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There is plenty of story left for a new Doom game


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The amount of unresolved danglling plot threads, not to mention foreshadowing from the Kadingir prophecy etc ensures there is still enough plot to fill a direct sequel. The "Slayer's arc" is not over by a long shot, he's just done for the time being as he's accomplished the mission of returning Hell to a state that we want it in - a separate, closed-off dimension. People probably have to sit through a several hour-long ritual to summon a single goddamn imp (if that even works). But Hell is known to have dark lords of different eras and all that, and it's nowhere near destroyed or ruined. Doom 2's ending felt much more final to be honest, with the whole "hell is a wreck" direct quote (which is why it always baffled me why some people accept TNT and Plutonia as canon, as they directly contradict that). 

So yeah, the prophecy from all the way back in 2016 about the Crucible once again breaking down the walls between dimensions etc - it being left untouched isn't id forgetting or making an omission. It's them leaving stuff for Eternal's sequel. The universe is safe from Hell for now, but that might change a few years down the line. The only next logical step is to literally and completely "raze Hell" - only that can completely end any justification for further stories. Also, Samuel's alive and well and he can be your vitriolic buddy in the next game too, how cool is that?

Edited by Xfing

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I like the idea of further stories being set in the NuDoom universe, but could Id Software please please please hire more editors and/or hire different writers. I think the concepts are interesting but slightly let down by the flabby way in which they're executed

Edited by NoXion

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14 minutes ago, NoXion said:

 Id Software please please please hire more editors and/or hire different writers. I think the concepts are interesting but slightly let down by the flabby way in which they're executed


Agree, but I don't think Hugo's ego will allow this to happen.

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@Stoltzmann You feels like if Hugo broke your house or something, don't be that mad.

And yeah, i see more oportunity to the NuDoom saga, even without the Slayer in mind.

-A UAC Marine that's learns the true about the Fathers, Urdak, and how they soon will rule the Earth, he learn because of someone (Maybe Samuel Hayden again?), and he objective may be go to the hell of Inmora, and wake the tomb of the only one that can destroy the father for good. Even bring back the Malice of Samuel Hayden, and try to trick the Slayer to he be one to remplace the Father, and be more infinitily powerful.

-The Slayer waking out, in a new type of invasion, mostly a cosmic-hell, more powerful than ever, not even the Urdak and Fathers are alive because how powerful they are.

-The hellish invasion on earth in the eyes of the original earth of the Slayer, more like a re-imagination of the Events of Doom I and II but with gameplay more alike the Doom 2016. (That's would be lame in my opinion)

- A Marine with another copy of VEGA, that learns what happened in the TAG, so, he bring a way to stop the Father and bring the Balance again (VEGA being more Human that Angel, that the Father, so he would had more compation with the Humans, even protect them instead of being hell fuel)

There's many ways to expand without looking back to the nostalgia and simple terms of the olders games.

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1 hour ago, Stoltzmann said:


Agree, but I don't think Hugo's ego will allow this to happen.

Doom 2016 had a different writer, so idk why you’d think they won’t do it again

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1 hour ago, jamondemarnatural said:

@Stoltzmann You feels like if Hugo broke your house or something, don't be that mad.

Ah but you see, Hugo is a well-known House demolisher in his past time, of course he’s pissed off I mean those guys are goddamn bloodsucking parasites!

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2 hours ago, Stoltzmann said:

Agree, but I don't think Hugo's ego will allow this to happen.


"I don't like the game therfore the person who made it is an objectively terrible/incompetent person." very sound and mature logic...


Gotta find something to blame it on, cant possibly be about preference or anything *shrug*

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10 hours ago, jazzmaster9 said:


"I don't like the game therfore the person who made it is an objectively terrible/incompetent person." very sound and mature logic...


Gotta find something to blame it on, cant possibly be about preference or anything *shrug*

Agreed, never got an impression from Hugo that he's a huge egomaniac or anything like that. Just because he had a strong vision for the game, doesn't mean he must have been authoritarian about it. He's actually super smart for having designed such brilliant gameplay rly

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11 minutes ago, Xfing said:

Agreed, never got an impression from Hugo that he's a huge egomaniac or anything like that. Just because he had a strong vision for the game, doesn't mean he must have been authoritarian about it. He's actually super smart for having designed such brilliant gameplay rly

I Mean I get that there are elements and ideas in the game not everyone will like and agree with.

But people take it like its some personal attack, that id is an evil incompetent company purposefully trying to ruin their beloved franchise because they don't agree with a design decision.


There are ideas and gameplay elements i don't like, but i don't think they are evil and egotistical for adding them cuz in the end of the day. its ALL preference regardless of what people say or think.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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Well, having replayed Doom 2016 recently I can say that there were some things I liked better about that game. Sure, it had some serious flaws that Eternal addressed (sameyness of the setting, over-reliance on arena combat), but brought in new flaws in their place. Doom 2016's hell stages were more reminescent of OG Doom than anything Eternal did, including Nekravol. There was just enough of Doom 3 vibes to not be a turn-off as well. What they failed to realize in Eternal is that Doom was always a horror game in a sense - the gameplay wasn't supposed to be a survival horror like Doom 3 was, but the settings themselves had full potential to be frightening. Levels in OG Doom could both be slow and crawly, and fast paced/open - that's what made the game so versatile. Eternal unfortunately focuses only on the latter aspect. And the lush, utopian environments that we visited in Eternal remind more of fan projects such as Eviternity than whatever was originally made. Variety is nice, but damn the game needs to be darker. It's a very simple-minded way of looking at the game to say it was only fast-paced action and thrash metal - Doom always had depressing, contemplative and frightening moments to it too.

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The problem is that they very clearly established that the demons cannot leave Hell anymore.

And I think we can all agree that the central theme which makes a game "Doom" is the invasion of demons. That's what connects all Doom games, from Ultimate to Eternal.


Of course, they can undo it by introducing yet another new macguffin that allows the demons to do their invasion anyways, but would that really be a good idea? Do we really want to fall into that pit where no absolute is actually final and "characters" (used loosely in this sense) can always be brought back from the dead at the writer's whim?

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There is plenty of story left? Oh boy.

The story is now so messed up that I don't think I want any more story.

The next game should just not have a story if this is the new standard.

2016 had a promising start, but with Eternal and the DLC it just got worse and worse and now it makes no sense whatsoever.

How can they possibly salvage this storyline? They need to just start completely over at this point.

And I don't mean have a new protagonist, because I like Doomguy, it's just that they did him dirty with this mess of a story.

If they change the protagonist to somebody who is not Doomguy, it will go badly. I wouldn't even play it.

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13 minutes ago, Duke of Pathoris said:

Calling it: Doom 3 Marine will go on another adventure, find the sarcophagus and release the Slayer. Either that or they'll use a female marine from the Doom 3 universe.

There was a female Marine in Doom 3?

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4 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

There was a female Marine in Doom 3?

No but they can add one if they want to.


Also moving on, there's room for more plot. The demons are sealed inside but they are not all dead. Hell has not been finished off.

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2 hours ago, Duke of Pathoris said:

No but they can add one if they want to.


Also moving on, there's room for more plot. The demons are sealed inside but they are not all dead. Hell has not been finished off.

They could have make Doomguy become the new Dark Lord and start defending Hell from non-demonic invaders - e.g. a reformed UAC led by the Seraphim and VEGA. Basically, a premise that would be much closer to where Doom 64 left off.

Edited by Rudolph

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i think we wont be seeing any new doom games in this generation but maybe the next one

honestely this feels just like the ending to doom 64 were they can still make a sequel but it already a good ending for the series (honestely i would say even better then ancient gods doom guy being stuck in hell forever is such a good ending for the series)

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2 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

i think we wont be seeing any new doom games in this generation but maybe the next one


What's leading you to that conclusion?

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4 minutes ago, Rytrik said:


What's leading you to that conclusion?

Yeah, thats really awkard, because now with Microsoft, they may want a nice Doom for the Xbox Series X 

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1 hour ago, Rytrik said:


What's leading you to that conclusion?

developer burn up really

they have been just making doom in the past few years and their other ips have been mostly handed out to other developers

the team probaly wants to make something new now if we see a doom game this gen it will probaly be a spin off or a smaller project like a remake

i think that darklord dying and all demons dying is just a way for them to move on from doom for a while though i recognise i can easily be wrong but this feels like inti creates killing zero on mmz4 because they didnt want to keep making the series but still left enouth material for the future

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9 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

developer burn up really

they have been just making doom in the past few years and their other ips have been mostly handed out to other developers

the team probaly wants to make something new now if we see a doom game this gen it will probaly be a spin off or a smaller project like a remake


Please cite your sources.

Edited by Rytrik

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13 minutes ago, Rytrik said:


Please cite your sources.

like i said "probaly"

its all speculation from my part but its likely that the team is done with doom at least for some time

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34 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

like i said "probaly"

its all speculation from my part but its likely that the team is done with doom at least for some time

I also say that after Doom 2016, but they always working for their next game without public knowledge.  Also this, from id Software.

DOOM Eternal "is not the end of DOOM," says id Software; ideas for the future (gadgetcrutches.com)

Hugo Martin (id Software) to Polygon: The Ancient Gods is the end of the story arc but "there are more stories to tell with the DOOM Slayer, for sure" News | ResetEra



The good news is that the team at id Software seems to have found the right direction for the franchise, as evidenced by the data the designers collected about the number of people who played and beat Doom Eternal. While the game introduced a lot of movement options and combat systems that all had to work together, players didn’t seem to find it too difficult or complex. In fact, Doom Eternal appears to have hooked players in an even deeper way than its predecessor did.


Edited by jamondemarnatural

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1 hour ago, Rytrik said:


Please cite your sources.


I so much speculation of how the developers were rushed or forced Crunch times without actual citations.


I can understand being disappointed at a product but trying to justify their disappointment as The Devs are idiots who can't seem to make a competent game. sounds silly.


With that being said, the story is open ended enough for atleast one more Big Doom game to close out a trilogy.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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Foolishness of some fans trink they will change the core game with a reboot, after Eternal being so

acclaimed by they Gameplay. 

It's just so weird ( in this Forums) how many was alrigth with Eternal until this last DLC, 
after that, it's like this changes how the games was before.

I understand to be dissapoint with the Lore, but understanding the situation, may be expanded by other medias (As iD Software say too much time in their livestreams, they had problem with Covid and work in home, and  that's something i can show you the sources). So this DLC not being the same as the Base Game may be for that workflow. And now ending with a plain state of the Slayer again. They can do others ideas in the future where it's more accessible to work.

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23 minutes ago, jamondemarnatural said:

Foolishness of some fans trink they will change the core game with a reboot, after Eternal being so

acclaimed by they Gameplay. 

I wouldn't say its foolishness, its simply letting their disappointment get the better of them and they need to vent that somehow.


Heck I felt the same way when i first played TNT: Evilution. My disappointment and distain for the mapset tainted my view of Team TNT for a while, Also felt the same about Dark Souls 2, I hated Tanimura for a while, But of course i grew out of that.


23 minutes ago, jamondemarnatural said:

It's just so weird ( in this Forums) how many was alrigth with Eternal until this last DLC, 

Doom Eternal and even Doom 2016 was met with distain (in this forum) when it first came out.

The "Doom is ruined forever thread number X" started with Doom 2016 and has come back every time a new Doom entry is releases, mostly from the vocal minority.


but I digress, this simply off topic so i wont expand on it any further.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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1 hour ago, omalefico32x said:

like i said "probaly"

its all speculation from my part but its likely that the team is done with doom at least for some time


Please see @jamondemarnatural's post which includes links that have evidence to the contrary of your speculations.

Edited by Rytrik

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19 hours ago, Doom64hunter said:

The problem is that they very clearly established that the demons cannot leave Hell anymore.

And I think we can all agree that the central theme which makes a game "Doom" is the invasion of demons. That's what connects all Doom games, from Ultimate to Eternal.

Were they able to leave Hell in Doom 1, Doom 3 and Doom 2016? I don't think so. It was always due to humans experimenting with portal and occult stuff. 


So basically nothing has changed compared to Doom 2016. The Slayer is sealed and some scientists might open a portal to Hell. 

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