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Various Doom logos?

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I love the Doom logo and use it for wallpaper on my laptop. I was wondering if you guys know of other Doom logos out there that I'm not finding. My favorites right now are the original Doom logo and I like the Doom logo they made for the Kar en Tuk mod that hasn't been released yet. See below. Do you guys know of others?




Doom KarEnTuk.png


Edited by TheGreenZap

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I like the Doom 3 alpha logo with the reflection of the Mars surface, it has a certain epic tone:



Has it ever been specified what those twin pyramids in the classic logo are? Maybe they aren't supposed to be pyramids, but I always see it as a a double-peaked pyramid.


Edited by Tetzlaff

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6 minutes ago, Tetzlaff said:

I like the Doom 3 alpha logo with the reflection of the Mars surface, it has a certain epic tone:


Has it ever been specified what those twin pyramids in the classic logo are? Maybe they aren't supposed to be pyramids, but I always see it as a a double-peaked pyramid.



I think they just did it to match the angles of the lettering and to divide the tech and brick imagery in a cool looking way. That said, I've always thought it looked like pyramids myself too.

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The original one is the best one :)

The Details are just great and it are giving it more Strength.

I would say it is one of the best Logos ever created.


I have never seen Pyramids in there^^

Only saw it as matching Part of the Style.


The Doom 3 one is good and also the Doom 64 one.

But none of them as good as the Original :)


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5 hours ago, Tetzlaff said:




they're all great. the one above is still my favorite.

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1 hour ago, Willow said:

I like the dark blue Doom 1 logo


It would be nice to have just the dark blue logo by itself that we could use. That is a cool one.

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51 minutes ago, SlayerOGames666 said:

Now that I think about it, (bump), what's the font that looks like DOOM's titlescreen?
I've been searching for this for AGES, and all I could find so far is Doom Text Generator - C.ee.ve.

That only prints the text shown in-game, not the TITLEPIC font.


As tends to be the case with logos, such font doesn't exist. The logo was designed from scratch, not from any existing fonts, meaning D, O, and M are essentially the only letters that exist in that "font".

That said, I googled "doom font" and a font inspired by the Doom logo was literally the first result. It's called AmazDooM.

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I like the 3D/slanted Doom 64 logo, and I'm curious if there is a version without the 64 at the bottom.



And not to mention the Doom v0.2 alpha logo (which looks like Doom 3's logo in a way).


Edited by Wavy

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What i also like more about the original Logo is that the Viewingpoint seems to be more frontal, the later ones seem to be from a perspective "more below" .



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3 hours ago, Azuris said:

What i also like more about the original Logo is that the Viewingpoint seems to be more frontal, the later ones seem to be from a perspective "more below" .



Doom logos are about to make you their bitch.

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9 hours ago, SlayerOGames666 said:

Now that I think about it, (bump), what's the font that looks like DOOM's titlescreen?
I've been searching for this for AGES, and all I could find so far is Doom Text Generator - C.ee.ve.

That only prints the text shown in-game, not the TITLEPIC font.


This is a great idea! @QuotePilgrim was right, I googled and found the font and it is well done and free to use. Now if we can get some people that are decent with graphic design to play around with it we could have several versions and new versions of the logo in high-res that we could use. 

Edited by TheGreenZap

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11 hours ago, TheGreenZap said:

This is a great idea! @QuotePilgrim was right, I googled and found the font and it is well done and free to use. Now if we can get some people that are decent with graphic design to play around with it we could have several versions and new versions of the logo in high-res that we could use. 

Could you send it in? If we could make doom-styled logos with the original TITLEPIC/M_DOOM font, this could be ground-breaking for WAD-making.

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On 3/28/2021 at 6:26 PM, MattFright said:

DOOM 4 has my favorite logo. Too bad that the version on DoomWiki.org is so low-res, compressed and blurry...


That's the original concept logo drawn by Kenneth Scott. He was an Artist who collaborated on Quake III Arena, DOOM 3 and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil.
I managed to find a better version of the logo a year ago when I started looking to archive material done for the project around the internet.219466750_Logooriginalquality.jpg.a5d764850862069f4c9444b8256e1d49.jpg


I patiently wait for id to release a build of the game and see the soup of ideas implemented in, even if it's left unfinished. This is the project that made a change to the new Doom games we know and enjoy.

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