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RbDoom, MOD + 9 MAPS (now 17 + 3 + Hub)

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CHANGELOG 16/01/2022 - v1.4.6
- Add custom Skill descriptions and effects
- MAP05
  - Rework first section / encounters
- MAP06
  - Rework some geometry

Edited by thewaver

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  • 1 month later...

CHANGELOG 28/02/2022 - v1.4.8

- Increased Fist upper damage to 192
- MAP05, MAP06
  - Rework some encounters
  - Rework some ammo placement
- MAP06
  - Rework some geometry to block loose projectile paths

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

14/05/2022 - v1.4.10
- Reduce Shotgun and SuperShotgun projectile count, but increase projectile damage to even totals


31/01/2023 - v1.4.11
- Increase HP and AP per level to 100 per 32 monsters (x2 below default difficulty and x0.5 above default difficulty) to a maximum of 600
- Add new secrets to maps with >128 monsters (to hide the extra AP)
- Tweak monster counts and placements on some levels (144 down to 128)
- Add a BFG to all levels after the first of each episode
- Change skill level descriptions and prompts
- Add MAP16 (only accessible through console until episode 4 is finished)
- MAP04, MAP06
  - Rework geometry




Edited by thewaver

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  • 2 months later...

07/04/2023 - v1.4.12
- Rework some HP and damage values to ensure multiples of 12
- Add MAP17 (only accessible through console until episode 4 is finished)
- Add Computer Map to the end of all levels



Page 17a.jpg

Page 17b.jpg

Edited by thewaver

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5 minutes ago, Insaneprophet said:

I thinks youve peaked my curriosity, this may just have to be the next set I check out.


Thanks, that's wonderful of you to say!


Please note that the first "episode" is over 2y old at this stage and I was just getting started with mapping back then.

Also note that UV is fairly unforgiving with HP and AP pickups. You may want to play in HMP first. (not meant as a criticism to your skill - UV really is an "extra challenge" in this WAD, rather than the "default")


I hope you enjoy it, and if not, drop me a line or ten with what you disliked and why - or whatever suggestions you may have - THANKS!

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  • 3 weeks later...

28/04/2023 - v1.5.0
- Rework hub to give access to Episode 4 maps
- Add placeholders for MAP18, MAP19 and MAP20
- Add MAP32 (accessible through hub secret)
- MAP07
  - Rework BFG secret using portals
- MAP11
  - Use actual portals
- MAP17
  - Rework some geometry in Plasma room

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I remember that I already played this a long time ago and some maps were in an "early state" compared to now I would say. I recently rediscovered your post and decided to play it again. Glad to see that you advanced on your project !

Edited by Bri0che

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Thanks, Bri0che!

It's folks like you that give me the motivation to push forward: revisit the old, explore new possibilities, etc :)

My goal now is 4 episodes of 5 main maps + 1 secret map, for a total of 24. I hope to reach it sometime next year.

For now I'll take a break before getting started on MAP18, but I may release some minor tweaks to the current content every now and then.

All the best!

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  • 2 months later...

15/07/2023 - v1.5.1
- Decrease damaging surface tick interval from 16 to 12
- Remove ALWAYSPICKUP flag from Health and Armor bonus and SoulSphere
- Tweak some hitboxes for more consistent values (minimal adjustments for most, meaningful change for Arachnotron)
- Move Berserk powerup out of secrets and place it near Backpack rooms
- Add multiple enemy variants to increase encounter diversity
- Rebalance ammo pickups (count and location) to match individual encounter needs rather than ongoing totals
- Add dynamic lights to techbase type textures
- Rework big portal geometry
- Remap standard Dynamic Lights and Decals to new decorate actors
- Replace Pistol with Machinegun
- MAP02
  - Fix Archvile encounter to account for infinite height monsters
- MAP07
  - Rework geometry near key pickups
  - Tweak last encounter
- MAP09
  - Rework secrets
  - Add cliff to penultimate arena
  - Tweak last encounter
- MAP10
  - Rework secrets
  - Expand outside area to be better connected
  - Rework island fight
- MAP12
  - Replace textures
  - Rework 3rd room geometry
- MAP16
  - Fix a sequence break in the BFG room
  - Improve corridor geometry
  - Tweak courtyard geometry to atenuate circle-strafing


This was a huge undertaking, despite the minor version number change, and I hope you enjoy it.

I don't have a good image editor on this machine (currently on vacation), but will post some side-by-side screenshots at the start of August to showcase the new geometry and the dynamic lights.


As always, many thanks to all and the very best wishes to you.

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I'm looking forward to playing your mod, but in GZDoom 4.10.0 I get over 200 errors of the form 'Unknown type 16002 at (4800.0, 544.0)' referring to objects 16002-16111.

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14 minutes ago, Najork said:

I'm looking forward to playing your mod, but in GZDoom 4.10.0 I get over 200 errors of the form 'Unknown type 16002 at (4800.0, 544.0)' referring to objects 16002-16111.


Thanks - will look into it. Those are my custom actors, so I wonder whether something was incorrectly exported...

I also have identified an instant-death sector and I will push an update later today or tomorrow (I'm also switching ceiling lights to be angled spotlights for a more realistic effect).


Meanwhile, this may sound like a basic question, but could you please describe how you are "running" the mod?

Thanks again!

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I use batch files with 64-bit GZDoom under Windows 10 Professional, the batch file is run from a local folder where the mod pk3 is stored. Batch syntax is:


<path to GZDoom>gzdoom.exe -iwad <path to DOOM 2>DOOM2.WAD -file RbDoom.pk3 -savedir "%CD%\save"


I have tested with and without loading lights.pk3 and brightmaps.pk3, this does not seem to make any difference. I use this method for all wads/pk3 files.

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Okay, I figured out the issue, but not the resolution.

I messed up by moving all *info and *defs files into a DEFS folder inside the .pk3.

Fixing this was easy enough, just move the files back to the root.

But now I am having an additional issue that a bunch of the 3rd-party WADs that I am now using (for monster variety) do not get loaded.

In UDB I did not face such issues, since I specify the load order and source for everything myself, and that's why I didn't catch the error before.

If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

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26/07/2023 - v1.5.2
- Use spotlights on ceilings rather than omnidirectional lights
- Many bugfixes and small tweaks
- MAP13
  - Fix instant-death sector


This version also PARTIALLY fixes the .pk3 folder structure.

The WAD still doesn't load correctly, but if you actually extract the .pk3 and drag the resulting folder on top of GZDoom.exe everything is correctly loaded and works fine. I am clueless as to why. I tried specifying which files should be loaded inside GAMEINFO, but the console output indicates the files aren't found. I've tried several different pathing syntaxes and locations - maybe just not the right one yet...

@DavidN you have been my knight in shinny armor twice already - when you're done RAMPing it up (sometime around Easter 2026) could you please take a gander under the packaged files and tell me where I messed up?

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Thanks for fixing this. I have the same behaviour as you, the pk3 file is broken and throws lots of errors, but a folder containing the extracted pk3 contents works properly in my batch file. I'm happy to play like this.


There is one warning in the log: "Script warning, "Haedexebus.wad:DECORATE" line 84: Tried to define class 'RedPuff' more than once. Renaming class to 'RedPuff@Haedexebus.wad@DECORATE'"


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Thanks, I have seen that error as well, but sadly it is thrown by one of the 3rd-party WADs that I mentioned and I do not wish to directly manipulate other people's files. ZDoom handles it by itself though, so nothing to worry about.


Let me know what your experience with my WAD is. I'm always happy to listen to feedback and make adjustments.

Please bear in mind it's not the easiest or most forgiving of map packs out there as well - hope you won't hate me by tomorrow xD

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Made some progress.

If the ACTORS folder is extracted and on the same level as GZDOOM.exe then the .pk3 can be dragged over it and everything works as well.

So it's a pathing issue inside GAMEINFO, but because the console error does not specify the full, absolute path where the system is attempting to locate the files, debugging proves challenging.

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ALMOST fully fixed. Everything works - even as a .pk3 now - but there are some reported errors with brightmaps.

I will likely need help sorting this out.


I was also forced to extract the 3rd-party WADs that I was using in order to get the to work. Full credits are still given to the authors and I did not touch the original content, safe for an uncircumventable conversion of ZSCRIIPT to DECORATE files (so import would work on my own master DECORATE file). 


The new file is attached to the first post.

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31/07/2023 - v1.5.3
- Exchange hitscan weapons and monsters with fast projectiles
- Change Zombieman behavior
- Exchange Machinegun for UACBattleRifle
- Add liquid glow


Let me know how you feel about the hitscan to fast projectiles change. I am open to playing around with it more and even revertying it altogether :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

11/08/2023 - v1.5.4
- Add glow to lights
- Fix glow on liquids
- Add progressive accuracy degrade to hitscan weapons
- Add different color for player hitscan projectiles

- Add 3rd secret map
- MAP15
  - Fix non-triggerable switch

Edited by thewaver

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  • 8 months later...

09/05/2024 - v1.5.6
- Remove unused assets
- Update some 3DP WADs
- Add Summoner to certain maps
- Tweak BaronOfHell HP
- MAP02
  - Tweak crusher textures
  - Rework monster placement
- MAP05
  - Tweak geometry near second portal
- MAP07
  - Rework routing and secrets
- MAP08
  - Rework monster placement

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12 minutes ago, Bryan T said:

Slade won't load this. 


Here, I fixed it. 



Wow, thanks!

But could you please tell me what errors you were getting and what you changed?

I downloaded the file you provided but failed to identify the changes.

Also, I usually just drop the .pk3 over the GZDOOM.exe file. What were you attempting?

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I tried to open it up with slade and it wouldn't go so I extracted and then archived it again and it loaded up fine. So, your guess is as good as mine.

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