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CTD in heartland

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Reporting per fatal error instructions.


eternity caused an Access Violation Exception (0xc0000005)
in module eternity.exe at 0023:00514a20.

Engine version: Eternity Engine v4.02.00 "Forseti"

Error occurred at 3/16/2021 21:17:42.
C:\Users\mrama\OneDrive\Desktop\Gzdoom\Eternity-x86-4.02.01-pre-117-g9e8cc5f2\eternity.exe, run by mrama.
Operating system: 10.0.19042
12 processors, type 586.
43% memory in use.
32613 MB physical memory.
18493 MB physical memory free.
37477 MB page file.
14565 MB paging file free.
2048 MB user address space.
1276 MB user address space free.
Access violation at 58585757. The memory could not be read.

EDI:    0x1d62fa84  ESI: 0x0e0dc960  EAX:   0x000000b2
EBX:    0x58585757  ECX: 0x0000279c  EDX:   0x0019fbd4
EIP:    0x00514a20  EBP: 0x0019fb9c  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00210202  ESP: 0x0019fb84  SegSs: 0x0000002b

Bytes at CS:IP:
0f b7 03 8b 4d 10 66 0f 6e d0 0f b7 43 02 0f 5b 

0x0019fb84: 21f14048 00000cd9 006bc2a8 02500093 H@.!......k...P.
0x0019fb94: 1585c031 0019fc2c 0019fe08 0050d35c 1...,.......\.P.
0x0019fba4: 00500a00 0019fbd4 0019fc14 0e0dc960 ..P.........`...
0x0019fbb4: 0a9f9f9e 1d62fa84 1d62fa80 00000cd9 ......b...b.....
0x0019fbc4: ffffffff 186dd3e6 21f14048 006bc340 ......m.H@.!@.k.
0x0019fbd4: 00000411 0000279c 000000b2 00024fac .....'.......O..
0x0019fbe4: 00000000 02500093 09a3de98 00000000 ......P.........
0x0019fbf4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 160887c0 ................
0x0019fc04: 2c3d3b00 3a02a7f4 1d62fa7c 00000cd9 .;=,...:|.b.....
0x0019fc14: 4304dbc8 3edd86e5 00000000 00500a00 ...C...>......P.
0x0019fc24: 3edd86e5 44140025 ff000000 00000cba ...>%..D........
0x0019fc34: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000 ...............?
0x0019fc44: 3f800000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ...?............
0x0019fc54: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fc64: 00000000 00000000 00000000 ff000380 ................
0x0019fc74: 24574470 c3800000 00000000 00000000 pDW$............
0x0019fc84: ff800000 00000cba 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fc94: 00000000 3f800000 3f800000 00000000 .......?...?....
0x0019fca4: 00000000 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fcb4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fcc4: 00000000 ff000380 24574320 c3000000 ........ CW$....
0x0019fcd4: 00000000 00000000 000000a0 00000000 ................
0x0019fce4: 00000683 ffffffff 00000001 29cb02c8 ...............)
0x0019fcf4: 00000075 00000059 0000008e 000000a7 u...Y...........
0x0019fd04: 005aaef8 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..Z.............
0x0019fd14: 00000000 15e5f800 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fd24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 26100000 ...............&
0x0019fd34: d9640000 00000000 0000000a 005aaef8 ..d...........Z.
0x0019fd44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fd54: 1650c300 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..P.............
0x0019fd64: 00000000 00000000 26100000 d9640000 ...........&..d.
0x0019fd74: 00000000 0000000a 068f86e3 21dc9668 ............h..!
0x0019fd84: 246ec078 0000e800 00000800 00000000 x.n$............
0x0019fd94: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 ................
0x0019fda4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 098dd298 ................
0x0019fdb4: 000000c9 23b5a7e0 0000000a 00000000 .......#........
0x0019fdc4: 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 00000000 ................
0x0019fdd4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000020 ............ ...
0x0019fde4: 00000000 00000000 25a90000 00000000 ...........%....
0x0019fdf4: 0000000f 186dd3e6 0019ff18 005a4416 ......m......DZ.
0x0019fe04: 00000001 0019fe54 00514f05 006bc2cc ....T....OQ...k.
0x0019fe14: fd2fff6d 21f14048 00000411 00000411 m./.H@.!........
0x0019fe24: 00000000 006b0aa0 00000000 21f13f94 ......k......?.!
0x0019fe34: 006bc374 006bc388 00002000 16720260 t.k...k.. ..`.r.
0x0019fe44: 00000427 00000375 006bc2cc 21f07028 '...u.....k.(p.!
0x0019fe54: 0019fe88 00506063 006bc2a8 006bc2cc ....c`P...k...k.
0x0019fe64: 006bc2f0 16516fc0 c49b7540 00000000 ..k..oQ.@u......
0x0019fe74: 006bc2a8 00949a28 00000438 0028c000 ..k.(...8.....(.
0x0019fe84: 000005a0 0019fee4 00457fcc 006b0aa0 ..........E...k.
0x0019fe94: 00000000 00949a28 76f312f0 00000000 ....(......v....
0x0019fea4: 0000000c 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019feb4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fec4: 00000000 00000080 00000000 000000a0 ................
0x0019fed4: 00000025 00000021 00c65a8c 186dd30a %...!....Z....m.
0x0019fee4: 0019fef0 00459b48 0051df06 0019ff28 ....H.E...Q.(...
0x0019fef4: 00428003 00000034 00971120 186dd2c6 ..B.4... .....m.
0x0019ff04: 00949a28 76f312f0 0028c000 0019ff00 (......v..(.....
0x0019ff14: 0019f510 0019ff60 0059d0c1 1817dbfe ....`.....Y.....
0x0019ff24: 00000000 0019ff70 0059e3d4 00000002 ....p.....Y.....
0x0019ff34: 00949a28 009578c0 186dd29e 0059e45c (....x....m.\.Y.
0x0019ff44: 0059e45c 0028c000 00000000 00000000 \.Y...(.........
0x0019ff54: 00000000 0019ff3c 00000000 0019ffcc ....<...........
0x0019ff64: 0059d0c1 181045a6 00000000 0019ff80 ..Y..E..........
0x0019ff74: 76d4fa29 0028c000 76d4fa10 0019ffdc )..v..(....v....
0x0019ff84: 770c7c7e 0028c000 8d86064c 00000000 ~|.w..(.L.......
0x0019ff94: 00000000 0028c000 00000000 00000000 ......(.........
0x0019ffa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019ffb4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019ffc4: 0019ff8c 00000000 0019ffe4 770daf00 ...............w
0x0019ffd4: fa893f00 00000000 0019ffec 770c7c4e .?..........N|.w
0x0019ffe4: ffffffff 770e88b4 00000000 00000000 .......w........
0x0019fff4: 0059e45c 0028c000 00000000          \.Y...(.....

===== [end of CRASHLOG.TXT] =====


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Got a crash in Heartland too just now:


eternity caused an Access Violation Exception (0xc0000005)
in module eternity.exe at 0023:0050093c.

Error occurred at 3/18/2021 16:10:12.
Operating system: 6.2.9200
12 processors, type 586.
32% memory in use.
2048 MB physical memory.
2048 MB physical memory free.
0 MB page file.
0 MB paging file free.
2048 MB user address space.
1407 MB user address space free.
Access violation at 7fdf1377. The memory could not be written.

EDI:    0x03882d8f  ESI: 0x7fdf1377  EAX:   0x00000067
EBX:    0xffffffff  ECX: 0x00029552  EDX:   0x080406b0
EIP:    0x0050093c  EBP: 0x0019fd20  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00210202  ESP: 0x0019fd04  SegSs: 0x0000002b

Bytes at CS:EIP:
88 06 8b c1 03 4d fc c1 f8 10 23 c3 0f b6 04 38

0x0019fd04: 03882d8c 002b56c0 0019fd64 0000000a .-...V+.d.......
0x0019fd14: 00000006 080406b0 000167c6 0019fd38 .........g..8...
0x0019fd24: 00515471 03882d8f 03888698 1f8536a0 qTQ..-.......6..
0x0019fd34: 03882a20 0019fda4 005166e7 00500830  *.......fQ.0.P.
0x0019fd44: 0019fd64 0019fd8c 00000000 03886898 d............h..
0x0019fd54: 03888698 00000744 ffffe200 006bc274 ....D.......t.k.
0x0019fd64: 0000073a 00000166 00000171 000167c6 :...f...q....g..
0x0019fd74: 00000000 002b56c0 080406b0 00000000 .....V+.........
0x0019fd84: 00010000 03882d8f 43b314be 3f36286d .....-.....Cm(6?
0x0019fd94: 0000003a 00500830 00000000 0019ff18 :...0.P.........
0x0019fda4: 0019fdf0 005164dc 006bc240 006bc274 .....dQ.@.k.t.k.
0x0019fdb4: 421b249e 00000723 00000744 03886898 .$.B#...D....h..
0x0019fdc4: 03888698 00000015 006bc240 219ee340 ........@.k.@..!
0x0019fdd4: 0000069e fc777968 00000002 00001a60 ....hyw.....`...
0x0019fde4: 000006a4 00000699 21ca996c 0019fe54 ........l..!T...
0x0019fdf4: 00514ce3 006bc1cc 006bc240 006bc288 .LQ...k.@.k...k.
0x0019fe04: 006bc2a0 006bc274 1f8ba050 1f8536a0 ..k.t.k.P....6..
0x0019fe14: 00000000 000003ac 21c98028 21c99e28 ........(..!(..!
0x0019fe24: 00000000 006b09a0 00000000 006bc2a0 ......k.......k.
0x0019fe34: 006bc274 006bc288 00002000 219ee340 t.k...k.. ..@..!
0x0019fe44: 000003ac 00000000 006bc1cc 1f8ba050 ..........k.P...
0x0019fe54: 0019fe88 00505e93 006bc1a8 006bc1cc .....^P...k...k.
0x0019fe64: 006bc1f0 07e87348 a73bff40 00000000 ..k.Hs..@.;.....
0x0019fe74: 006bc1a8 00000386 000000b2 003d4000 ..k..........@=.
0x0019fe84: 00000041 0019fee4 00457e2c 006b09a0 A.......,~E...k.
0x0019fe94: 00000000 009022b0 75f312f0 00000000 .....".....u....
0x0019fea4: 0000001b 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019feb4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019fec4: 00000000 00000080 00000000 00000077 ............w...
0x0019fed4: 00000008 00000080 00c2b468 74f96feb ........h....o.t
0x0019fee4: 0019fef0 004599a8 0051dd36 0019ff28 ......E.6.Q.(...
0x0019fef4: 00427eae 00000034 0092d200 74f96e27 .~B.4.......'n.t
0x0019ff04: 009022b0 75f312f0 003d4000 0019ff00 .".....u.@=.....
0x0019ff14: 0019f710 0019ff60 0059cef1 7483647f ....`.....Y..d.t
0x0019ff24: 00000000 0019ff70 0059e204 00000002 ....p.....Y.....
0x0019ff34: 009022b0 00913d28 74f96e7f 0059e28c ."..(=...n.t..Y.
0x0019ff44: 0059e28c 003d4000 00000000 00000000 ..Y..@=.........
0x0019ff54: 00000000 0019ff3c 00000000 0019ffcc ....<...........
0x0019ff64: 0059cef1 7484f6a7 00000000 0019ff80 ..Y....t........
0x0019ff74: 758ffa29 003d4000 758ffa10 0019ffdc )..u.@=....u....
0x0019ff84: 77a27c7e 003d4000 7bd3135a 00000000 ~|.w.@=.Z..{....
0x0019ff94: 00000000 003d4000 00000000 00000000 .....@=.........
0x0019ffa4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019ffb4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0019ffc4: 0019ff8c 00000000 0019ffe4 77a3af00 ...............w
0x0019ffd4: 0c662a16 00000000 0019ffec 77a27c4e .*f.........N|.w
0x0019ffe4: ffffffff 77a488d0 00000000 00000000 .......w........
0x0019fff4: 0059e28c 003d4000 00000000          ..Y..@=.....

===== [end of CRASHLOG.TXT] =====

This was towards the end of Map06, after tons of monsters were killed. It occurred when I tried to change the HUD size to view the kill count.

Edited by Doom64hunter

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2 hours ago, Doom64hunter said:

This was towards the end of Map06, after tons of monsters were killed. It occurred when I tried to change the HUD size to view the kill count.

What Eternity build were you using?

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18 hours ago, andreadworkin4thaweekend said:

excellent. going forward should i just submit there instead?


by the by, great work on the engine.

Yeah, ideally on GitHub we see the list of stuff to do or bugs to fix first.

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@andreadworkin4thaweekend: The crash happens when rendering (drawing) the middle textures (like midgrates and such). The area you were in happens to have them. If you could please go there again and manage to reproduce it, please tell me the level and coordinates. Please do NOT use the automap coordinates, but rather drop the console (typing ` or the key at the left of 1) and write 




and press enter. Then note down the coordinates and post them here. Thanks! 


I will also investigate @Doom64hunter's report. Ideally I would like to know the download they used, but I hope I manage without it as well. 

Edited by printz

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Sorry for the late response, it's "Eternity Engine v4.02.00 "Forseti"" like andrea's, and I used Heartland RC2.


I'm not sure why it wasn't printed to the crashlog.

Edited by Doom64hunter

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9 hours ago, Doom64hunter said:

Sorry for the late response, it's "Eternity Engine v4.02.00 "Forseti"" like andrea's, and I used Heartland RC2.


I'm not sure why it wasn't printed to the crashlog.

Can you tell me the coordinate in MAP06 where it happened? Go there and use the warp console command without any arguments (do not use the automap coordinates).


@andreadworkin4thaweekend I would also appreciate the coordinates in your case.

Edited by printz

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On 3/18/2021 at 2:09 PM, printz said:

Yeah, ideally on GitHub we see the list of stuff to do or bugs to fix first.

gotcha, i would have done that but the crash dialog told me to post here. i'll try to figure out where it is in the code and submit a pr to change it to the github tracker if you want.

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