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Machine Shop: A map from my upcoming MegaWAD!

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For the past few weeks, I've been hard at work on a Megawad project titled "Below."  I had planned to wait until the first 11 maps - Episode 1 - were finished before releasing anything (besides two maps which were originally designed as standalone levels, which have been public for a while and are what prompted me to make this megawad), but I'd like to get some feedback on what I've been working on so far to make sure the project is going in a good direction, and anyway, I've missed engaging with the Doomworld community as part of my design process.  So, here's a map from the middle of episode 1, Machine Shop, packaged as a standalone level.  It's not the best level I've made for this project so far imo - I want to save that for the proper release - but I think it turned out all right nonetheless.  I'm quite keen to hear what others think of it, though!


Compatibility: Doom II Vanilla (tested with ChocolateDoom and DOSBox).

Map slot: MAP01

Difficulty: All settings implemented.  Tested on HNTR, HMP, UV.  Not tested on ITYTD or NM.  Should be comparable to mid-game Doom II.

Estimated play time: ~10 minutes.


Download: MACHNSHP.7z




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Not nearly as visually interesting or conceptually recognisable as your other maps I've played, but still a hell of a lot of fun and damn challenging. Y'know how to balance frenetic combat really well and I had a blast, mate. Can't wait to see more.



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Wow! That was a fun map. I really enjoyed it. Well designed with good enemy and secret placement. Unique and unpredictable layout. Not the most detailed map but good enough. Nice one!

Edited by PeterMoro

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5 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Not nearly as visually interesting or conceptually recognisable as your other maps I've played, but still a hell of a lot of fun and damn challenging. Y'know how to balance frenetic combat really well and I had a blast, mate. Can't wait to see more.

I always appreciate the videos, mate!  Yeah, the visuals aren't as detailed as I had hoped; earlier drafts were more detailed but I was getting HOM/visplane overflow errors in the outdoor areas so I had to tone it down.  I think some of the earlier drafts were also more recognizable as a machine shop, but I had to sacrifice some of that to make the combat encounters work how I wanted.  I might revisit it and see if I can fit some more detail in for the full Episode 1 release, though.

That final encounter was pretty intense - I don't think I actually ever tried it without picking up the invisibility sphere.  It was supposed to be a trade-off, though; invisibility significantly lessens the threat of the hit-scanners but makes the Mancubus fireballs more unpredictable.  So it's good to see that the fight still can go well without using it.

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Okay, I had a ton of fun - if the megaWAD is anything like this level, then I'll be sure to love it. The 2 archie encounter was very tense, but I really liked it - I didn't see the invuln right away, which made for some very panicked gameplay, haha. I had a blast though, looking forward to seeing the rest of this project. I am a huge fan of industrial landscapes - the sky you chose is pretty awesome too.


Yeah, keep it up bud, I'll be sure to play whatever you're putting out! :)

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@Arrowhead12 Thank you for the kind words!  I'm glad to hear that was your reaction to the 2 archie encounter; that's what I was going for: a brief moment of panic before you get to the invuln.  And yeah, I'm planning to keep the "industrial" aesthetic throughout the whole WAD, albeit with a gradual progression to being more surreal/hellish.  And the sky was a lot of fun to make, for sure.

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