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Your favorite "trend game"?

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22 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Hating things because its popular doesn't make you cool :) thank you for coming to my ted talk.


"people are having too much fun, it must stop now" absolutely petty.

Did I ever say it does?


2 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

Okay, all the things you've mentioned are due to the way the game is actually played, and not how the game was made. You can extend the discussion time. And the whole point of the game is to see if you can out-smart the crewmates, which is all the things you mentioned above. The whole point of doing tasks as a ghost is to help your crewmates to win the game- have you actually spent 30 hours playing this game and learned literally nothing about how it works? The reason you dislike this game, I reckon, is due to the fact that you've completely missed the point of the game, which is something that really can't be fixed from the game's side. 

I do know the tasks completion helps the crewmates win, but it is near impossible to win by actually doing that unless you either have one task in total, or you won the lottery with your crewmates. also, reverse-blaming doesn't look like out-smarting to me. I don't think I miss the point of the game, I know it's all about lying, but lying when caught red-handed? bruh. and again I wouldn't have disliked it so much if not because of the community. It is not a bad game, but not the best.


2 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:



Thats the fault of bad players, not the game.

And? The game was made with Text in mind. its suppose to be light weight.

You completely miss the point of the games, as expected.

Minecraft had decades to be where its at right now, it was also very buggy and quite boring  as well when it came out


with minecraft doesn't deserve its popularity because Doom has been around longer.

These are all very opinion based and does nothing support anything you spout.

not being able to type during emergency meetings
players somehow getting the beta color for the game(although minor and rare)
Players being able to get on top of walls
pets getting stuck
players being able to skip emergency meetings if ping is 
and more.
The game's community is a part of the game, and this is the main reason popular multiplayer games are often toxic and dumb.
I don't understand how voice chat increases game size.
I do understand that lying is a part of the game, but to an extent. Doing it when caught on the spot is just dumb.
Minecraft didn't blow up in it's first 2 years.
never said Minecraft doesn't. It did a lot to prove it.
I actually do like the game, but it's just one of thousands of other indie games with a new concept. It just blew up, doesn't automatically make it the best game ever. 

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28 minutes ago, Good-Old said:

I actually do like the game, but it's just one of thousands of other indie games with a new concept. It just blew up, doesn't automatically make it the best game ever. 

No one said it was the best game ever? its popular because its fun. Saying it doesn't deserve popularity because of YOUR problems with the games is just downright condescending and just petty.


if it was a bad as you say it would have died LONG ago.

those " thousands of other indie games with a new concept" may have been new and cool ideas, but they failed to do what a game needs to do, get people to play them.


28 minutes ago, Good-Old said:

I do understand that lying is a part of the game, but to an extent. Doing it when caught on the spot is just dumb.

what extent? If you get caught, the person who caught you must prove what he saw. it gives depth to the game. but i guess everything needs to be dumbed down these days. its just more evidence you Miss the point of the game. 


28 minutes ago, Good-Old said:

The game's community is a part of the game, and this is the main reason popular multiplayer games are often toxic and dumb.

that has nothing to do with the game tho, people choose how they play the game.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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Hm i am not agaonst trending Games but i am getting very suspicious when a Game gets super hyped by Media and People and i stay away :>


Dark Souls and Battlefield 3 were two trending Games i played and i was totally disappointed (pretty boring for my personal Taste).


One trending Game i had fun with was Overwatch on the Switch.

Play a couple Rounds on the Couch is pretty ok.

Pokemon Go on the Way to Work was also a fine Time waster.

One trending Device with Game i have Fun is the Super Nintendo Mini, but is more because i friggin love my Super Nintendo and i keep it away from Sunlight (damn yellowing!), so it serves as Place Holder and instant Super Nintendo Access.

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Does Valheim count? It's been amazing, considering how it's still early access and everything.

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I tend to not play anything that's trending until after it's untrended.


1 minute ago, Mara said:

Does Valheim count? It's been amazing, considering how it's still early access and everything.


That's one I was thinking of, although I haven't played it. Since I'm playing other stuff now, I may buy it when a sale appears.

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I played my first game of Among Us last night and had a lot of fun. 


These threads are always painful to read, there's always one giga-hipster scowling at everyone else and saying "I DON'T ENJOY (thing), WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?"

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

there's always one giga-hipster scowling at everyone else and saying "I DON'T ENJOY (thing), WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?"

Pfft, Popular Games. people are just sheep who play anything trendy, unlike me I'm underground and a free thinker. I have better self control and better taste

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7 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

Pfft, Popular Games. people are just sheep who play anything trendy, unlike me I'm underground and a free thinker. I have better self control and better taste

I only play underground games that only small niches of people have heard about... such as Doom... Half-Life... and Duke Nukem.

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GTA Online was alright, I keep coming back to it every once in a while.


MW was decent but I pretty much avoided Warzone mode because BR puts me to sleep.

10 minutes ago, jazzmaster9 said:

people are just sheep who play anything trendy, unlike me I'm underground and a free thinker. I have better self control and better taste

Tweens like you ruin game communities because you need constant gratification and that dopamine fix because you haven't experienced success in real life.

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1 minute ago, sluggard said:


Tweens like you ruin game communities because you need constant gratification and that dopamine fix because you haven't experienced success in real life.

Bruh, he was being sarcastic. Maybe read his earlier comments instead of just the latest one?

That said, people play games to get away from shitty IRL stuff, and sometimes just haven't found their niche yet. Constructively pointing out why their behavior may not be acceptable in a community and pointing them in a better direction would be a much better idea than just making a bunch of assumptions about their character, no?

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6 minutes ago, sluggard said:

Tweens like you ruin game communities because you need constant gratification and that dopamine fix because you haven't experienced success in real life.

Nice work, with catching the sarcasm... but thanks for the compliment.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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eh i dont think minecraft fits that description since it is always on the spot light

it is just massively popular

but if it does fit then i would say micecraft but otherwise fnaf

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To talk about Among Us, I partially agree with Good-Old that it could be made better (bugs fixed, anti-cheat measures taken and perhaps an in-game voice chat). But despite this, I think the game is really fun. Though of course it vastly depends on who you are playing with. It is much more fun when playing with friends/people you know.


I actually think we guys should try out Among Us together.

Edited by ReaperAA

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On 3/17/2021 at 4:27 PM, Major Arlene said:

Bruh, he was being sarcastic. Maybe read his earlier comments instead of just the latest one?

That said, people play games to get away from shitty IRL stuff, and sometimes just haven't found their niche yet. Constructively pointing out why their behavior may not be acceptable in a community and pointing them in a better direction would be a much better idea than just making a bunch of assumptions about their character, no?

Sarcasm doesn't translate well into text, it came off a bit hostile.


I played Among Us briefly after it exploded early on with a few people over discord, I agree it's much better to play with people you know, It's kinda funny when you vote one of your friends out and see them rage when you realize they're not the impostor, or if you want to avoid hackers. having to complete tasks didn't really seem like my cup of tea, felt too slow paced for me. prefer something more simple like TDM, FFA or Control Point.

Edited by sluggard

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22 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

To talk about Among Us, I partially agree with Good-Old that it could be made better (bugs fixed, anti-cheat measures taken and perhaps an in-game voice chat). But despite this, I think the game is really fun. Though of course it vastly depends on who you are playing with. It is much more fun when playing with friends/people you know.


Exactly! I played with friends of mine and the voice chat made things 10x better. Much better than dealing with squeakers and/or pubbies. 


I'd totally be down for DW Among Us.

Edited by Mr. Freeze

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Does Surgeon Simulator count? Because if it does I'm going with Surgeon Simulator
But out of that list, I'd go with Friday Night Funkin (Doom Friday Night Funkin mod when?)

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Undertale is one of my favorite games of all time in that it succeeded in making me feel something, haha, couldn't even bring myself to play a genocide run (as sad as that sounds). I didn't play it until 2019 because all the hype kind of pushed me away from it before. I found that its popularity was founded. Call of Duty Warzone is also pretty fun, as far as battle royales go, I really like the gulag mechanic (tm) and games are usually pretty quick and action packed.

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It seems to be unfitting to put this game on this forum discussion here, but Changed obviously got many people (including myself) interested in the "Indie Furry Games" & "Indie Furry Horror" genres in general.


Yet while the game has a small niche fanbase, it still is a must play underrated gem on Steam. Notice, This game can be considered NSFW at times, so be warned.

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CS-GO is my sort of all-time game that I keep playing. It is additive despite the massive cheating.

PUBG never worked for me. I don't like the conflicting game mechanics (sneak-or-get-shot vs the shrinking blue circle).

Have played pretty much all GTAs. Have been playing Satisfactory a lot for a while. Now playing Valheim a lot.


Edited by CodeImp

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Falling guys. I play it from time to time with my family, it's hilarious. I don't how long it is going to last, though. Everytime I play it there are less and less players online.

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1 hour ago, ReaperAA said:

I actually think we guys should try out Among Us together.


Agreed, seen a few folks I like playing it, and it looks like a ton of fun with friends 🦊.


Sigh, it's stuff like this that makes me sometimes miss playing MP games, but I really do believe that without friends to play most of them are just an exercise in frustration, and the more competitive the title, the worse it gets.

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If im not playing doom, then im playing toxic asf tactical shooters.

CSGO and Valorant are my usual go-tos and I'm terrible at them.

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20 hours ago, Artman2004 said:

The Game? What do you mean?

Now that you are aware, you have also lost The Game.



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