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4 minutes ago, Demonic Meatball said:


I wont have much time in the next few weeks, my exams are starting. I'll be fully available the millisecond they end tho, which is at the very end of january.


If you mean "create an M_DOOM", I already did that a while back, here it is.




No problemo - do I have your permission to use another midi - I don't mind keeping the one you've given me, though...

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I was going to ask last night what was the latest on this project. But now i got my answer.


I will say once again thank you for letting me be apart of this community project when i was just starting out, this really helped me be better at mapping and learn the do's and don't of doom mapping. I'm still proud that i made two maps that i've made as a newbie and everything.


I'll keep it short by saying when ever the next one comes around, i will be sure to sign up and make another map for the project. Can't wait for the final launch of this to go live and watch people talk about it.


Once again thank you for letting me par take in this.

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10 minutes ago, Ofisil said:

No problemo - do I have your permission to use another midi - I don't mind keeping the one you've given me, though...


Of course you can use another midi. Doom Dance doesn't fit the level's vibe at all, so if you've got another one in mind, go for it.

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10 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

I was going to ask last night what was the latest on this project. But now i got my answer.


I will say once again thank you for letting me be apart of this community project when i was just starting out, this really helped me be better at mapping and learn the do's and don't of doom mapping. I'm still proud that i made two maps that i've made as a newbie and everything.


I'll keep it short by saying when ever the next one comes around, i will be sure to sign up and make another map for the project. Can't wait for the final launch of this to go live and watch people talk about it.


Once again thank you for letting me par take in this.


Thanx for being part of the whole deal!

Practice (and feedback) makes perfect, so I'm glad we helped a little

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4 minutes ago, Ofisil said:


Thanx for being part of the whole deal!

Practice (and feedback) makes perfect, so I'm glad we helped a little

Oh trust me it was more then a little, i mean i'm still laughing at my self when i re made map 03 within a week for the dead line (then had more time to flush out the "too many switches" ordeal).


But hey it's always fun to have people play your maps and tell you what need to be fixed.

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26 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

You should probably make a new thread for release candidate proper, once you get all the resources up to date. It will attract more attention this way.


Of course. I'll make a new announcement thread.

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@Ofisil quickly re-ran map17 to triple check for errors. linedef 1251 (Sector 231, revenant trap door) lowers below the main floor and needs a back texture (hall of mirrors). FIREMAG1 would be sufficient.

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On 3/27/2022 at 8:16 PM, Michael Jensen said:

Latest versions of 10 and 29.

10 - green armor at the start and fixed the blue key oversight

29 - one less archvile in the cyberroom, removed unused monster closets and added couple monsters, small fixes to various things, added backpack and 2 subtle hints at the bloodfall being passable 


@Ofisil Could the name of Map01 be changed to Zero Hour?


edit: Oh damn, forgot to upload 

10 29 latest.zip


On 3/27/2022 at 7:18 PM, Titanoxus said:

Map 29:

  Reveal hidden contents

Some monsters don't seem to get released in this map:

This whole closet:


These two archviles:


and this one:


Also monsters don't telefrag each other in map 29, so the boss room escapes really fill up with stacked monsters.


Gameplaywise I enjoy this map a lot. It changes so much during one playthrough you never seem to fight in the same room twice. It's really well done and feels so seamless. I also love the callback to level one with the office room.

The cyber room though seems a bit over the top. I would add a bit of cover, remove one or both archviles or at least let the door to the last room close so the player can snipe some of the monsters of the stairs. Otherwise this room seems to be way harder than the rest of the map and the wad. Or maybe there is a good strat that I just didn't find.   

Also, I might have missed it, but if not: This map really needs a backpack. You fight tons of mosnters, we are deep into the wad, so players are constantly topped off with ammo. A backpack is necessary here I think.Quite annoying without it.




I checked my maps and I think a previous versions were used, rather than the latest (linked above). There aren't many changes between them, mostly small texture fixes as such, but 29 has those unused monster closets with unkillable enemies. Other than that, and the green armour in 10, all should be fine.

Edited by Michael Jensen

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I just checked in the text file. The title music is called "Title theme lmao", not just "lmao". Understandable misconception.


You know what, I think I'll rename it to "Just another Invasion". Seems more fitting.

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Uploaded a new file with some fixes (small flaws as well as small rebalancing)


Team, whenever you want to test your stuff do it with the posted file, not the originals you have in your system.

Notify me of any issues and I'll try fixing them.



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4 hours ago, Ofisil said:

Uploaded a new file with some fixes (small flaws as well as small rebalancing)


Team, whenever you want to test your stuff do it with the posted file, not the originals you have in your system.

Notify me of any issues and I'll try fixing them.



I tested my map as already part of megawad.
Unfortunately, the skybox of the city does not match the scenery in many places. Mainly, it's places with a hellish teleport and holes in the walls where it was supposed to imitate the penetration of the hellish domain. Can you put a scrolling SKINFACE texture instead?



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7 hours ago, eLeR Creative said:

I tested my map as already part of megawad.
Unfortunately, the skybox of the city does not match the scenery in many places. Mainly, it's places with a hellish teleport and holes in the walls where it was supposed to imitate the penetration of the hellish domain. Can you put a scrolling SKINFACE texture instead?




I'll keep it as it is because frankly it looks great this way. While the sky is the earth it looks super cool, whereas a simple texture will make this place look bad.


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They only map I occasionally get glitches is MAP25

I can't reproduce them, though.

If you get a chance do play the map a bit so you can point out any issues - IDDQD through it :)

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18 minutes ago, Ofisil said:


They only map I occasionally get glitches is MAP25

I can't reproduce them, though.

If you get a chance do play the map a bit so you can point out any issues - IDDQD through it :)

I spotted some odd collision near the bridge with gargoyle head on its side. Possibly a spillover from having too many self-referencing sectors. Maybe you should try a different nodebuilder (Don't know much about those)

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I finally got around playing MAP26. I did not have enough ammo to finish the last cyberdemon. Also ran out of health and got killed by damaging floor repeatedly, but that's probably just me.



Found a slime trail on white rock thing



And an inexplicable square hole in the shadow

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Thanx for noticing the second issue - the first I've known for some time, never got around fixing it.

As for the ammo thingy, this map's task it to be a "palate cleanser" that will somewhat decrease the ammo acquired from previous maps.

It's doable, though, as long as you use ammo cleverly.

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Just wanted to come in here and wish everyone in this community project a very happy new year eve or day depends where you are.


Can't wait for the release post of this mega wad.

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Hey Everyone,

 Long time lurker at DW, first time actually signing up and posting here.


 Played through the WAD posted on the OP (not sure if it is the final, final version) over the Christmas break and had a great time. All of the maps were fun to play, visuals were up and down (to be expected based on the parameters of the project), few notes:

 - Reading the thread, it seems like Map 15 was a bit of a thing. It was (imo) absolutely worth the wait, great map.

 - Map 28 is just... wow

 - Map 29 - I felt a ping of annoyance when I heard the IoS wake up, thank you for making it an interesting encounter that stands apart from Map 30 (and most other IoS encounters). I wish the vent idea had been a bit more developed.

 - Map 30 - IoS fight is very easy to cheese, you can trigger the final ambush without triggering IoS and let 90% of the monsters infight. At that point the clean up is very easy. Not sure if this was an intentional cheese, but if not then it might be worth trying to find a way to force the player to shoot and wake up the IoS before the final ambush starts.


Played UV, pistol starts, saving only after major milestones (big fight, unlocking a new area, etc), try to get 100-100-100 when possible. WAD flows well, a couple maps I missed 100S, a few maps I missed 100K (Map 31 I noped on the Cyb, too tedious).


I remember watching David N's videos on his map, so it's cool to see this project come to completion.

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3 hours ago, OtherSpenny said:

(Map 31 I noped on the Cyb, too tedious)

I am the map maker of both map 03 and map 31 i'll let you on a bit of trivia of map 31.


Map 31 originally had two cyber demons and six arch viles in the flesh area and it was going to be a lot bigger, but i decided to cut it back to one because two cyber we're a but much and also the theme was limit ammo/health, survival. Now as far as the cyber demon goes i did make it optional to fight cybie but if your a 100% player then he is required to fight.


Anyways i'm glade you like the maps we made and hope you enjoy your stay here in doom world.

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2 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Are we still waiting on something before an official release?


For me :D


The final release will happen somewhere close to 11/01 as this week is way too busy for me.

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On 1/1/2023 at 3:45 PM, xScavengerWolfx said:

I am the map maker of both map 03 and map 31 i'll let you on a bit of trivia of map 31.


Map 31 originally had two cyber demons and six arch viles in the flesh area and it was going to be a lot bigger, but i decided to cut it back to one because two cyber we're a but much and also the theme was limit ammo/health, survival. Now as far as the cyber demon goes i did make it optional to fight cybie but if your a 100% player then he is required to fight.


Anyways i'm glade you like the maps we made and hope you enjoy your stay here in doom world.


I still enjoyed the map, and reading this thread and seeing that the goal was to make a survival map (ammo drought) I think you were successful. Just didn't feel like playing Punch-Out with a Cyb haha

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  • 4 weeks later...



we're going to play the first half of the maps for Thursday Night Survival today.

The session starts 8.5 hours from the time of this reply and you can expect it to be fairly active for 4+ hours.


There are a few coop issues in some maps and also some stray Boom stuff in MAP32 but I suppose I'll leave reporting all that for later after we've gone through all maps to include any issues we might encounter in the sessions.

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@Ofisil Hopefully the WAD is still open to revisions, here's both my maps with some changes from Vile's playthrough. Mostly moving some items to not float in the air (hopefully) and to fix a floor interaction error on map17

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