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MFG38's GZDoom Config File Backup Utility


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(Gosh, I hope I'm posting this in the right subforum...)


Have you ever had to endure the agony of having to reconfigure everything in GZDoom after re-downloading or updating it? Believe me, I too have been there on more occasions than I care to admit. It can prove to be a pretty daunting task, especially with how drastically GZDoom's options menu can change between certain versions. An option you thought was in one place may well have moved to another one. If only you had realized to make a backup of your config file, you wouldn't be going through this laborious process for the umpteenth time...


Fret not, for I have just come up with a solution to your problem - say hello to MFG38's GZDoom Config File Backup Utility! This is a simple batch program powered by just over 20 lines of code that creates a backup of your GZDoom config file that you can carry around in a storage device or cloud service of your choice and restore to completely bypass the process of reconfiguring GZDoom after downloading it onto your new PC - or at least to make it that much more painless.


Now, you may be wondering, "Why would I need this? I'm a responsible enough adult to already keep a backup of my GZDoom config file in case I need to re-download it for whatever reason." Well, sure, you are a responsible enough adult to do that, but that doesn't mean everybody else is. And this utility is for those people, not you, so shut up.


But in all seriousness, I don't expect this to be of much use to most people here, but if even one person finds this useful, it's a win in my book. c:




Unzip configbackup.bat to your GZDoom installation folder and run it. The program lets you perform two operations: Backup and Restore.


You can use the Backup operation to create a backup of your current GZDoom config file. Type backup or b to perform the operation. Upon typing it and pressing Enter, the program will ask you for the name of the input file; generally, this will be "gzdoom-<your_username>". Type it in and press Enter; you will then be asked to provide a name for the output file. Type a name for the backup file and press Enter, and the program will create a copy of your GZDoom config file with the output name that you provided.


The Restore operation, then, is used to restore a GZDoom config file from a backup. Type restore or r to perform the operation. Upon typing it and pressing Enter, the program will ask you for the name of the config file to generate the new config file from. In order for this operation to work properly, it is recommended to input some other file than your default GZDoom config file (i.e. a config file that is NOT named "gzdoom-<your_username>"). Type in the name of the input file and press Enter; the program will then generate a file named "gzdoom-<your_username>.ini" from the input file you provided.


Note that you do not have to type in the .ini file extension when inputting any of the filenames, as the program automatically assumes the .ini file extension for all filenames. Also, please do not try to use the program to backup/restore anything that is not an .ini file - I don't dare imagine what would happen in such a case...


DOWNLOAD: batch_gzdconfigbackup.zip

View source on GitHub: https://github.com/MFG38/misc/tree/master/batch_gzdconfigbackup

Edited by MFG38

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