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Your favorite way to deal with one or several Cyberdemons?

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Whichever is the fastest way available, if it's within my ability to pull that efficient trick then the better for me (e.g. might reject a cyb below stairs where getting closer makes my movement too clumsy if there's a second option). 


I know some folks like it very intimate...... (@Nine Inch Heels)

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10 hours ago, Stabbey said:


I THINK it's something like dodge and get closer for the first two rockets, and start the firing sequence when the third rocket fires, so when it goes off, the third rocket has already missed you and you can safely hug its legs.



it's more like pulling the bfg's trigger when he fires his second rocket, so right after he fired his third, your shot goes off in his face. 

waiting until his third rocket means he starts firing again when you shoot.

time of death maps force one to 2-shot cows by rationing bfg ammo, those really help.

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10 hours ago, Stabbey said:


I THINK it's something like dodge and get closer for the first two rockets, and start the firing sequence when the third rocket fires, so when it goes off, the third rocket has already missed you and you can safely hug its legs.


If you start firing the ball after the first rocket it reduces the chance of getting killed by instant pain state retaliation.

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3 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Semi-relevant to this thread:



exactly that one, remembered i had it somewhere.

perfect map for practice.

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If it's just one, and have enough room, I generally shoot it until it dies like to take it down with the super shotgun or plasma gun depending the ammo. 


If there are more, i try to separate them, luring one to a different room and try to BFG it quickly (it takes me 3 or 4 shots, yeah I'm not that good lol).

If that is not possibe, I always have a plan B... Run like hell and save a lot! XD

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22 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Semi-relevant to this thread:


Had a blast revisiting this level, so fun!

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