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[Now on /idgames!] 3x3: Take Two - 3 flats, 3 textures, 3 monster types speedmaps again!

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Map Name: Sludge Terminal
Author: SCF
Build Time: Not sure, but about a week
Play Time: Roughly 5 minutes
Music: "Forbidden Area" from Castlevania Aria of Sorrow (Taken from Stardate 20x6)
Textures: Only vanilla
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Ports Tested: GZDoom 4.5.0, PRBoom+
Description: A map with my least favorite enemies! I wanted to use these limitations to try something different. Hope it's not too frustrating.





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@SCF this map is really beautiful!

I recorded a demo of my playthrough (attached).


prboom-plus -file 3x3_scf.wad -skill 3 -complevel 9 -playdemo 3x3_scf_jacek.lmp

It's not a FDA as after failing several times on UV I started again on HMP.

Spectres were a bit frustrating for me as I couldn't see them when they were in sludge ;) but overall it was an enjoyable experience and it was just about right on HMP for my skill level.


Btw. if anyone wants to record a demo of my map I would be grateful :)



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Name: The Faces of Evil

Author: BoxY

Build time: idk, about 8 hrs over 2 days

Play time: 4-6 minutes

Music: Peter Lawrence - NM100s Pistol Start or Else (from Mid the Way id Did)

Textures: Vanilla (SKSNAKE1, SKSNAKE2, SP_FACE2) (skybox: SP_FACE1)

Flats: Vanilla (SFLR6_4, SFLR6_1, BLOOD1)

Difficulty settings: not yet

Tested in: dsda-doom 0.18 -cl9

Description: fast paced BFG spam nonsense slaughtermap.


Please consider this a beta, I'll probably go back and do difficulties and pretty up the bland looking parts of the map later but I wanted to get a playable version posted in case I get extremely lazy later on. I had a lot of fun playtesting this.



Edited by BoxY

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Name - Keep Out!
Author - Mr. Tadpole

Build Time - About 6 hours over 1 day
Play Time - ~ 4 - 6 minutes

Sky - Vanilla: SKY_1

Music - Vanilla: Running From Evil

Textures - Vanilla: BRONZE3, SPCDOOR3, BRICKLIT

Flats - Vanilla: RROCK15, CEIL5_2, FLAT20
Difficulty Settings - Yes and tested in all settings
Deathmatch - Yes (Separate Map, same level)


Description - A short and simple facility of some kind crawling with monsters. With a strange set of switches laying about.


Hope this is enjoyable.


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10 hours ago, jacnowak said:

@SCF this map is really beautiful!

I recorded a demo of my playthrough (attached).


prboom-plus -file 3x3_scf.wad -skill 3 -complevel 9 -playdemo 3x3_scf_jacek.lmp

It's not a FDA as after failing several times on UV I started again on HMP.

Spectres were a bit frustrating for me as I couldn't see them when they were in sludge ;) but overall it was an enjoyable experience and it was just about right on HMP for my skill level.


Btw. if anyone wants to record a demo of my map I would be grateful :)




Thank you! I didn't realize until I tested the map in prboom that I'd changed the settings in gzdoom to make spectres easier to see. If it turns out to be a problem and they're too annoying, I can always just change them to regular pinkies.

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2 hours ago, SCF said:


Thank you! I didn't realize until I tested the map in prboom that I'd changed the settings in gzdoom to make spectres easier to see. If it turns out to be a problem and they're too annoying, I can always just change them to regular pinkies.


No, no, don't change them to regular pinkies :)

I think the point of spectres is that they are hard to see and IMO they fit your level and all that sludge very well and I think that their placement is very good - it's just their nature that they are annoying ;)

Changing them to regular pinkies on lowest skill levels only might be an idea though (it does meet the rules of the project as far as I can tell).

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@MrTAD I recorded a demo of your map (attached), consider it an FDA as I just went through 3 first rooms for a minute to see if it looks manageable on UV before recording the demo. I died at the end with only 7 monsters left to kill, most of them I could see so I think I almost reached the exit :) It was just a quick lunch break play so I didn't have time to retry. I enjoyed the map, it was a fun little romp and very classic style. You have the same set of monsters as in my map :)

prboom-plus -file 3x3Keep_Out!.wad -skill 4 -playdemo 3x3Keep_Out!_demo_by_jacek_UV.lmp -complevel 9



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24 minutes ago, jacnowak said:

@MrTAD I recorded a demo of your map (attached), consider it an FDA as I just went through 3 first rooms for a minute to see if it looks manageable on UV before recording the demo. I died at the end with only 7 monsters left to kill, most of them I could see so I think I almost reached the exit :) It was just a quick lunch break play so I didn't have time to retry. I enjoyed the map, it was a fun little romp and very classic style. You have the same set of monsters as in my map :)


Glad you're enjoying my work. Always good to hear that someone's enjoying the maps I make.


I just looked through the Demo. And it's very useful to see what I could change in the future for other levels I make. Thank you.

Edited by MrTAD

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@jacnowak I've got to admit, you made the visuals in your map work surprisingly well considering you had them picked randomly. The way you used the textures and flats to create a cohesive visual style is an applause-worthy effort. The gameplay was also enjoyable, if a little on the easy side. That's by no means a complaint, though - with the difficulty as it is, this'll make a good early-game map, I'm thinking. Maybe even the opening map of the whole set (unless something even easier gets submitted).


@SCF Another enjoyable map. Liked the visuals in particular, with the red highlights in combination with the otherwise brown aesthetic. In regards to the gameplay, I hesitate to call it frustrating in any sense of the word - it was just challenging enough without ever reaching the point of being frustrating.


@BoxY I'll admit to not being a fan of slaughter gameplay whatsoever, but I won't reject your map based on that alone. I did like the fleshy aesthetic of the map, and as much as I hate to say this, that's about the only positive thing I can say about the map, given my dislike of the gameplay style. But I know there's an audience for it, so that's enough from me about that. My only real criticism regards the BFG and Megasphere at the start and how you're seemingly meant to utilize the AVs' flame attacks in order to acquire them. I'd bring the platform down so the player can just walk onto it if I were you. Once again, I'm not rejecting your entry, but it will likely end up being one of the secret maps.


@MrTAD I'm going to be harsher than usual and say that there's some serious room for improvement here. Your map reminds me a little too closely of my first mapping efforts - and not in the positive way. It's incredibly cramped most of the time for one thing, and there's also a bit of a flow problem with the amount of doors that you have to open and the largely linear nature of the progression. The visuals are also a bit problematic in that the textures clash pretty visibly in some places and the decorations feel like they were slapped down haphazardly in an effort to make the visuals more interesting when they frankly achieve the opposite effect. If I can say something positive, I did like the gimmick of the shootable switches to open some of the doors, but the last switch that opens the exit door is a little too obstructed by the lights in front of it. All of this is not to say that your map is rejected - it'll likely end up being one of the early-game maps. Just trying to offer some constructive feedback.

Edited by MFG38

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2 minutes ago, MFG38 said:


@MrTAD I'm going to be harsher than usual and say that there's some serious room for improvement here. Your map reminds me a little too closely of my first mapping efforts - and not in the positive way. It's incredibly cramped most of the time for one thing, and there's also a bit of a flow problem with the amount of doors that you have to open and the largely linear nature of the progression. The visuals are also a bit problematic in that the textures clash pretty visibly in some places and the decorations feel like they were slapped down haphazardly in an effort to make the visuals more interesting when they frankly achieve the opposite effect. If I can say something positive, I did like the gimmick of the shootable switches to open some of the doors, but the last switch that opens the exit door is a little too obstructed by the lights in front of it. All of this is not to say that your map is rejected - it'll likely end up being one of the early-game maps. Just trying to offer some constructive feedback.

Thank you, I'll take notes of this. Gonna try to work to improve it.

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ok probably probably final version: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vl5kgosuncqxf8e/metal2metal_1.1.wad/file

Changes are just a couple more medikits but more importantly the staircase full of imps, I moved a couple of the rocket ammo boxes up the stairs so you have to keep pushing if you want to clean that out you can't just wait at the bottom of the stairs. I did a 100% run myself (on supercharge, though) and my personal best is 5:15, so, even though vanilla is slower, it probably can be ran through under 6 minutes.

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Map name: Vile Book Club

Author: Worriedidiot

Build time: 3,5 hours

Play time: 3-4 minutes

Music: None

Textures: None

Difficulty settings: Yes

Ports tested: GZDoom, PrBoom+

Description: A simple level with a library theme. I'm still new to doom mapping so I hope that it turned out well...


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@Worriedidiot It sure is a beginner's map - I can tell by the blocky overall design and simple gameplay - but I enjoyed it regardless. There's not much else to it than shooting demons while avoiding fireballs, though the AV provides a decent thrill among the generally less threatening Imps and HKs. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with simple gameplay. And the fairly open layout shows some promise. If I were to give some tips on how to improve your maps from here on out, one essential piece of advice I can give is to experiment with shapes beyond rectangles. At any rate, I do see potential here - keep it up!

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7 minutes ago, reverie said:

weird question but yeah: is the map absolutely required to have monsters? like i wanted to make an exploration map without monsters and is that allowed?


No, monsters aren't required - it's just the 3-type maximum that's the limit. Go ahead and make that exploration map.

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19 hours ago, jacnowak said:

@SCF this map is really beautiful!

I recorded a demo of my playthrough (attached).


prboom-plus -file 3x3_scf.wad -skill 3 -complevel 9 -playdemo 3x3_scf_jacek.lmp

It's not a FDA as after failing several times on UV I started again on HMP.

Spectres were a bit frustrating for me as I couldn't see them when they were in sludge ;) but overall it was an enjoyable experience and it was just about right on HMP for my skill level.


Btw. if anyone wants to record a demo of my map I would be grateful :)



My Name? Or is it yours as well... I’ve never met anyone with the same name as I. If that is your name then that’s quite interesting.

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35 minutes ago, Jacek Bourne said:

My Name? Or is it yours as well... I’ve never met anyone with the same name as I. If that is your name then that’s quite interesting.

Haha, yes, that's my name :) It's a fairly common Polish name, perhaps not in the top 10 but I met at least a dozen people with that name personally in my life. Looking at your surname (and your surprise :P) you are probably not Polish, which makes it interesting for me how you got your name ;)

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Map Name: Moss Cushion

Author: Alper002

Build Time: Uh... 10 days? Didn't check how many hours it took

Play Time: ~6 minutes if you know the map somewhat well and also don't go for the secrets

Music: BRICKDAD by Zan-Zan-Zawa-Veia (was from a pack of midis whose download link has since expired)

Textures: Uses that starry sky from the master levels, which seems to have been made by Jim Flynn if the text files are to be believed.

Difficulty Settings: yes

Ports Tested: prboom+


A techbase hiding a natural-ish cave, with lots and lots of moss. Probably progresses a mite oddly, but I might be worrying over nothing for all I know!

Difficulty settings are subtle at best, HMP isn't the hardest thing in the world, and UV doesn't change much aside from adding monsters in annoying places and adding a silly hot start



Textures/Flats/Monster usage in spoiler:



Flats used: RROCK20, FLOOR4_5, GRNLITE1(, F_SKY1)

Monsters used:Zombieman, Arachnotron, and Archvile

Probably won't make more than this map for this iteration of the project, my creative juices are flowing elsewhere.

Edited by Alper002

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1 hour ago, Alper002 said:

Map Name: Moss Cushion

Author: Alper002



I recorded a playthrough of your map, actually 2 playthroughs.

prboom-plus -file Moss_Cushion.wad -skill 4 -complevel 9 -playdemo moss_cushion_fda_by_jacek.lmp
prboom-plus -file Moss_Cushion.wad -skill 4 -complevel 9 -playdemo moss_cushion_tda_by_jacek.lmp

Details in spoiler:



The first one is a FDA. It's probably not very entertaining to watch as it takes 16 minutes, most of which I spent desperately looking for the blue key and I die shortly after finding it. But I'm posting it here anyway as it's recorded already, maybe you'll find it useful.

The second one is a TDA (third demo attempt :P as in the second one I died again) - in this one I complete the map although I escape the most difficult fight so it doesn't have 100% kills, I do find one secret though, in a funny way - I wanted to go for green armor as I forgot to take it on this run and accidentally ran into a secret with blue armor :D I liked that :)



I won't provide too much feedback as I'm not the owner of this CP, I'll just say that the map is very easy for 95% of the time but has two difficulty spikes when it's easy to die, particularly as you're relaxed for most of the map so you're not paying much attention and not expecting threat. I do suck at Doom though, so take that in mind ;)


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@Alper002 That was a rather enjoyable map. The progression is admittedly a tiny bit obtuse, but it's not a huge problem given the relatively compact size - it shouldn't take too long for the player to figure out the switch gimmick, especially for anyone who's played the first 3x3, as it is a pretty obvious callback to Dwindling Growth, which I for one appreciate. Gameplay-wise, the map wasn't overall too difficult, though the blue key ambush with the Zombiemen and AV did give me a slight bit of trouble. The only real improvement suggestion I can think of is to possibly slap down a Berserk right before the exit in case the player takes a lot of damage from the Arachno and/or AV behind the exit door, just to give them a fair start on the next map.

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2 hours ago, MFG38 said:

The only real improvement suggestion I can think of is to possibly slap down a Berserk right before the exit in case the player takes a lot of damage from the Arachno and/or AV behind the exit door, just to give them a fair start on the next map.

Right, a little thinking about continuous play would go a long a way...

Rather than placing a berserk pack though, I decided to place seven stimpacks south of the exit square. All of those seven stimpacks are in the same position in the x, y and z axis. That's all the attached version of the map changes.


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I'm going to join in as well. Got a good idea for a lev (well... an idea :D


Can I just double clarify. The rule


On 3/30/2021 at 2:07 PM, MFG38 said:

You may only use 3 flats and 3 wall textures in your map. This includes switches and animated textures/flats, though the different "frames" of animated textures/flats may be treated as a single texture/flat. The following textures and flats are excluded from the limitation: DOORBLU(2), DOORRED(2), DOORYEL(2), EXITSIGN, F_SKY1.


That does mean you can use DOORBLU or DOORBLU2 ect (the tech base vs the skull) textures? My idea suits the skulls absolutely bob on but would look odd with the tech ones.

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MFG38, thanks for hosting another 3x3 community project. I had a lot of fun last year with the first edition.

Here's my submission for this edition (I may do a second map if I find the time and inspiration):


Map Name: Toxic Rumble
Author: PinkFlamingo
Build Time: Somewhere between 15 and 20 hours
Play Time: Around 5 minutes on first playthrough
Music: "Catalyst" by Psyrus
Textures: CGMETL11(*), CGWALL18(*) and ODOORE01(**); Flats: NUKAGE1, O5DMDA01(**) and OBNKRE00 (**); Sky: OKY05(**); (*) = textures from cage_tex.wad by Cage (you can find it on realms667.com); (**) = textures from OTEX_1.1.wad by Ola Björling (ukiro) (doom.ukiro.com)
Difficulty Settings: yes
Ports Tested: GZDoom g4.3.3. and PRBoom+
Description: A typical tech-base with nukage slime and exploding barrels. Enemies are shotgunners, chaingunners and mancubi.









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1 hour ago, NeilJohnRips said:

That does mean you can use DOORBLU or DOORBLU2 ect (the tech base vs the skull) textures?


Yes, exactly that.

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@PinkFlamingo Great work with this one! Loved the visuals in particular, but then again, I love anything that uses OTEX textures. :P Layout also flowed pretty nicely, and the gameplay offered a decent challenge with some good thrills. The nukage-flooded room with the Chaingunners and Mancubi was a personal highlight. Can't think of anything specific that needs to be improved upon.

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Here's a version of my map for testing.  Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.  I overtested, really, so I'm not sure about the balance.  It's always the hardest thing for me to get right as a newer mapper.


Nebula Swamp v2

Nebula Swamp v1



Map Name: Nebula Swamp
Author: Salmon
Build Time: ~15-20 hours
Play Time: 4-8 minutes
Music: Nightfall by stewboy
Textures: 32in24-15 v2, OTEX 1.1, Mek's Box o' Skies v3
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Ports Tested: PrBoom+, Eternity, GZDoom
Description: An abstract map with lots of pink and blue.  Run and gun combat with a few modestly challenging encounters.  Chill adventure vibes.


I'm glad to be able to participate in another one of these projects.  The last one was tons of fun.  I'm excited to play through the submissions so far--seems like everything is shaping up nicely.




SUPP816A (32in24-15 v2)
BRICKBLB (32in24-15 v2)
OFALLG01-08 (OTEX 1.1)


DEMB_6 (32in24-15 v2)
OGOOPY01-08 (OTEX 1.1)


FLSHSKY7 (Mek's Box o' Skies v3)


Nightfall by stewboy (Resurgence map 18)


Edited by Salmon
file version updated

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