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Looking for the "cleanest" port of Doom 2 that compiles on Windows


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Hello there,

Could anyone point me to a Doom 2 port that:

  • has a game engine the closest to the Vanilla doom (that is that doesn't include a ton of game changes), basically that doesn't include compatibility levels other than 1.9
  • has a modern graphics engine / input handling (so I don't play in 320x200, even though I would if I had no other choices)
  • compiles on Windows.


There are tons of ports out there, and I wanted to study / alter the original doom out of curiosity.



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Chocolate and Crispy are probably your best bet there, since you seek a minimalist port.

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39 minutes ago, Ankha said:

Hello there,

Could anyone point me to a Doom 2 port that:

  • has a game engine the closest to the Vanilla doom (that is that doesn't include a ton of game changes), basically that doesn't include compatibility levels other than 1.9
  • has a modern graphics engine / input handling (so I don't play in 320x200, even though I would if I had no other choices)
  • compiles on Windows.


There are tons of ports out there, and I wanted to study / alter the original doom out of curiosity.

I have in store:

DJDoom is a reference implementation of the Linux Doom source vis-a-vis for Windows with DirectDrax (DX8). I say that one is as closest as you can go.

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Crispy doom with all its option turned off except resolution (640x400), frame rate (60fps) and pixel smooth scaling (on). Widescreen (on) to taste.

Edited by dmslr

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