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[Megawad] Doom 2 In Spain Only [Now on idgames]

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Welcome to the forums! Those screenshots look pretty nice.

Please make sure you've read the following, as it details what you should and shouldn't do when posting WADs. For instance you missed out which ports it's targeted for... I think?


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Ay Caramba! Debo probar esto!

Gonna download tonigth and give my trougths,  hope to see and understand the Spanish references if there's any.

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I would have titled the project "Threshold of Spain"! :P


But seriously, why does the title has East-Asian (Chinese?) characters?

Edited by Rudolph

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I just booted this up and skimmed around a bit... and I love it!


I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but the maps are very nice indeed. I especially love the architecture in the city levels. A completely different kind of Hell on Earth. I look forward to playing it in full! Congratulations to all involved :)

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Wow, se ve muy bueno! Lo voy a jugar ya! XD

EDIT: El TITLEPIC  se ve espectacular!/ The TITLEPIC looks amazing! :O



Edited by LUISDooM

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1 minute ago, Egg Boy said:

Been waiting for this one.

What's the story behind this set? I must admit I am a little confused O.o

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13 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

What's the story behind this set? I must admit I am a little confused O.o

why should I spoil the fun?

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I'm slightly disappointed that this wasn't a dark horse Spanish community project a la JCP but this is pretty freakin' cool. lol at MAP30; makes me think that you guys are angling for an official add-on release. would love to read the dev notes.

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12 minutes ago, northivanastan said:

Not planning on playing this right away, but I have to laugh at "Juan Romero" and "South American McGee" XD

Nevermind. After downloading this, reading through the text file,


seeing the accomplished mappers behind this,

and skipping through some of the levels, I've just gotta play this.


Could you all please stop making must-play WADs? My backlog is getting way too long.

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Currently going through another megawad right now, but once I'm finished with that I'll definitely be playing this.

This looks incredible and I hope it's as good as everyone in this thread is making it out to be.

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