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[Wad And Map Guessing Game Thread]

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13 hours ago, pcorf said:


Japanese Community Project MAP32


Yes but someone else got it before so, sorry!


14 hours ago, P41R47 said:

+2 for me, here is mine:



I'm legitimately intrigued, mostly because of the sp_face in the status bar. could you give us a hint?


EDIT: eh, just saw the answer hehe, now I see why I never would have thought of that... you make really nice status bars (assuming you designed it!)

Edited by galileo31dos01

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3 hours ago, Chainie said:


Interesting that it's not from MM2, it looks very similar to Secret Operation 2 (MAP02 of MM2INFO.DAT).

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I remember playing this wad.

"A": the 32-wide support and comptall are the things that made me quickly identify that I actually played it

"B": I'm sure it's a rare flat and it's the first wad where I saw it and even wanted to draw my own variant of this with Wally


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3 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

EDIT: eh, just saw the answer hehe, now I see why I never would have thought of that... you make really nice status bars (assuming you designed it!)

thanks, pal!

coming from you, an excellent sb designer, its good to hear it :)


The design is obviously the one made for Eternal Doom, petry much as Vile Flesh is the most TNT mapset out there, i just tweaked it changing the colours of the nums, using pink snake tex for the words with a little touch up on contrast and the sp_face on semi transparent mode avobe all.

I usually get a lot of inspiration from the titlepics of the different mapsets or the feeling of the maps.

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8 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:


I'll just throw my guess: MEM2MEM01 by Memfis?

It's memfis' work but not MEM2MEM01

UPD: it's gredna map02

Edited by Chainie

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Yeah this is far too obscure. It's not his Whitemare 2 stuff, Kuchitsu, or his 3HA maps. My best guess is Memfis (from DMP2016)

edit: also cross off Bloodspeed.

Edited by NuMetalManiak
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All the ones I can cross off so far:

the entire 2008-2011 maps on the wiki;

Slaughterfest 2011;

DooMworld mega project 2013/2015/2016/2017;

MAYhem 2048;

3 heures d'agonie 2+3;

Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions season 17;

Swift Death;

Back to square one;

2048 unleashed;

DooM 2 In Name Only RDC;

Fighting 2;

Old Gold;

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6 minutes ago, Xulgonoth said:


No, cuz "Crumpets" doesn't contain green torches (only red)

Hint: you can notice that the palette is changed (greens are saturated)

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Been 10 hours, so I'll post one. Might actually be tricky.



edit: Answer is MAP29: Saint Peter's Gate (Deus Vult II)

Edited by NuMetalManiak

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Isn’t it Deus Vulture 2 Map29. This is the gateway between the second and third parts of Deus Vult but retextured for in this version.

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19 minutes ago, cannonball said:

Isn’t it Deus Vulture 2 Map29. This is the gateway between the second and third parts of Deus Vult but retextured for in this version.

This is correct. I intentionally went with DVII MAP29 even though the main map just took the original DV just to see if someone was going to guess either MAP02 or MAP05. The status bar is an interesting way to both clue and confuse guessers here. +2

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2 minutes ago, NuMetalManiak said:

This is correct. I intentionally went with DVII MAP29 even though the main map just took the original DV just to see if someone was going to guess either MAP02 or MAP05. The status bar is an interesting way to both clue and confuse guessers here. +2


23 minutes ago, cannonball said:

Isn’t it Deus Vulture 2 Map29. This is the gateway between the second and third parts of Deus Vult but retextured for in this version.

Bullseye, Cannonball!

go ahead, Matt, i don't have PC right now so i can't submit any pic.

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