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The best maps for a 1v1 deathmatch duel

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Out of Doom II and Dwango, what is the best map for a 1v1? I'm looking for smaller simple maps such as MAP01 that would best fit only having 2 players.

Edited by TheChickenLord

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From Doom1, it's pretty much just Map01 and Map07 that are decent for duel. Map32 is okay for goofing around.


From Dwango5 there's a decent selection of fun duel maps: Map01, 02, 07, 12, 13, 19, 20, and 24 which are all decent for 1v1.


There's also stuff like Duel2020 (for Zandronum) or Duelpack (for all ports) that consist purely of maps that are good for 1v1.


Hope this helps!

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When I was on Zdaemon, we often played the Dwango Maps, outside of them, E1M1, E3M8 as well as Doom II's MAP 01 , 08 and 32 were good stuff

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