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What's your doom mapping inspiration?

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Be that a mapper, a thing that you saw and wanted to create a map around it, or random thoughts in your mind, it can be anything. I just wanted to know where you draw inspiration for mapping or just one map. 


Also, this has nothing to do with April 1st.



I hope I'm posting it on the right subforum

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Jimmy Neutron


Erik Ham




and many others

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My map Dumping Ground was inspired by a song (Krieger by Null Positiv).


Sometimes I'll play an IWAD level and think, "how can I improve on that idea."  For example, my Production Line map has a room that was designed to take the shutters from the start of The Focus and make it a more significant part of the encounter.


When I have a basic idea for the tone of the map but don't quite know how to execute it, I'll go through the Doom OST and find some music that fits that tone, then set it as the level music and start designing the level to fit the music.  I find that often helps me if I'm not quite sure how to start a map.


I've also borrowed one or two ideas from Arrowhead12, particularly when it comes to visual design, since their mapping style is fairly similar to mine, to begin with.


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Memfis, Lainos, Casali Brothers, Adelusion, Fingers, Malcolm Sailor, my sick brain

Edited by Chainie

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2 hours ago, Orcsbreath said:

I've also borrowed one or two ideas from Arrowhead12, particularly when it comes to visual design, since their mapping style is fairly similar to mine, to begin with.


And I've borrowed one or two from you, for my maps! :)

I often get inspiration from what I see my peers producing! Also, from the big names out there like Erik Alm, Memfis, and the Casalis - although, I think I am often more inspired by what is coming out of the forums everyday, than the older 'classic' mapsets.

Edited by Arrowhead12

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I take photos of my local area and work on them with level editor. I suggest you to do the same. If you say that "Nah I don't have any good locations or view here" So Google Pictures is for you. I also advise you to buy an architecture magazine/book it is as well helpful as taking pictures.

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52 minutes ago, THE IMP said:

I take photos of my local area and work on them with level editor. I suggest you to do the same. If you say that "Nah I don't have any good locations or view here" So Google Pictures is for you. I also advise you to buy an architecture magazine/book it is as well helpful as taking pictures.

That sounds like a good idea, I've never thought of that, I'll try to start doing that.

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Real life places I've been to. Mostly those are larger rooms or buildings, like for example the entrance of a hospital or a room in a museum.

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things I'm pissed off about, personal frailty, brain problems and all that. if I start a map thinking "maybe there should be a Zan-zan-zawa-veia Knee-deep in the Dead style episode" then that map's going in the bin after about an hour; I need to have a more serious topic to get things done

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antares031, for his universal excellence in all aspects of mapping. Probably the mapper I respect the most overall.


esselfortium, for her truly grandiose sense of vision (lead designer of the only true gigawad, BTSX).


Jimmy, for his work ethic and ability to make purely enjoyable maps time and time again.


NaturalTvventy, for his ingenious high-concepts, abstract detailing and truly evil secrets.


skillsaw, for his superb gameplay, high production values and sheer prominence.


years, for her distinct, overarching sense of vision and mastery of tone.


Xaser, for his marvelous geometry, general originality and wide-ranging skillset.

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