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DOOM 64 EX Mouse Look Bug

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So I was playing DOOM 64 EX (a source port of DOOM 64), and it apparently has mouse look support. So what's the big deal?


It seems like mouse look doesn't work on my device, or something. (I'm on PC obviously)

Whenever I try to move my mouse the game keeps resetting it's position. It drags the screen where I last looked. I'ts kinda hard to explain.

It doesn't let me look with the mouse. It just reverts back to the center of the screen I believe.
Also changing the settings does not fix this issue. And I don't think it's my mouse itself, that doesn't work.

Pretty much I can only look with the arrow keys.


I've seen videos where they use mouse look and it works fine.

Please reply with an answer. If you didn't get it, I'll try to explain it further in a reply.

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