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Your favorite way to deal with one or several Cyberdemons?

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Hello everyone


I feel like I always struggle a little bit when dealing with one or several Cybers. That's mostly due to their wealthy healthpool. They require alot of ammo and constant movement and good situational awereness as to not get stuck against a wall or getting too much splash damage. Circle strafing is a good option but that's not always possible.


How do you enjoy dealing with them under different circumstances? For example if there isn't room to circle strafe, you don't have enough bgf ammo etc etc.


Feel free to even post videos as well!

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Plasma one by one or separating the Cybers and two-shooting each one of them with the BFG.

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I have rarely encountered situations where there is just a group of cybies and nothing else. So my favorite method is take my finger off the fire button and zip-zoom around the area to as many monsters as I can to infight with the cyberdemons.


In the situation where this is not an option though, I tend to just BFG them. Group them together so I can see where they are and get caught by surprise and then get in close with the BFG. It's a bit risky and I'm not very good at two-shotting cybies so I tend to aim for 3-4 shots per cybie.

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If there are several cyberdemons at once, BFG spam is probably your best option unless there's some other trickery involved (like a crusher).



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You don't have to circle strafe. Just move slightly to the left and then slightly to the right whenever he shoots. Repeat until he dies. Maintain minimum distance necessary for reaction.


If multiple, find a good position. Cover is an important aspect in Doom in general. Find a spot where they can't reach or a chokepoint etc. If no cover is available  just unload into them with the BFG. One good thing about a group of Cybers is that you can just unload and won't miss too many tracers even from a medium distance until some of them die.

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Berserk pack punch-up.


Honestly though, I rarely have any issues with Cyberdemons. This isn't elitism talking as I'm not that good, it's because circle-strafe is their achilles heel. So you long as you have space to move that is. They become a serious hazard in enclosed area's though due to splash damage. If that is the case then you just have to keep trying. Tight spaces with obstacles is usually the only time they kill me.


Although we all catch a rocket to the face every now.


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BFG, or infight with many Cacodemons. Or freeze game, summon and surround him with many friendly Chaingunners, shoot each Chaingunner to make it wince in pain so they can all shoot the Cyberdemon immediately and watch the Cyberdemon scream his guts off (like a pig) to death.

Edited by pcorf

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If there are archviles around, try getting one or more aggro by the Cybers' rockets, and if possible leave the room and let the baddies duke it out. It may take a while though (splash damage resistance), and there's a good chance that the archviles will die first simply due to their own splash damage if they constantly get too close to attack, or simply by getting in harm's way.

Edited by Maes

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29 minutes ago, Maes said:

It may take a while though

Definitely take a while. Each arch-vile attack deals only 20 damage to a cybie, so to whittle down the 4000 hp that they start with, it'll take 200 arch-vile attacks. Now a single arch-vile attack takes a total of 94 tics, so about 2.6857 seconds. We'll round it up to 3 seconds to make things easier and factor in the time time it takes for the archie to decide to attack. 200 x 3 gives us 600 seconds, or 10 minutes.


Now if there are several angry arch-viles and only one offending cyberdemon, things can go faster; but it's definitely a strategy that should be left to non-linear maps where you can go take care of monsters in some other rooms while archie and cybie are busy.

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40 minutes ago, Maes said:

If there are archviles around, try getting one or more aggro by the Cybers' rockets, and if possible leave the room and let the baddies duke it out. It may take a while though (splash damage resistance), and there's a good chance that the archviles will die first simply due to their own splash damage if they constantly get too close to attack, or simply by getting in harm's way.


I don't know about you but I'd rather take my chances with the Cybie rather than deal with the Archvile. One archivile is okay but if there's like 2 or 3 infighting the cybie, I'm going to try redirecting the cyber rockets to get the archviles killed.

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I cleverly protect the valuable walls by absorbing rockets with my face.


If you're concerned though, look into Cyberdreams, which should give a lot of practice on how to avoid being splattered across the room.

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3 minutes ago, Euphoricape said:

What is the secret to BFG 2- shots..? Up close and aim at the chest or head? 


I THINK it's something like dodge and get closer for the first two rockets, and start the firing sequence when the third rocket fires, so when it goes off, the third rocket has already missed you and you can safely hug its legs.

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As I've just learned playing from Plutonia 2, the best way to deal with multiple Cyberdemons is...


...to not. 🙃

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A protracted rocket duel of course!




No? Okay, fine, BFG-spam it is then.

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If you don't mind trading time for (effective) ammo, and you can find a relatively safe spot, chaingun sniping or even using the shotgun over a moderate distance is quite effective. Cybers are large targets, and 7 pellets with 70-100 HP of damage a pop if they all connect is nothing to laugh at. In fact, it's almost the same a direct rocket hit on them, minus the firing rate.


Bonus points if they cannot really retaliate and you sit in a spot where you can only aim at their head. Like to call this "headfucking".

Edited by Maes

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Infight as much as possible. If they survive infighting then circle-strafe and BFG. If I don't have the BFG, then the SSG is my second weapon of choice, and I'm more likely to try and duck behind cover if there's anything that can block me from the Cyberdemons.

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Was playing through some Wads on the Switch and i think it was on Double Impact where i was on the last Level and i had the best Idea ever to handle the Situation rapidly.































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I circlestrafe or just dodge while shooting with my SSG!

Edited by JXC

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2 hours ago, Gez said:

We'll round it up to 3 seconds to make things easier and factor in the time time it takes for the archie to decide to attack. 200 x 3 gives us 600 seconds, or 10 minutes.

I like to think of this as Doomguy's coffee break. Bonus points if you get to watch the whole thing from a safe position. Extra Bonus Points if you REALLY go have a coffee or a piss/dump, come back, and everything's aaaaalllll-right.

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if you dont have much space to get close and use the bfg its better to stay away and kill them with the plasma gun

trying to separate them is also a good idea but if that is also not possible you could try to use one of them as a meat shield agains the rockets of the other cyber (even though they dont infight this can help you protect yourself)

Edited by omalefico32x

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