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Death is a Dish Best Served Fast - a proof-of-concept(ish) limit-removing map where the weapons change instead of the enemies

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Death is a Dish Best Served Fast is a small limit-removing map for Doom 2. The map is basically a proof-of-concept based on an idea I had about a different way of implementing difficulty settings. Contrary to how they're usually implemented, the enemy count and composition is the same across all difficulties - rather, what changes with them is the weapons provided and their locations. Thus, difficulty matters in a way it usually does not, as it drastically changes the way in which you have to tackle the challenge ahead.


IWAD: doom2.wad
Port: Limit-removing (may also work in vanilla but untested)
Map #: MAP01
Mode(s): Single-player
Difficulty settings: Yes
Tested with: Crispy Doom 5.9.2, GZDoom 4.5.0
Estimated play time: 2-3 minutes


Fun fact: The map's layout was speedmapped in 30 minutes, with everything else (texturing, gameplay, testing etc.) being done beyond that timeframe.


The map uses the MIDI "Explosions at the Lidl Bakery" by FuzzballFox.




In the spoiler below are descriptions for each difficulty setting - read at your own risk!



ITYTD/HNTR: The player is immediately given a BFG and some energy cells to tear through the bulk of the demons in the starting area. A couple additional energy cell packs are scattered around the perimeter. The indoor section houses a SSG and a bunch of shells. This difficulty should be maxable without any reliance on infighting. There's also an extra Megasphere in the map.


HMP: The BFG from ITYTD/HNTR is replaced with a Plasma Rifle, and the energy cell packs around the perimeter of the starting area are removed. The indoor section houses a Chaingun and some ammo clips. Some reliance on infighting may be needed if 100% kills are desired. There's also an extra Soulsphere in the map.


UV/NM: The player is given no weapon in the starting area. The only weapon in the map is a Rocket Launcher, way down in the room where the player acquires the blue key. Accuracy with the Rocket Launcher is of paramount importance due to the limited ammo provided. Reliance on infighting is needed if 100% kills are desired.




Direct: diadbsf.zip

Personal website: https://mfg38.github.io/files/doom_wads/diadbsf.zip

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3l81ytcqjmhbdy/diadbsf.zip?dl=0

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MHDcPicxnEJt5tBOwR_y-JmudWN7knHN/view?usp=sharing

Edited by MFG38

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