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ZDaemon 1.10.16 Released

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ZDaemon 1.10.16 is now available (and will be automatically installed for you by the ZLauncher). You will find several nice fixes, additions and improvements; just check the changelog.

The Linux and BSD zserv binaries are now available via the Downloads page.


Please Note: Starting from this version shortly after connecting, players running an earlier client will be disconnected from 1.10.16 servers with a notice stating that you're using an outdated version.


This is to account for underlying functional improvements that have been made. The improvements are mostly on the server-side; newer clients will still be able to connect to older servers.


Equivalent notice on the server is as follows:
X was removed (Outdated client)


Some highlights:


- Implementation of menu 'Weapon Slots' as sub menu of 'Customize Controls' 'Weapons'.


- New CVar 'demo_goto' to skip demos to a certain time.
   Usage: demo_goto <minutes> [seconds] [tics]


- Chat block functions can be used in demo playback now. Useful for recording videos from demo playback.


- Team radar can be set to "Player Color" now. Survival/Coop only.


- New ACS functions:
   - ZD_GetGameInfo(int info)
   - ZD_GetMarineSkin(tid)


- Implementation of DeHackEd extension 'Flags ZD' for the 'Weapon' (PatchWeapon) block. Allows for weapon flags to be Added and Removed.


- Fix for player collision when OS wallrunning is enabled.


- and other various fixes and improvements


Additionally, our ACS and DeHackEd sections have been updated to account for ZDaemon-specific cases.


EDIT: If any difficulty was encountered while downloading either the ZDaemon Win32 archive or any of the ZServ builds, the broken links have been corrected.

Edited by AF-Domains.net

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