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Ask John Romero Questions

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My question is: What are your thoughts on the doom speedrunning community, and would you ever consider joining in on it for a new doom challenge for yourself?

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Q: What are your thoughts on vanilla engine quirks like infinite height, blockmap bug, and melee hitboxes, which continue to haunt players to this day in vanilla ports. Would you say that GZDoom, with its variety on engine fixes and updates, is the best way to play Classic Doom in the modern era?

Edited by Spectre01

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Q: If you had the opportunty to change some core aspect of Doom MP (Weapons, Speed) you would do it? Or it's a better approach to take the changes in the map's inself?

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What are his thoughts about being forever branded by a game made 27 years ago?

No matter what he would do now people will always compare it to Doom. Has this affected his creative output in any way?

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When can we expect a 32 map Romero megawad for Doom 2? Looking back at Sigil, do you have plans to create more maps/wads in the future for Doom 2 aswell?


Any plans for Daikatana 2?

Edited by OniriA

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5 minutes ago, Reelvonic said:

that got kinda dark


That was not my intention honestly, but I know some musicians start to hate their biggest hits after playing them live 5000 times and everyone only wanting to hear them. Is it the same for video game creators?


Hideo Kojima for example wanted to "get out" from making Metal Gear Solid games long before he did.


If it come across as dark or mean then of course don't ask it. But it could be an interesting thing to ask/discuss about if you word it right.

Edited by CyberHog

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What single doom level, or moment of a level, that you made are you most proud of?


Are you going to release more maps? A new Romero Doom II mapset would be killer. Doesn't have to be a megawad, just a MAP01-7 replacement or something.

Edited by VisionThing

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4 minutes ago, CyberHog said:


That was not my intention honestly, but I know some musicians start to hate their biggest hits after playing them live 5000 times and everyone only wanting to hear them. Is it the same for video game creators?


Hideo Kojima for example wanted to "get out" from making Metal Gear Solid games long before he did.


If it come across as dark or mean then of course don't ask it. But it could be an interesting thing to ask/discuss about if you word it right.

Reminds me of Slayer and "Angel of Death". First song on their first major album, and it's their best song. (Well, I think it's Mandatory Suicide, but generally it's regarded as their most popular song). It'd have to be hard to follow that up.

Edited by Jello

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What would you list as your top 5 fan made megawads from the community, Mr.Romero?

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How much of the work created in the Doom community have you played? Has the evolution of community mapping/modding turned out how you envisioned?

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Which "boomer shooter" that came out within the last few years do you enjoy the most, if any, and why? If not, what other recent games do you enjoy?

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Q: Lets say in some alternative timeline "ID Software" was a massive failure, did you had any backup plans for what you have done then?

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39 minutes ago, Loud Silence said:

Q: Which one will be released sooner: Blackroom or Daikatana 2?

Seriously, I would like to know if Blackroom is still being worked on.

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Any thoughts on even the console versions of Doom getting modded now? (Stuff like the 32X: Delta project and the GEC Master Edition for PSX Doom for example.)


Or how about console versions of Doom being reverse engineered and "backported" to PC? (i.e; Calico for Jaguar Doom, PsyDoom for PSX Doom.)

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I have several questions about Doomguy's hands.

What are Doomguy's gloves supposed to be? They look like gardening gloves.
And why Doomguy takes both off to use the knuckeduster, even the right one?
When the fists are equiped, what he is doing with the right hand? Looks like he's doing a "v".
Since the sprites are Kevin Cloud's arms, then I suppose these are real gloves? Whose they belong to? Where they got them. Where they are now?

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I saw some of the beta Doom 2 maps recently and how they had eventually been redesigned to be easier than originally planned (there were pinkies in map01 IIRC). Made me curious over the thought process behind that. Like, was that decision informed by Doom 2 being made as a retail product and it might end up being the first Doom game for a lot of people?

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1 hour ago, CyberHog said:

What are his thoughts about being forever branded by a game made 27 years ago?

No matter what he would do now people will always compare it to Doom. Has this affected his creative output in any way?

How about this? How proud is he that a game he made 27 years ago is still so well loved that it feels like it's still brand new? Maybe it's just me but Doom never ages IMO.

Edited by Dubbag

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16 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Any thoughts on even the console versions of Doom getting modded now? (Stuff like the 32X: Delta project and the GEC Master Edition for PSX Doom for example.)


Or how about console versions of Doom being reverse engineered and "backported" to PC? (i.e; Calico for Jaguar Doom, PsyDoom for PSX Doom.)

I'm already asking this question, and he is aware of Delta considering I asked him for permission to port Sigil.

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Would you consider making maps for a Boomer Shooter and what are your thoughts on the genre? 

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How would you make a Doom movie?

What is your least favorite map out of all the ones you've made?



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