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should i beat wolfnestein 3d?

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i'm trying to beat all the most prolofic 2d fps'  chronologiclally, for the first time ever and on the hardest difficulty before the hardest difficulty published or developed by id software, raven software, and  3d realms, i wonder if i should include wolfenstein 3d and sof because it does not work the same with level design, it also does not have a sky or floor and ceiling textures plus not important i lost all my progress of episode 5 because i accidentally replaced it when i started episode 6 and it is getting more tedious and repetitive also my brain is starting to taunt itself in a german accent as i go on(joke i gues).

but more importantly it is one of the most prolific 2d fps' made by id  

Edited by Tony_Pepporoni

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Get good at strafing in and out of cover by gesturing the mouse and the retail levels are so easy that you will beat them all in a few hours. There are only a few levels at the end of some of the episodes (E3 and then I think toward the end of the Nocturnal Missions) where the difficulty ramps up suddenly and you have to cope with big mobs of enemies, but generally Wolf3d is a breeze once you get used to its controls.

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10 minutes ago, Aaron Blain said:

 the retail levels are so easy

Episode 2: Operation Eisenfaust wants to know your location



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What's sourceport are your ussing? As the original Game does not have strafing, so im ussing ECWolf so Strafe it's available.

For maximum diffucultys in this game, enemies have a range damage, so if you wake enemies and run to a corner where the enemies will run to you, and you can snipe tap with the MP40, you'll kill more that they cant drop you HP.

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not beat it but i think you should at least play the first episode to get a feel for how it works

wolf3d is good but it shows its age and it gets boring fast

i recomend you to at least play the first and the third episode since they are quick fun and you will kill hitler

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It does get a little tedious, I agree, especially when there's no challenge. Open a door, shoot a guy, open a door, shoot two guys . . .


If you like the mechanics, community map packs are much better. Personally I really enjoy Spear Resurrection.


Mutants are definitely the hardest part of the game, because of their insane reaction times. In the beginning you'll have to creep around corners very very carefully until you get your SMG, then you're fine. Taking out a mutant with the pistol is pretty hard though.


See, the problem is that Wolf3d has weird controls compared to everything we're used to. I play with Strafe On set to RMB. So, what you do is hold RMB, gesture left or right, and your character moves incredibly quickly and responsively to the side. This makes it very very easy to pop out of cover and shoot and get back into cover before the enemy can react.

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Tried to beat it, but never gone far then first episode - got bored. The same type of maze like corridors, textures and stuff like that. I'm was okey with controls in case of using arrows + ctrl for shoot, i.e. no mouse at all and that slow type of gameplay, which, seems to, many folks don't like here, compare to Doom and other titles, but I have had familiar experience in other games, so perhaps that matter.


The best pick, I suppose, if you are looking for similar experience is to play Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993) instead. Same structure, but colorful graphics, interesting monsters, nice atmosphere and sounding. Available in Steam / GOG. And, by the way, don't waste you time on sequel - it's bad and if you will not play it you will not loose anything.


In case you are fine with mediocre / category B shooters - take a look on Corridor 7 (1994).

Edited by UnknDoomer

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yeah i usually shoot 1 bullet before i see the mutant like any sane person, also that's a good suggestion i didn't think of that and i've benn using ec wolf ever since i played episode 1 but the graphics are generally better

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If you are doing something like an historical research "on the field" Wolf 3D is a must. It is still a lot fun to play today, even if the level design is something varying from hypnothic and boring, and this depends a lot on your mood.

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i also use saves so i don't know the problems of dying and having to start with your pistol i also have been doing the same thing for doom because i don't know the button for respawning, and i'm guessing that's practically cheating

Edited by Tony_Pepporoni

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If you like killing nazis, mazes and a mecha-hitler as a final boss, go for it

Just now, Tony_Pepporoni said:

i also use saves so i don't know the problems of dying and having to start with your pistol i also have been doing for doom because i don't know the button for respawning, also i'm guessing that's practically cheating

You respawn with the "use" key, in my case, E

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if i'm gonna be honest i actually beat episodes 1-3 for doom doing that and i'm only thinking of not beating epsiode 4 because i would to beat heretic doom II and hexen before i do that, and if you are wondering i only did not beat wolf 3d first because i still needed the money for it on steam

Edited by Tony_Pepporoni

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and one last question is death incarnate having of enemies respawning? because that's the only reason i don't play on it, the only reason why i don't try for myself because i might destroy some data again from muscle memory whenever i have a good place to save on i wouldn't have made this topic if gretel grosse was still saved on my game rn

Edited by Tony_Pepporoni

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thanks and i wanted to show my mom and dad the death cams anyways(Note: they are in their 50's as of when i post this and the only person in my family who ever showed interest for any time in there life in 2d fps games as of what i know is my uncle from my mother's side)

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Just now, Tony_Pepporoni said:

and one last question is death incarnate having of enemies respawning? because that's the only reason i don't play on it, the only reason why i don't try for myself because i might destroy some data again from muscle memory whenever i have a good place to save on i wouldn't have made this topic if gretel grosse was still saved on my game rn

No, as well as not respawning brain cells.

Seriously, enemies can shoot through enemies, most of them are hit scan, and best weapon in game consume bullets as much as we eat great food of grandma.

Raised count of enemies on this difficulty can make you regret about living.

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i'm glad i'm including build engine games(i think you don't pistol start when you respawn) because for even the difficulty i'm playing on (bring em' on) it seems crucial for me, btw it's the first i have beaten these games ever

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Wolf 3D is a great game as is SOD, but man is the level design rough. Going from Doom to the maze like levels of every map of Wolf takes some getting used to for sure, but nonetheless would def reccomend.

Edited by Tony_Danza_the_boss

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I could never play Wolf 3D on a computer, the only time I ever beat it was when I had a GBA when I would play it for 10 mins at a time.

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