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The Orcus: Liberate tutemet ex inferis. (Open to Collaborators)

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The Orcus is a Doom 2 mapset for Boom ports (preferably PrBoom+). As of now, only 1 map has been finished. The mapset is mostly inspired by Quake 2, MAP22 and 23 of CC3 and Event Horizon (the movie), with minor influence from MAP12 of CC3 and Quake 1.


The Story:


It's been 2 years since the events of Doom 2, the UAC has finally recovered from their biggest PR disaster and are working on a new project: Teleporting Spaceships. Using improved teleportation technology, a spaceship can be transported from one area in space to another in less than a second. The spaceships also were planned to have Quantum Accelerators built into them in order to prevent possible hell portals. You (Doomguy) were offered the position of safety technician, since you do happen to be the savior of humanity. You declined.


The first ship planned was Orcus, which was meant to be a military ship. Once the Orcus had finished being constructed in space, it was finally time for the UAC to test it. The destination was Saturn, and the whole event was broadcasted on TV. You watched from the safety of the recreation center on the Phobos Base. The Orcus entered Phase 1, and began to glow green. After a few minutes, the glow intensified and the Orcus entered Phase 2. During Phase 2, one of the Quantum Accelerators began to malfunction, but this was ignored. Then Phase 3 finally came, and the glow began emitting lightning, and suddenly, there was a bright flash, and the Orcus had disappeared.


The Orcus didn't appear near Saturn, in fact, it didn't appear anywhere. People began to ask questions on what happened to the Orcus, and when the UAC didn't answer, mass hysteria ensued. Again did the UAC have to endure another PR disaster, and investors were pulling out. Then on the next day, the Orcus reappeared near Saturn. Immediately they sent you out to investigate, and told you if there was any type of demonic presence, you were to destroy the Orcus and the UAC would provide the story that there was an unfortunate malfunction in the engine that caused the ship to explode.


You were sent out in a small spacecraft, and you immediately notice something is wrong with the Orcus. The ship appears much larger, seems to be rusted, and you can't see through the windows. You hold your pistol closely and prepare yourself to be teleported on the ship.


Map List:

MAP01: Welcome to the Orcus (Finished)

MAP02: The Storage Center (Finished)

MAP03: The Oxygen Control (Finished for now)

MAP04: The Recreation Center (In-Progress)


Music List:

MAP01: MIDI version of Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd

MAP02: MIDI version of The Underworld from Quake II

MAP03: I don't actually remember.


"New" Enemies:



  • Security Bot: Equipped with an energy blaster, the Security Bot is made to kill. Ironically, it was designed specifically against demons. Replaces the Cacodemon.
  • Sergeant First Class/Tough Shotgunner: Two ranks above the Shotgunner, Tough Shotgunners are exactly what they sound like, tougher shotgunners, as in 125 hit points. There's not really much to them besides that. Replaces the Wolf SS.
  • Snake Imp: These imps are actually not animals. Similarly to the 50's version of the Thing, it grows from seed pods that require blood to grow. There's not really much else to them. Replaces the normal Imp.
  • Slime Worms: Disgusting worm creatures from hell, loosely related to the Pinky Demon. Replaces the Pinky.




V.1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/0f77vw6k5ahetxy/orcusv1.wad/file

V.1.5 https://www.mediafire.com/file/ia8jdv6n4wzwvsg/orcusv1.5.wad/file

V.2 https://www.mediafire.com/file/ge2vl06up1cvjwx/orcusv2.wad/file

V.3 https://www.mediafire.com/file/6nax3q389tt4j0c/orcusv3.wad/file

V.4 coming soon...








This project is open to collaborators.

Edited by AtticTelephone

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I do not understand this map.


You have a created a really nice space there, but with only 10 monster it fell so empty.

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58 minutes ago, Delisk said:

I do not understand this map.


You have a created a really nice space there, but with only 10 monster it fell so empty.

It's supposed to be empty, it's more immersive that way. 10 monsters is enough to keep the player from quitting out of boredom.

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5 hours ago, AtticTelephone said:

It's supposed to be empty, it's more immersive that way. 10 monsters is enough to keep the player from quitting out of boredom.

no i agree with delisk, people play doom for the action, you really need something special to get people to play a doom mod with as little combat as this

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Ok, so I actually added more enemies to MAP01, and I think it may be enough to keep the player actually playing. I've also began working on MAP02, and as of now it's a very short map. I plan to expand upon it more and use the silent teleporting fake 3D trick a lot.

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I just finished the two maps.

Well, I'm a great fan of horror/Quake atmosphere so all I can say is that I enjoyed it. Short, darky, with appropriate music, and nice monsters placement (didn't feel it too empty despite what peoples said above ? Maybe you've already ajusted this, idk... Anyway, this is "horror" themed, I didn't expected big battles uh), I got surprised in the good way by the cacodemon replacement, I guess this is what you expected :p

Finally, I encourage you to continue this mapset, I'm following this :)


Edited by Briøche

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3 hours ago, Helm said:

Quite nice mood piece! Thoughts in video!


Thanks for the criticism. Although I understand the music may not be as intimidating as the level, it's supposed to have a very industrial feel, and the music is supposed to be Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd. I understand the lost souls might not be much fun, but I didn't want to give the player a shotgun or chaingun early but didn't want to only use zombiemen. I might do some texture work to make the skin computer screens work, but I have a different idea for the central area. I was thinking about teleporting gore and corpses with every switch you flip. Anyways, have you tried MAP02?

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2 hours ago, Briøche said:

I just finished the two maps.

Well, I'm a great fan of horror/Quake atmosphere so all I can say is that I enjoyed it. Short, darky, with appropriate music, and nice monsters placement (didn't feel it too empty despite what peoples said above ? Maybe you've already ajusted this, idk... Anyway, this is "horror" themed, I didn't expected big battles uh), I got surprised in the good way by the cacodemon replacement, I guess this is what you expected :p

Finally, I encourage you to continue this mapset, I'm following this :)


Thank you, the cacodemon replacement was actually just a random Idgames file I recolored to look more rusty.

Edited by AtticTelephone

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2 minutes ago, Helm said:

Nope, is it ready to test?

Eh, it's not complete, but you can at least finish the level. Visuals are good in my opinion. It's a bit more difficult and is more Quake 2 inspired than horror.

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2 minutes ago, Jacek Bourne said:

This seems like it may be promising in the future. How many maps are you intending to make for this?

I don't know, between 6 and 13?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I just played through both levels in Woof. I like the moody atmosphere like on Didy's maps and the new spooky monsters. All in all I think the first level could be more fun because even when I speedran it it didn't feel awfully satisfying. The track sounded like Tangerine Dream but I could barely hear the music. It didn't seem to transition well as an intro to the heavy second map midi. I actually want to play this wad because I love those dimly lit textures create very cool enviromnents. Second map is a very cool "low ammo" challenge but a little more ammo wouldn't hurt to have. Pinkies are usually so easy to deal with so it was a pleasant surprise when I got so helplessly swarmed by them for a change. This level has enjoyable progression because you go through distinct areas, each looking really good. It's probably gonna be a worthwhile mapset.

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  • 1 month later...

The Oxygen Control has been completed, somewhat. I plan to build on it later to make it more interesting, since it's surprisingly short.


Also, this project is open to collaborators, so if you're interested, contact me via PM.

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