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Doom Eternal crashing at start out of nowhere

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So, to provide a bit of context:

- My computer had until recently been running Doom Eternal with near full settings at 2.5k 60fps no problem, so it definitely exceeds min requirements.

- Doom '16 still runs perfectly.

- Google has not been helpful.

- One person suggested uninstalling GeForce Experience which did not help.

- Restarting the computer did not help.

- Updating Steam did not help.

- Running the DLC did not affect anything as this problem happened a couple months after installing it.

- Uninstalling/reinstalling Doom Eternal did not help.

- There has been no unusual installations on my computer that might have triggered the crash.


This has been a somewhat unique problem and I can't find any info on how to remedy it.

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Does it just crash to desktop? When exactly does it crash? Right at the start? During the logos? On the main menu?


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Sounds like a similiar issue to what I'm having, idtechlauncher shows up in the system tray but the game doesn't appear at all. If this is the case then you could try renaming idTechLauncher.exe and make a copy of DOOMEternalx64vk.exe which you rename to idTechLauncher.exe, solved the issue for me.

Edited by ZeroMaster010

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