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I'm almost done with my custom weapons. I wanted to make a grenade weapon a tertiary firing mode for all weapons so I didn't need to deal with inventory and items and imaginary inventory but something isn't working. I took the code from the tutorial for ALTERNATE FIRE/RELOAD/ZOOM/...STATES ON WEAPONS as a template and I put a KEYCONF entry in my wad that reads:


AddKeySection "Ravager" YourSectionsName
AddMenuKey "Alternate AltFire" +altaltfire
Alias +altaltfire "Use Action_Fire" // + events occur when the key is pressed.
Alias -altaltfire "Use Action_FireCancel" // - events occur when the key is released.
DefaultBind e +altaltfire // only the + event needs to be bound.


I've put an altaltfire section in my weapon to see what it looks like before I get to all the nuts and bolts but nothing happens when I push this key. I see the key when I configure the controls and its set to "e" but nothing happens. 


        WTFL ABCDEF 1
        TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("ThrowedFlechette", 0, 1, 0, 0)
        WTFL GHIJKL 1
        Goto Ready


Is supposed to happen when you push "e". the custom missile is not yet defined by anything but I don't think that should matter and I don't see the animation I expected. I don't know whether I've set this up wrong or if I just need to go farther to see what it will look like. I'd appreciate a nudge in the right direction, thanks guys. 

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