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Cyberdemon losing to pinkies?

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It is pretty well documented that spiderdemons can get paralysed by hitbox collision and die to pinkies or other melee foes.

(Spider paralysis on doomwiki.org)


But can such thing happen to a cyberdemon? On two occasions I had cyberdemons die to pinkies off screen. I happened in the crate room of Alien Vendetta map 13 and in lift section of Roudy Rudy II map 12. Was this due to same hitbox bug, or it was due to some other effect?

Edited by Azure_Horror

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Witnessed it on MAP21 on Hell Revealed. It was quite a treat to see. Couldn't even move. 

Edited by Salahmander2

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i had a cow trapped in a corner and munched to death by pinkies, one some map played with the club. don't remember which one but maybe i still have the screenshot i posted back then.

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On 4/1/2021 at 2:35 PM, Stabbey said:


Glad to see that other people know about these guys! They're quite a small channel, but their content is really great!

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I remember the cyberdemon getting stuck in a doorway on tricks and traps and getting clawed by a bunch of angry imps. It’s always a pleasant surprise when this happens.

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39 minutes ago, THE IMP said:

Didn't he also lose to a lost soul. I've seen it one of those peace-running at e2m8.



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On 4/1/2021 at 3:18 PM, Azure_Horror said:

But can such thing happen to a cyberdemon?


Yes, though I'm not entirely sure if in the exact same respects. Things can intercept a spider mastermind hitbox no matter what the conditions are (assuming of course you're playing in vanilla compatibility), but the cyberdemon being more than two times smaller is somewhat different I think... 


To quote scifista42:



Every monster becomes paralyzed when it's unable to make a full-length step in any of the main 8 cardinal directions. The main reason why it seems to happen more often to big monsters is because bigger objects are generally easier to be enclosed from all the directions. The original engine's collision detection flaws (some of which were fixed in some advanced ports like ZDoom) probably increase the chance that big monsters would become paralyzed in many scenarios, though maybe the same flaws could also decrease the chance in other scenarios.


... so most usually the SMM suffers that flaw though arachnotrons, mancubi, cyberdemons, and cacodemons also are often vulnerable to this too. In environments with prominent diagonal walls, curvy shapes and/or solid thing decorations around, there's a higher chance the bigger monsters can render paralyzed more frequently than in, say, a right angle corner, or a squared room.


The reason most people get to see this phenomenon with pinkies or spectres involved is simply because a pinky needs its target to stand still for a second to properly take a bite, so until it doesn't box in the cyberdemon in a corner or a rough spot where he can't get out at all, he's not even aware of the pinky. Projectiles shooters or hitscanners will most likely damage the cyberdemon long before they get in melee range so he's given a window of opportunity to retaliate in time and elude contact, but in some cases melee attackers might manage to corner him just like pinkies do. 


I've provoked this myself a fair number of times since that's silly funny, useful on occasion, so it's not rare to me nowadays, but sometimes you're not looking for that shit to happen and it happens anyways, to the point of screwing you in some way.

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On 4/1/2021 at 4:35 PM, Stabbey said:

Yes! Start at 3:45.



It looks as if it’s chewing his ass, but damn that’s interesting 

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On 4/2/2021 at 9:05 PM, Arrowhead12 said:

Glad to see that other people know about these guys! They're quite a small channel, but their content is really great!


I know of them from their thread on the Something Awful forums. It's attempting to be a comprehensive look at the games.

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