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Favorite Game From The Year You Were Born

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Enter the Matrix

Jk its probably Silent Hill 3 or BFBB, never played Max Payne 2 but that'd probably be up there.

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1 minute ago, roadworx said:

looking at this thread feels like visiting a retirement home

It's like seeing grandchildren on the laps their grandpas as they recite their war stories, possibly pooping a little stinker on little Jimmy cause old.

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30 minutes ago, roadworx said:

looking at this thread feels like visiting a retirement home

Well, we are still playing a 30 year old game. And more than a few were around when it first came out.


Now get off my damn lawn, I have to go tie an onion on my belt and yell at a cloud.

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Better than mario 64 in my opinion, such a good game. If you like platform games you SHOULD play this game :)

Edited by JuanchoES

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2 hours ago, THE IMP said:

1st Game:


A 2D platform game from late or mid 90s, it had support for up to 2 players. We were a couple of Little Elves

and fighting against Astronomical Entities and horoscopes (Leo, Taurus, Virgo etc...), art style of game was

a little similar to Metal Slug franchise. I am searching for that game for 3 years. I couldn't find anything yet.

Also, as you can guess game takes place in Space mostly.

I really want to find this one, and I looked around a bit with no luck. Maybe with some extra info... like what platform was it for? You mentioned Atari, was it on an Atari system? Was it on DOS/PC? Any other specifics would help, it sounds like it might be interesting.

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I’m aware of, and have played, precisely five 1989 games. Fortunately Phantasy Star 2 was really good, so my year of birth shall be defined by that!

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1 hour ago, roadworx said:

looking at this thread feels like visiting a retirement home


ungreatful malemnibles,,, when i was,,youre age we use to.play doom from the HOSE,,,i welded my first Doom in the garage,,when i was 8 years old my dad use to beat me with a BELT if i put to many Bearons in my maps,,,,.try seeing one of these snow flake "'kids'," today DO THAT !!!

Edited by StupidBunny

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Well I was born in 1980 and could not name a game from that year if I wanted to.


Stop making me feel old.

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I know that Super Mario Bros 1 was a hit in the year that I was born but, I chose this instead. Had a lot of hours playing this game with my dad and brother...



Edited by leodoom85

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38 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:


ungreatful malemnibles,,, when i was,,youre age we use to.play doom from the HOSE,,,i welded my first Doom in the garage,,when i was 8 years old my dad use to beat me with a BELT if i put to many Bearons in my maps,,,,.try seeing one of these snow flake "'kids'," today DO THAT !!!

i didn't know you were fluent in geriatric :o

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1 hour ago, LoreCaco37 said:

"I Regret Nothing"


LMAO same. I wasn't able to play it until recently, for obvious reasons, but it's definitely my favorite of that year.

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1 hour ago, leodoom85 said:

I know that Super Mario Bros 1 was a hit in the year that I was born but, I chose this instead. Had a lot of hours playing this game with my dad and brother...



Same as me! This was my first game (along B-Wings) that came with my Family Game (a bootleg of the NES/Famicom) my dad brought for me  and my brother when we were kids. I played it a lot with them, and I still play it from time on time on my cellphone XD

Edited by LUISDooM

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Damn, you guys are dinosaurs <3 My favorite games are either older than me or younger, but this one is my age and holds a dear place in my heart: Silent Hill 2.


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Apparently the original Battlezone was released in 1980. Love the remake from the late 90s. Think I played the original in like a browser based emulator once. It was alright. So I will say Battlezone. Pacman was released then as well but that's entirely too not shooty bang bang for my tastes. It's OK though.

Edited by Murdoch

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I was actually born during the gaming crash of '83 between the Atari and NES years, so there wasn't a lot good going on in the industry at the time.

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My ancient 35-year-old self is going to have to say Super Mario Bros 1, because what else was there? Duck Hunt was pretty fun too, I guess.

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megaman zero is one of the best megaman games out there and it started what is for me the best arc in the series

(mmzero, zero2, zero3, zero4, mmzx, mmzx advent)

though it hasnt aged all that well it is still a masterpiece

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3 hours ago, Rudolph said:

They sure do not make game box art like this anymore! 

At least it was indicative of what you were getting. Not like that infamous Megaman cover. God I loved Contra 3. Still remember playing Contra on arcade with my Dad.

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