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How would you have designed TAG2's final boss differently? [spoilers]

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I see 2016 and Eternal's boss fights as having opposite downfalls to one another.


The bosses in 2016 have a ton of really cool attacks that each force you to use different movements to dodge them, but they're so slow the fights get pretty easy once you know what they can do.


Eternal's bosses, on the other hand, have mostly simple attacks that can be avoided in similar ways (namely circlestrafing/dashing :p), but they're so fast and have so many minions it's easy to get clipped by something and stunlocked for a ton of health.


If they'd managed to combine the two, creative and involved attacks with punishing speed, the fights could have been something really amazing. As it stands even the worst boss in new Doom is still miles ahead of the average FPS boss so you can't have everything lol.

Edited by xdarkmasterx

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I guess  i have more to add to that DL thing i wrote:


* Another thing with Immora having armored humans and sci-fi tech is that it makes Hell have a bit more in common with UAC and Sentinels with another human faction when it could have easilly been either Hell corrupting/stealing stuff, creating things out of parody/immitation or even some possessed cultists that worshipped Hell since they even had that aspect since 2016.

* DL could have been evil for the fact that he's the dark lord, so him complaining about immortality and backstabbed by his servants can feel like a case of weird depth.

* If Doomguy still had his crucible, there could have been a rare-but-possible moment of his sword colliding with the DL's and it'd be this "locked" QTE thing where you had to push him away, almost like a RE4 moment. This one sounds weird and maybe out of place. Maybe it could still work with the hammer.


I sound too much like a whiney nerd but the one id employee reading my posts probably thinks it's fricking epic i bet, so who knows.

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  • 1 year later...

I would have shelved him into being completely untouchable any way you slice it. It was honestly a mistake to add him, but lets say we start with the TAG 1 ending, discount the literal him in TAG 2. Everything going forward from TAG 1 would be a gotcha because the Doom Slayer spawned him into a room where he could not immediately kill him. I would have made him a monkey paw entity that would subvert the Doom Slayer, maybe a curse or possession.  Hed be you or a figment of yourself that cannot be addressed. I would have had his release be a mistake on part of the Doom Slayer. There would have to be more to it if you wanted to actually rectify this sort of thing.


"Hes you, in their world."


If there had to be a boss fight, then its gotta be a quake 3 nightmare Xaero fight where hes basically cheating and curb stomping you by himself.


He's very obviously NOT a DLC villian.

Edited by Dreamskull

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  On 3/19/2023 at 4:53 PM, Dreamskull said:

I would have shelved him into being completely untouchable any way you slice it. It was honestly a mistake to add him, but lets say we start with the TAG 1 ending, discount the literal him in TAG 2. Everything going forward from TAG 1 would be a gotcha because the Doom Slayer spawned him into a room where he could not immediately kill him. I would have made him a monkey paw entity that would subvert the Doom Slayer, maybe a curse or possession.  Hed be you or a figment of yourself that cannot be addressed. I would have had his release be a mistake on part of the Doom Slayer. There would have to be more to it if you wanted to actually rectify this sort of thing.


"Hes you, in their world."


If there had to be a boss fight, then its gotta be a quake 3 nightmare Xaero fight where hes basically cheating and curb stomping you by himself.


He's very obviously NOT a DLC villian.


I think you're a little bit late lol. I should stop so other people can yk be on the top of the forum channel board thingy.

Edited by gamingcooler

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have mostly made peace with TAG2's final boss battle, but after his armor is destroyed, I would love to have seen a lengthy custcene in where Doomguy and Davoth just beat the shit out of each other, like Solid Snake and Liquid Ocelot in MGS4, this time to the tune of "The Only One they Fear is You". 

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  • 2 months later...

I like the concept they went with, though if I had to change anything I would do one of the following:


A1. Give him more phases. He would have enough health bars to fit the health bar (so like 12 or 13). To contrast, pull a page from the Harder Dark Lord mod and have him not be invulnerable with the shield.


A2. Make him STUPIDLY aggressive. His fight is evocative of deathmatches, so let's make him the equivalent of a hyper-focused, salty elite gamer guy. Have him use his shield bash like three times, and at very fast speeds, give his turret projectiles more horizontal spread, and maybe change up his spawns so that Marauder ghosts can appear.


A3. Give him more attacks. Have him do things like a mach tornado (i.e. Hell Guard's spinning attack but moving around much more), more long-range attacks (jumping at you with a fiery shockwave), have him throw you when you're too close, a teleport for right you're about to parry him, maybe even have him whip out a GIANT quad SSG or an even bigger demonic BFG to shoot and cause enormous damage.


A4. Have him go even more aggressive in his final phase. He moves around a lot faster and shoots out more grenades, the reaction time for his parry is halved and he tries to heal himself automatically (but can be stunned out of it). If they really can't do the dragon phase like they planned, maybe have him use a pair of mech wings in his suit to fly around and drop bombs (shoot the wings as a weak point and he'll be back down). As a final ditch OHKO effort, when his health bar goes to zero, have him stop and go staggered for a bit...and then fire the rest of his BFG rounds before collapsing again for one final punch.


A5. I would also change the end cutscene a bit; after Davoth drops his Crucible, have Doomguy rip him out of the armor, rocket launcher it so it can't be used again, and then cue the stab and "NO".


A6. More dialogue lol. Maybe stuff like "Your corpse will rot in the Blood Swamps!", or "You wage war with the invincible!" and perhaps "You are no god, Slayer. Not to me." too. If we're going extra cheesy, just make him belt out a good villainous laugh.


B. Just shelve his fight entirely and make him prominent, but invincible, throughout the DLC, and end with a grand buildup for him as the ultimate big bad of the next game. It's less satisfying, but he's the ultimate antagonist of the franchise and I think he'd need a lot more buildup. Replace his fight with something like a reborn Spider Mastermind, Mother Demon, or maybe something else like Erebus from the art book.

Edited by Gemidori

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