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IronEagle Competition 30: Infected Area

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Welcome to a new month of the IronEagle competition, the ironman challenge that welcomes everyone. Streamers and non-streamers are both welcome, as veterans and newcomers and everyone in between.


This month, participants will challenge themselves against Infected Area, a Doom 2 mapset consisting of 7 maps by Chuck Grant (apparently, this set was Mr. Grant's only release). They were released in February 1996 (just a bit over 25 years ago). They are vanilla, and are played at complevel 2 or Doom(strict).


I would remiss if I didn't point out the storyline of Infected Area, since many people may not read the text file.


In true Doom fashion, you are sent to an abandoned city that has been taken over by the forces of Hell. Also in true Doom fashion, these demons are also described as aliens. You are sent alone, armed only with a wad of duct tape, a bag of peat moss, and two chewing gum wrappers, which you are able to use to fashion a crude pistol based on memories of an old MacGyver episode. And, one last thing, your enemies have set up large speakers all around the city, constantly blaring Michael Bolton songs.



Don't worry, the music are standard Doom 2 tracks. Download Infected Area here.


Crimson Canyon starts at Map 01. Survival is completion of Map 07.



Congratulations to this month's winners (further details are in the post below).


UV: @Maribo (Runner-up: @Helm)

HMP: @Capellan (Runner-up: n/a)

HNTR: Pegleg (Runner-up: n/a)




NOTE: There are some potential softlocks.

  • Map 01: 

    In the second area to the west after the start there are a couple of pillars, one with a chainsaw and one with a medkit. You're not supposed to reach these until later on but you can do an easy-ish wobble jump off the barrels to get both. The medkit pillar will teleport you to an adjacent area which is initially closed off until you press a switch, but if you haven't pressed this switch and perform the wobble jump there's no way you can get out of the area you've been teleported into.


  • Map 02:

    There is an area with a lot of barrels that get crushed. Provided you survive this, there are switches on the other side of SHAWN2 barricades. If you ride the elevator up and jump off into them, one side will allow you to escape (the switch activates stairs) while the other side leaves you trapped. You are intended to lower part of the barricades prior to entering the area behind them.


  • Map 03: 

    There is a place where there are revenants on pillars in the middle of a pool of nukage. Those pillars are lowered by switches and you can get on them. That is the only way to get to the surrounding platforms inhabited by arachnotrons, and it is necessary to get over there to activate a switch to be able to progress. However, if at some point you fall into the nukage pool without the pillars being lowered, there is no way to get back up.




  • Template for Chocolate Doom:
    • -iwad doom2.wad -file infected.wad -skill <x> -warp 01 -record <IEinfected>


  • Template for PRBoom+:
    • -iwad doom2.wad -file infected.wad -complevel 2 -skill <x> -warp 01 -record <IEinfected>


  • Template for ZDoom:
    • -iwad doom2.wad -file infected.wad +compatmode 2 -skill <x> +map map01 -record <IEinfected>
      • it is possible you may have to use +set skill <x> for GZDoom


<x> must be replaced by the skill level. 2 = HNTR, 3 = HMP, 4 = UV

<IEinfected> would be replaced with whatever you decide to call your demo, if you're submitting a demo




The rules are basically the same as they have been. Either demos or streams are permissible. If you are creating a demo, post the demo. If you are streaming, post a video of the stream. Even if streaming, you can still submit a demo, if you want to.

The basic rule is that you submit a demo/stream played at a particular difficulty level (HNTR, HMP, or UV) and you play without saving and reloading, ending your run when you die (or survive).

The following are allowed:

  • Freelook
  • Mods that are COSMETIC ONLY


The following are NOT allowed:

  • Crouching
  • Jumping
  • Mods that change ANY aspect of base gameplay, including (but not limited to) enemy behavior, enemy speed, player abilities, player speed, weapon damage, ammo, and enemy drops.


Further, more specific, rules are listed below:



  • Submissions (except for streams, as described below) must include a demo from one of the listed acceptable ports. The first actual attempt must be submitted, there are no do-overs (with very few possible exceptions, which I will address as they arise).
    • You may practice a mapset if you want, but these practice runs should not be submitted as your official entry, and your run would be Category 2, unless there are exceptional circumstances (such as described below).
  • A run must be done in a singular sitting with no saves. (With room for breaks. This will be addressed below.)
  • Streams and video runs are accepted provided you post a video of the stream/run or a link to the video.
    • If you post a video of the stream, you may post a demo if you want, but it is not mandatory. You may also post a demo if you, for some reason, do not want to post the video or a link.
  • Secret levels, if present, do not have to be completed for a survival run. If they are completed, they are extra credit.


Any port is accepted provided it will actually run the mapset. There is no preference.


Of course, if you want to try a limit-removing/Boom map in Chocolate Doom, be my guest. However, be aware that your run may be over rather quickly. Don't say you weren't warned.


Category System:

Category 1: Blind run.

  • This explains itself. You have no knowledge of the wad and have not played/seen it before.
    • I'm willing to be somewhat lenient with this Category.
      • For example, if you die early in Map 01, and then decide to play again for your run, you can still call it Category 1.

Category 2: Non-blind.

  • If you have played the wad before and/or possess significant foreknowledge, your run is non-blind. Basically, anything that is not Category 1 is Category 2.


If you're unhappy with your blind run, feel free to record a new run, and submit that run instead. If you want to submit your first run, no matter how you perform, by all means, go ahead and do it. You just shouldn't feel that you HAVE to submit a run you're dissatisfied with, just to preserve a "Category 1" status. If you want to go back and submit a second run, you're welcome to do so, but, at this time, it won't be counted.



Difficulty System:

You may submit a demo/stream for only one of HNTR, HMP, or UV. Choose only one, because subsequent submittals will be rejected (i.e., if you submit a HMP demo, the HNTR demo you then submit will be rejected). We're not using the 1CC rule set here. And your first submission is what counts.


Only runs from the same difficulty will be pitted against each other. Each difficulty will be graded separately.




When you submit your run, please the include the following information:

  • The category (1 or 2)
  • The difficulty
  • If you survived or what map you died on
  • The time elapsed when you survived/died (even if it's only approximate)
  • How many kills you had on the map where you died
  • The port you used (if you included a demo)
  • A link to the stream/video (if you did a stream)


You may include a commentary about the maps or details about them, if you want to. If you do include specific information about the map (e.g. "The demon trap in Map 08 is rough"), please put it in a spoiler, so that people that want a completely blind experience won't be tipped off. In you're just putting in a general comment (e.g., "Pro tip: don't get hit"), then no need for a spoiler.


Attempting to max the maps is not necessary to win.

Ranking for this mapset will be determined by:

  • Survival
  • Total time for survival
  • Map of death (in descending order: Map 07, Map 06, Map 05, Map 04, Map 03, Map 02, Map 01)
  • Total time at death
  • Kill count at death


If you die, please wait a few seconds before quitting.




Everyone gets tired. Sometimes people survive longer than they expected. Nature calls. Every now and then, there are family emergencies. Needing to take a break shouldn't necessarily end a promising run. While you should try to complete the run in a single setting, this isn't always possible. If you have to take a break, try to make it quick.



Happy Dooming!




Previous IronEagle Competitions




  • 1 (Oct.): Scientist 2 (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)
  • 2 (Nov.): Vanguard (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)
  • 3 (Dec.): Crumpets (Winners -- UV: NoisyVelvet   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)




  • 4 (Feb.): Dark Covenant (Winners -- UV: kmc   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 5 (Mar.): Brood of Hatred (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 6 (Apr.): Riot Control (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Walter Confetti   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 7 (May): Scimitar (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 8 (Jun.): Bauhaus (Winners -- UV: vdgg   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 9 (Jul.): Bloody Steel (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 10 (Aug.): The Brotherhood of Ruin (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 11 (Sept.): Flashback to Hell (Winners -- UV: kmc/Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 12 (Oct.): A Taste for Blood (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 13 (Nov.): Back to Basics (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Horus   HNTR: Pegleg)
  • 14 (Dec.): Whitemare (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz & NaZa   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)







Edited by Pegleg
EDIT 1: Added information on softlock in Map 01. EDIT 2: Added information about softlock in Map 03. EDIT 3: Added information about softlock in Map 02 and spoilered the softlock descriptions. EDIT 4: Added winners.

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I quite liked the first couple of stages, interesting monster placement, puzzles and layout. Very cool for 1996. Got some Vile Flesh vibes. I survived to halfway through level 2 and then




got cruelly crushed out of nowhere


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There's another potential softlock in the first map:



In the second area to the west after the start there are a couple of pillars, one with a chainsaw and one with a medkit. You're not supposed to reach these until later on but you can do an easy-ish wobble jump off the barrels to get both. The medkit pillar will teleport you to an adjacent area which is initially closed off until you press a switch, but if you haven't pressed this switch and perform the wobble jump there's no way you can get out of the area you've been tele'd into.


Managed to do just the above on my cat 1 attempt, thought that was a bit bullshit then had another go as cat 2 attempt and found those "awesome" surprise crushers in map02. Not even gonna bother uploading either demo so see ya next month.


Edited by Veinen

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5 hours ago, Veinen said:

There's another potential softlock in the first map:


Thanks for the info about the softlock. I would never have found that, because I wouldn't have thought to try that.


It's too bad about your attempts. You can always do another run, now that you know what you know, call it Category 2, and submit that. Or you can just call it a month and come back in May. Either way is good.

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Category: 2

Difficulty: HNTR

Dead on: Map 02

Kills: 78/85

Recorded with: PrBoom+




Some people call lost souls and rocket launchers "peak gameplay." It can be, so long as one of them isn't too close to you when it gets in the way of your rocket.

Pro tip: Don't let that happen. Doing so can be detrimental to your survival.




Those crushers caught me on my first time through while testing the mapset. Incidentally, there is a hint that they're there, even though you have very, very little warning to get out of the way, unless you're moving very slowly and carefully.


The ceiling is a different flat.



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Yeah I noticed when I reviewed the video, if that ceiling was higher a little and the crushers slower, it'd be fair. but there's no way someone is moving that cautiously at that point in the map set given the kind of conditioning they've gotten from the challenges up to that point. Not much to begrudge a 1996 for, though. Doom can be cruel, marines will die.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Category: 1

Difficulty: UV

Death: MAP02

Time Elapsed: 19:55 or so

Kills: 75/200

PrBoom+ 2.6um

Demo: maribo_infected.lmp.zip



Like 1/3 of this recording is just me wandering around MAP01 because I didn't walk off and trigger the bridge, I thought I'd missed the key somewhere.


Should've paid more attention in that death room, I didn't notice the texture difference where the crushers were until it was too late.


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Category 1, UV, PrBoom+


Stumped by MAP01 with 124 kills.


I was rather enjoying all the lateral leaps required to unlock each successive area of the level (I appreciate how monsters were frequently used to draw your attention to what the latest switch had opened up), but I just couldn't figure out how to get that yellow-key compartment open.


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I'm going to stream this one in about 23 hours time; 10am AEST on Sunday 2nd, which is apparently 8pm Saturday in EDT, and 1am Sunday for BST.



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Streaming this in an hour (yes, I'm late :) )


Edit to add: HMP, dead on MAP02 - barrel room.

Edited by Capellan

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  • 3 months later...

I want to thank everyone who participated this month. This post is very late, but here nonetheless.


Here are the results for IronEagle 30.



  1. Maribo (Map 02)
  2. Helm (Map 02)
  3. Suitepee (Map 02)
  4. head_cannon (Map 01)
  5. NoisyVelvet (Map 01)



  1. Capellan (Map 02)



  1. Pegleg (Map 02)

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