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Hi everyone, first post from me here. Between 1994 and 2000 I was making Doom/Doom2 WADs for my friends and me and put all that aside for the past 20 years. Last Christmas I decided to get back at it and started this project. My goal was to make a WAD that was Vanilla compatible so I started the build with Deu2c in DosBox and reached the memory limit of it pretty fast since my map was just getting bigger and bigger. I then switched to Eureka since it was easy to get on my Linux laptop and didn't feel like wasting time with Wine to get something else working. I also wanted a map that was challenging and maybe even frustrating to finish. Seeing the comments of one of my friend how tested the map I think I reached the "frustrating" part at least for some players because he was asking for way more ammo and health. I was able to finish the map without cheating in 3h27 of gameplay so it's definitely doable. I would like some more feedback before calling it totally finished and being able to move completely to my next map project.


I think DoomLegacy may not be the port that most people uses here but my friends and I have been using it for more than 20 years so most of my test time was with it. Anyway, I also tested it with PrBoom+ and GZDoom. The screenshots were taken with PrBoom+ and the video was taken with DoomLegacy.


Thank you in advance for your time and comments!


Name: Never Rest

Map Format: Doom2

Ports Tested: DoomLegacy, PrBoom+ and GZDoom

IWAD: Doom 2

Map(s): MAP02

Music: Not yet. Suggestions are accepted. I'm looking for a mix of suspense and  ambience.

Gameplay: Single player, COOP, there are deathmatch starts but clearly not a map for that.

Difficulty Settings: Yes, all of them.

Multiplayer Placement: Yes

Build Time: Over 75h if I include testing time.

Textures: Doom2 default textures.

Requirements: None

Video of the map: NEVEREST_Beta



























Edit: Corrected a few things in the level. Added difficulty levels below UV. Added some details to a few rooms to make them look better.

Edit 2: Corrected a few more things and improved the look of some rooms.

Edit 3: Corrected a few misaligned textures and added a secret with an invulnerability sphere.

Edit 4: Changed the name to NEVRREST.WAD. Added deathmatch positions, weapons and items. Improved the look of some rooms. Modified the 3rd wave of the maze to send some monsters elsewhere for later in the game. Added some health, armour and ammo near the beginning.

Edit 5: Corrected some misaligned textures. Modified the waves in the maze. Increased luminosity by 10% everywhere.

Edit 6: Modified the waves in the maze again, now sends some monsters in the begining zone also. Added a Caco fountain in the final fight zone. Added some details here and there. Added dehacked info for map name and intermission screen map name. Changed the music for DOOM E2M2 while I wait for the final one to be composed.

Edited by |Raph|

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Going to try this one now, looks interesting. I am using the Beta 3 version :)


EDIT: I enjoyed the first parts of this map until the long maze. It is quite repetitive I have to say, and you also need to provide some more powerful weapons to the players if they are going to face strong monsters like barons of hell and spider masterminds along with cyberdemons and arch-viles later on, like rocket launcher or plasma rifle. I have seen a lot of energy cell packs in the large area with a lot of monsters after the long maze, but I didn't see any plasma rifle. Is there any way where I can get such weapons? Maybe I'm missing something.

Edited by Omniplex

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There is a plasma riffle in this room. You need to go upstair to get it while the monsters infight at the bottom. Once you have it you can do a clean up of the room and then press the switch.


Also, I don't know if you checked the video first but it shows you how to get the SSG before entering the maze. It's in a secret.


I must admit the 3rd spawn fight in the maze makes it a bit repetitive. I'm not sure what of removing it or making the 3 waves smaller would be the best. What do you think?


Btw, thank you very much for the feedback!

Edited by |Raph|

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Here is another video to show how to make one of the most difficult fight of the level an easy one.




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Added a new version of the WAD file (beta 4) in the first post. I corrected a few misaligned textures and also added a secret with an invulnerability sphere. Somewhat I missed the fact that there was already a "NEVEREST.WAD" from 1994 and I may have to change the name of the level to something else that isn't already used.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a fifth beta of the wad and it's added in the first post. I changed the name to NEVRREST.WAD. Added deathmatch positions, weapons and items. Improved the look of some rooms. Modified the 3rd wave of the maze to send some monsters elsewhere for later in the game. Added some health, armour and ammo near the beginning.

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  • 2 months later...

This shoud be the last beta of this map. If I don't get any other feedback from my friends or here I'll just wait for the final song to add it and will call it finished. I'm currently happy of the result. I know it doesn't have all the eye candy of many modern maps you can find nowadays but the goal was to make something that looked old school like what I was doing in 1994-2000. One of my friend and my brother finished it so I know I'm not the only one able to do it.


Again, your feedback is welcome.

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  • 8 months later...

Gameplay: Unfinished, HMP



Feedback: Lot of hitscanners in large open spaces makes this map quite difficult. Your only cover are 3px of the tree trunks, and a couple of brick walls. Otherwise It's just open field. Relying on infighting is a must to conserve both ammo and health. Duck around corners to get off some  nasty monsters. First 2 runs expect to miss a lot of stuff, including much needed armor and health. The map is a grind and definetly out of my league. 

Ammo wise it is okay, I'd say the balance is off, since there is a lot of shutgun ammo, so shotgunning everything get's tedious. Despite chaingun and chaingun ammo, a huge group of hitscanners ambushing in multiple open spaces makes this map quite difficult. I would love to see someone more experienced give this one a try and read their feedback. 
Tried Ultra Violence as well, infighting there is paramount because otherwise you will run out of ammo and health quickly. The potential is there.



TL;DR: This map is way too hard for me. I skipped, as a result, can not provide meaningful feedback.

Tested because OP shared this thread in personal messages and I did not see many gameplay feedback posts.

Would love to see someone else give it a try and give proper feedback, as it does have potential.

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