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PUSS VIII: Speed Squared - Beta Version 2 out now! [April Speedmapping Event]

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I think you may have tagged the wrong Bloo. I think there 3 of us now on doomworld. I'm the midi composer bloo

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4 hours ago, Bloo said:

I think you may have tagged the wrong Bloo. I think there 3 of us now on doomworld. I'm the midi composer bloo

Ah, my mistake. I'll fix up the OP.


Thanks for the heads up ,o7

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6 hours ago, QuakedoomNukem Cz said:

The "It's Hip To Be Square" map is not in the file, only the name is present, but E1A10 is still the Arctic Lab from the original.

Thanks for the catch. I’ll have a fix up tomorrow. 

It’s most likely that I named something improperly in the MAPINFO

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I am not familiar with the PUSS events; is there a reason why there is an inventory reset at the beginning of each map?

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Dam 'n' Blast v3

- Difficulty balancing.

- Added rectangoliers to skill 5.


In Queso Emergency v4

- Difficulty balancing.

- Added rectangoliers to skill 5.

- Added a secret exit, per Pineapple's request.

- Added a voice line for the cheese refrigerator room.

- Added cows.

- Fixed a misaligned crate.
- Fixed some stuck things.
- Added safety platforms at the platforming segment at the south-east.


@Rudolph Every map is intended for pistol start. Individual map balance would be thrown off quite badly in continuous play.

Edited by Jimmy

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@Jimmy Oooh, okay. I was just wondering if this was on purpose or some kind of issue on my end, as it does not seem like Adventure of Square is compatible with GZDoom 4.5.

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44 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

as it does not seem like Adventure of Square is compatible with GZDoom 4.5.

Hmm.. that doesn't sound good. What sort of issues are you running into? (Besides pistol starting. That's intentional as per what Jimmy said)

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Uh, I did not mean to turn this into a Adventures of Square troubleshooting thread, but since you are asking, every time I try to launch square1.pk3 with GZDoom 4.5, I get this error message upon launch: 


Script error, "square1.pk3:cvarinfo.base" line 1: cvar 'square_promo_mode' already exists


And yes, I tried a fresh install, to no avail.


The only way I can get Adventures of Square running is through the modified GZDoom package that runs on GZDoom 4.1.3.

Edited by Rudolph

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Run the PK3 as an IWAD. The way you're doing it, it's trying to load the PK3 twice over itself.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

Run the PK3 as an IWAD. The way you're doing it, it's trying to load the PK3 twice over itself.

How do I do that?


EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out.

Edited by Rudolph

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Man, "Parallels and Paintballs" is such a frustrating troll: since I did not read the map list in the original post, I legitimately thought this meant that the whole project was going to be a straightforward adaptation of Knee Deep In The Dead (Square Deep In The Paint?), but then it turned into something completely different. Still a great map, do not get me wrong, but I would be totally on board with Square-ified Doom maps. :D


Although I have one complaint with "Parallels and Paintballs": having to jump on the cow to get to the switch that allows you to reach the Yellow Triangle key feels like the kind of thing one would have to do to get to a secret and not a key that is needed to normally exit a map.

Edited by Rudolph

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7 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Man, "Parallels and Paintballs" is such a frustrating troll: since I did not read the map list in the original post, I legitimately thought this meant that the whole project was going to be a straightforward adaptation of Knee Deep In The Dead (Square Deep In The Paint?), but then it turned into something completely different. Still a great map, do not get me wrong, but I would be totally on board with Square-ified Doom maps. :D


Although I have one complaint with "Parallels and Paintballs": having to jump on the cow to get to the switch that allows you to reach the Yellow Triangle key feels like the kind of thing one would have to do to get to a secret and not a key that is needed to normally exit a map.

Hahaha. Welp. Thanks, I guess.

And* btw...you don’t have to jump on the cow to get across. There’s a path. 🤷🏻‍♂️




The path on the right of the cow is jumpable and you walk around...


Edited by Death Bear

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@Death Bear *Facepalm* Why did I not think of that? XD Well, there goes my one issue with your map!


I guess since the map is such a direct homage to E1M1, I keep forgetting that I can jump to get to places. :P

Edited by Rudolph

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On 4/10/2021 at 12:41 AM, 7Soul said:

Damn, I gotta go finish the game ASAP!


Btw the Doom Builder config is missing the default texture sets, which you can enabled with this:



Nice seeing you around here, buddy! Do you remember me? :D


About the megaWAD, I think I'll wait until it's out of Beta before downloading, but I like what I see here!

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On 5/11/2021 at 8:21 PM, Muleke_Trairao said:

About the megaWAD, I think I'll wait until it's out of Beta before downloading, but I like what I see here!

Awesome! As for a progress update:

Things have been slow for me doom wise since It's finals week at my college. Thankfully, with all that fun stuff wrapping up, I'll be able to dedicate much more time to doom projects.


March of the Speeddemons playtesting should be finished within the week. Ergo, I should be able to get more playtests out for this here wad throughout the month and hopefully get this bad boy out of Beta before June!

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Mic audio didn’t work, so feedback is in the video description. 
@Danlex - very few changes I'd recommend. Map was good as is, enjoyed playing it.

@DynamiteKaitorn - I'd remove some of the hitscan enemies, particularly in the major ambush by the first key and I would replace the hitscanners with cannon guys in the second key room (only a few cannon guys though)

@Baratus - I would add some more difficult enemies towards the end, just cause

@Death Bear - for Map07 I would prevent the player from running along the edge and pooling up enemies to kill them easier. My method was way too easy, as you'll see. I'd either make the outer ring non accessible from the start or make it harder to get to from the start. Either way, I'd find a way to punish and/or prevent players from cheesing the map. Map08 - I wouldn't change much besides moving the brick texture down in that one room (you'll see it. I stare at it for a minute) Ammo and health were good, I got through the map pretty fine. Other than intermission scripts, I think maybe an exit wall (a black wall that you walk into) would be cool???


Edited by BluePineapple72

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Beta Version 2 has hit store shelves!

It contains a number of v2 updates to various maps, as well as some bugfixes regarding Mapinfo. Later releases will see updated menu graphics as well as any map updates that are sent to me.


Beta Version 2

Updates to following:






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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
13 hours ago, Muleke_Trairao said:

Hey there! How is development going? :)


Things have slowed down quite a bit on my side. I had planned on a number of things to update to this wad, but some features will have to be cut due to my not knowing how to do them (menudef stuff). The wad just needs a few minor map updates and fixed resources for the secret levels and she's good to go to post. I'll try and have her finished before the end of the year.


Here's that todo list:




- Author Names at level end and beginning
- Fix basically all of map21

- Finish secret resources ****    projectiles are invisible for imps, rocket guys, green cacos, etc.

- Add custom episode menu
        - custom menu credits
    - custom titlepic/music (menu feel really) make the bad boy feel like it's own game
    - custom difficulty names for



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  • 4 months later...

I've updated the OP to contain BETA version 3 which contains some critical updates for some of the current map base. RC1 will be out shortly. I need to finish the credits map and I have some tweaking to do for the resources of the secret level. RC1 will be given a new thread

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  • 2 months later...

8 6 2022 UPDATE: The second secret level is literally unfinished there's no way to leave the first room after you kill all the enemies

Did no one test it?


Of all the names you could have chosen for a mapping jam.

We finally got some new square content but at what cost.


I will still play the wad when I find the time to.

I'm not gonna discard the wad right off the bat cause of a stupid pun name, I'm better than that.


Adding it to my playlist for sure

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3 hours ago, Bigbad75 said:

8 6 2022 UPDATE: The second secret level is literally unfinished there's no way to leave the first room after you kill all the enemies

Did no one test it?


Of all the names you could have chosen for a mapping jam.

We finally got some new square content but at what cost.


I will still play the wad when I find the time to.

I'm not gonna discard the wad right off the bat cause of a stupid pun name, I'm better than that.


Adding it to my playlist for sure


The secret level is unfinished for that version of the beta as I was testing the custom resources used for the pk3. Both secret levels have an update on the way shortly. Furthermore, a release of Speed Squared exiting beta into RC1 with several updates to the rest of the main level set will be out sometime within the next two weeks. I'm just awaiting bug fixes for two levels.

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7 hours ago, Bigbad75 said:

8 6 2022 UPDATE: The second secret level is literally unfinished there's no way to leave the first room after you kill all the enemies

Did no one test it?


Of all the names you could have chosen for a mapping jam.

We finally got some new square content but at what cost.


I will still play the wad when I find the time to.

I'm not gonna discard the wad right off the bat cause of a stupid pun name, I'm better than that.


Adding it to my playlist for sure

Looks like somebody has their Pun Appreciation Settings set to zero. 

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