. 


If you want you can let me know about my level i did and still waiting for it to be toss in with the others and still waiting for a midi on it as well, but i'm not in any big hurry for it anyways. 

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On 3/12/2022 at 8:50 PM, xScavengerWolfx said:

Map 10: Let me start off by saying, how goddamn good looking it is i mean the outdoor area is *cheif kiss* better than what i could've done to be honest. 


The starting area i loved the node to Rymante's map 09 jail break. It made me laugh becasue i was like "on man i did the same thing for the ending of map 03 leading to Magicsofa's map 04".


I feel like I should clarify something here.  The boat in my Map 09 is A.H. Sankhatayan's design.  A.H. let me copy the design from a very early version of his Map 10 into my map in order to ensure better continuity between our maps, it just so happened my map was completed long before A.H.'s map 10 was so it appeared in my map first.


Since we're nearing the revised deadline for the project I might take the opportunity to do a full test playthrough of whatever maps are ready & provide some feedback in video & text form if I have time.

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8 hours ago, Rymante said:


I feel like I should clarify something here.  The boat in my Map 09 is A.H. Sankhatayan's design.  A.H. let me copy the design from a very early version of his Map 10 into my map in order to ensure better continuity between our maps, it just so happened my map was completed long before A.H.'s map 10 was so it appeared in my map first.


Since we're nearing the revised deadline for the project I might take the opportunity to do a full test playthrough of whatever maps are ready & provide some feedback in video & text form if I have time.

Oh ok, i mean i'm still waiting for my secret level to be put in the pile but if you have the time please do check it out and let me know what i need to do on it

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Played the wad for a bit.

MAP01: An item at the start hangs in the air. Not a big deal, but unaesthetic.

MAP02: I finished it without finding blue key. Is it a secret? Also it would be nice to have a shortcut, like raising staircase to the exit once I made to it normally.

MAP03: Lots of things occupy the same space for some reason. Perhaps they were meant to have different difficulty flags?


Monsters stuck in one another:



Slime trail or something:



MAP05: A secret switch behind a single use door that closes, making it permanently missable. Not likely to be a problem, but still awkward



MAP06: I can get over here with no blue key and the only way out is an unmarked door




You know you can just key the switch, right? Is there extra functional to the multiple door actions?



Here were some hovering medkits, I forgot to screenshot before picking them up.

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2 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:



Monsters stuck in one another:



Slime trail or something:


Hmmmm that is kinda weird, and occupy the same space, you mean the ammo and health are over lapping? Alright i'll look into it and fix the issues when i can 


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13 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Oh ok, i mean i'm still waiting for my secret level to be put in the pile but if you have the time please do check it out and let me know what i need to do on it


Sounds like a good place to start to me!  Here's a full, first playthrough of 'Sanity Breaker' played in PrBoom Plus at -complevel 2.  Good news!  I liked the map & didn't run into any obvious bugs or glitches!



Additional notes in the spoiler section below :



Since I knew this was meant to be some kind of survival map I went super heavy on Berserk punching early on, as you'll see in the video I may have made things unnecessarily harder on myself as I had plenty ammo, which feels about right, I don't think the amount of ammo or health needs any adjusting.  Anyone pistol starting this map should be OK as long as they chainsaw/berserk punch almost every Imp, Pinky & Spectre.


I may have paid a little too much attention to the automap in the playthrough, any time I saw white lines on the automap I was like "Can I interact with this?"  Bad habit of mine I guess XD


I really enjoyed that big fight where you're up against Cacos, Mancubi, Arachnotrons & Lost Souls, the area where you also get the Plasma Gun & a megasphere.  Felt like a release of tension after I had spent ages being conservative with my ammo usage, I'm rather surprised I beat it first time tbh  ^_^


If had to nitpick, I guess I wasn't a huge fan of getting caught out by that second set of crushers next to the teleporter that leads to the normal exit.  Felt a bit random.  The first set of crushers is fine though, got really lucky with that surprise Cyberdemon!  XD


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12 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Hmmmm that is kinda weird, and occupy the same space, you mean the ammo and health are over lapping?

They seem to occupy slightly different space, but still mostly overlap. It looks weird, you should probably space them out. Some, like medkit vs stimpack are probably meant to be difficulty-dependent.

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11 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

They seem to occupy slightly different space, but still mostly overlap. It looks weird, you should probably space them out. Some, like medkit vs stimpack are probably meant to be difficulty-dependent.

I will look into it when i can and thanks for letting me know about it.


Edit: I will be re posting the map with the fixes in it. I just finish watching Rymante video on my map 31, so that's getting worked on as well. 

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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tiny update:


Sorry for practically not doing anything this past month, but RL has been a bit troubleshome for me this past weeks.

Will try to offer a better update as soon as possible.


Thanx ppl.

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10 hours ago, Rymante said:


Sounds like a good place to start to me!  Here's a full, first playthrough of 'Sanity Breaker' played in PrBoom Plus at -complevel 2.  Good news!  I liked the map & didn't run into any obvious bugs or glitches!



Additional notes in the spoiler section below :


  Reveal hidden contents

Since I knew this was meant to be some kind of survival map I went super heavy on Berserk punching early on, as you'll see in the video I may have made things unnecessarily harder on myself as I had plenty ammo, which feels about right, I don't think the amount of ammo or health needs any adjusting.  Anyone pistol starting this map should be OK as long as they chainsaw/berserk punch almost every Imp, Pinky & Spectre.


I may have paid a little too much attention to the automap in the playthrough, any time I saw white lines on the automap I was like "Can I interact with this?"  Bad habit of mine I guess XD


I really enjoyed that big fight where you're up against Cacos, Mancubi, Arachnotrons & Lost Souls, the area where you also get the Plasma Gun & a megasphere.  Felt like a release of tension after I had spent ages being conservative with my ammo usage, I'm rather surprised I beat it first time tbh  ^_^


If had to nitpick, I guess I wasn't a huge fan of getting caught out by that second set of crushers next to the teleporter that leads to the normal exit.  Felt a bit random.  The first set of crushers is fine though, got really lucky with that surprise Cyberdemon!  XD


I watch it from beginning to end and i got to say it was funny as hell to watch your reaction on the Arch-vile(s) popping out, now for some of the things i will address:


1. In the fleash room (the one with the color torches in it) you we're meant to go through it and grab a backpack while the "locked" door was opening aka lowering down. 


2. The In between before the final area you were meant to walk off the teleporter and fight everything, i will fix that.


3. The eyes. Those are hints for finding the secret exit.  I liked to use the whole "hold the player's hand" a little bit, then when they figure it out i go "ok have fun, figure the rest out. 


4. The cyber demon fight: When the final version (which i'm going to do another re work/fixes that i've notice while watching the video) i wanted to make it fair for the player to lure the cyber demon through the crushers (rip frame rates) or lure the cyber demon out to the open in the fleash/rock area for the final fight. 


Overall: I'm glade you really liked it and making a video on it, watching it and i notice things i need to fix on it. I will be releasing an updated final version of Santy Breaker. 


P.S: Did your sanity break yet? lol

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I want to give an update on the two maps of mine for this community project. 


Map03: Cavern of Sorrow. I want to thank beetle for pointing out the (small) issues that the map has and some stuff i notice while slicing open my own wad. I am doing a small rework/ fixing the issues that it still has in it. 


Map31: Sanity Breaker. So after watching Rymante play it (thanks for showing me a play through and watching you suffer i mean have fun) i notice there were some issues with that as well. I'm not going to list them here as of right now but let's just say that this is also getting a small rework/issue fixes as well. Since i got a lot of time on my hands and making a personal plutoina wad (dear god save us all lol) i figure i could take the time and fix the two maps and not worry about then when the deadline gets closer and closer. 


I do want to thank the community for letting me show what kind of mapper i am and yes sure my maps aren't the prettiest to look at, but i rather have fun game play then "oh look a massive tower with cyber demons there shooting at me", I mean yes i want them to look good but at the same time i want them to be fun and kinda bullshitty *cough cough* plutonia *cough cough*. I have learned a lot since starting back in last march, This was the first community project i got started in then it was booked by CBM (which last time i check, the site was kinda buggy if i remember right). 


Anyways i will be posting the updated final versions of Cavern of Sorrow and Sanity Breaker when i get them done. 

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