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4 minutes ago, Omniarch said:


A locker / shower room in E2M4





I'm not sure if it's the meds, but at first glance I imagined a completely different scenario when I saw this screenshot. 


An empty locker/shower room, no demons or signs of combat. He can see the way out on the far side but can't quite get the nerve up to pass through this foreboding room. Instead he just breaths heavily, lingering around the doorway with his eyes screwed shut.


It is an unremarkable room and yet indecision and anxiety root him to the spot, as if it were a test of monolithic willpower to transverse this simple space.


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4 minutes ago, Final Verdict said:


I'm not sure if it's the meds, but at first glance I imagined a completely different scenario when I saw this screenshot. 


An empty locker/shower room, no demons or signs of combat. He can see the way out on the far side but can't quite get the nerve up to pass through this foreboding room. Instead he just breaths heavily, lingering around the doorway with his eyes screwed shut.


It is an unremarkable room and yet indecision and anxiety root him to the spot, as if it were a test of monolithic willpower to transverse this simple space.


Ah, yes, the old writer-brain. I find myself idly imagining prose from time to time as well! I like the use of present-tense third-person here, really gets the immediacy of the feeling across. Gets me into the headspace of someone who has spent an subjective eternity wandering this derelict, hope waning as the hours drag on.


Look, now you've gotten me started!


This sort of evocative scenery is one of the reasons I enjoy NEIS so much. I can't help but imagine the hidden depths of these spaces.

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3 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

Ah, yes, the old writer-brain. I find myself idly imagining prose from time to time as well! I like the use of present-tense third-person here, really gets the immediacy of the feeling across. Gets me into the headspace of someone who has spent an subjective eternity wandering this derelict, hope waning as the hours drag on.


Look, now you've gotten me started!


This sort of evocative scenery is one of the reasons I enjoy NEIS so much. I can't help but imagine the hidden depths of these spaces.


You give me far too much credit. Read it again but with a healthy dose of scepticism and humour this time.


It just popped into my head when I saw locker/shower room combined with godmode (makes the mugshot eyes appear closed at a glance). It's somewhat hard for me to view anything seriously in my current condition. Props for your version of it though. In general I do the same thing when I see certain screenshots of Doom so I fully understand where you're coming from on this. It's nice to let the imagination run with the image.


It's just in this particular case I wasn't doing that because I'm doped up on post-surgery meds. The writer thing you alluded too was corrupted, usurped and then relegated to that of a 14 year old boy. I was having a daft and very immature moment.


No, I'm not proud of it. Yes, I'm aware I just lost your respect...assuming I had any to begin with heh.


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10 minutes ago, Final Verdict said:


You give me far too much credit. Read it again but with a healthy dose of scepticism and humour this time.


It just popped into my head when I saw locker/shower room combined with godmode (makes the mugshot eyes appear closed at a glance). It's somewhat hard for me to view anything seriously in my current condition. Props for your version of it though. In general I do the same thing when I see certain screenshots of Doom so I fully understand where you're coming from on this. It's nice to let the imagination run with the image.


It's just in this particular case I wasn't doing that because I'm doped up on post-surgery meds. The writer thing you alluded too was corrupted, usurped and then relegated to that of a 14 year old boy. I was having a daft and very immature moment.


No, I'm not proud of it. Yes, I'm aware I just lost your respect...assuming I had any to begin with heh.


Ach, don't be hard on yerself man! No need to be so self-conscious. I know that it is easy to feel embarrassed by posts made in a less-than-ideal state of mind, but it is important to recognize that no one else is likely to notice, let alone remember, any differences in quality or style.


Also, if your writing is this coherent under the influence of post-surgery meds, then my respect for you has only increased. I won't pry, but regardless I wish you a speedy recovery :)

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That little movie theatre bit out of Trinity.wad where you can watch a Cyberdemon splatter Doomguy on a little screen, over and over again. Does that count? That's gotta be 1994 so perhaps the earliest example? 

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3 hours ago, Omniarch said:

If ^^ ain't a winning arguement for NEIS' GOAT-status, I don't know what is ;)

You know, if anyone asked I'd have said I'm not a fan of doomcute (idk why) but I love NEIS and somehow never really thought about all the doomcute in it.

I may be changing my opinion.

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30 minutes ago, Optimus said:

I guess my best attempt is this broken bridge with broken planks and hanging ropes from my single level wad Budrum26




That's the most creative way i've ever seen anyone make ropes in Doom

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2 hours ago, Sotenga said:

I feel like map 17 from Fragport, "Laser Quest," encapsulates Doomcute pretty well, or at least the area before the actual Laser Quest arena. Specifically, this area that has dining tables and a bar...


Fragport's kind of messy to play nowadays, but it was made in 2001, so I shouldn't be too hard on it. It mostly goes for a somewhat realistic industrial theme that gets somewhat futuristic in later stages, and there's some Doomcute in it all around, but I feel this area in map 17 is the apotheosis of said cuteness.

It's actually the exact opposite of messy. Every area feels neat and tidy in many maps. Other than MAP17
MAP01: prison areas, execution chamber, beds, storage area, even a gallows
MAP03-04: railroad tracks
MAP05: A few buildings resemble shops
MAP06: Most of the level, a classic-looking ship, with a mess hall, kitchen, engine room, torpedo room, even a topdeck bar.

MAP07: The fact there's a sign right there showing stuff like the maze and beach one way and the shops and dock the other way should clue you in.
MAP11: A military training simulation area, plus more beds and ammo closets
MAP13: Raw materials room, plus it actually tries to look like a real factory.
MAP15: The freight cars, naturally. Plus more railroad tracks.
MAP16: "Darth Mall" is just as much Doomcute as MAP17 due to the various stores. There's also the Station Hotel which tries to feel like a hotel.

MAP19: More ships and a few mini-factory-like buildings

MAP20-21: Several different kinds of facilities for a airship/airport (in this case spaceship/spaceport), including the bathrooms, conveyor walkways, seating arrangements, baggage claims, etc.

MAP22: The Hexagon is supposed to be a nightclub, while the Company looks like a place for high-profile meetings so the furniture looks clean.

MAP23: Neat garden, a health and ammo shop, the "Frag Zone" which looks like a weirdly cute attempt at a deathmatch area inside a level, plus the raceway.

Stuff like this goes over into Super Sonic Doom as well. The Sunset Forest zone has neat treehouses in the first act, while Forest Fortress act 2 has lots of stuff that looks like storage just all around it. Then there's the Ocean City Zone to consider. The Ultimate Doomer really does love realism and so do I, which is why I love his works.

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1 hour ago, Omniarch said:

Ach, don't be hard on yerself man! No need to be so self-conscious. I know that it is easy to feel embarrassed by posts made in a less-than-ideal state of mind, but it is important to recognize that no one else is likely to notice, let alone remember, any differences in quality or style.


Also, if your writing is this coherent under the influence of post-surgery meds, then my respect for you has only increased. I won't pry, but regardless I wish you a speedy recovery :)


I know, I'm just in a silly/happy mood today. I'm like that everyday thanks to the post-surgery meds.


For example when I say that I picture a 1950's tv commercial for prescription drugs, with an over-enthusiastic young boy saying "I'm like that everyday thanks to Zepex Euphoria Pharmaceuticals" in a high-pitch jubilant tone. Complete with red cheeks, a big smile and wide eyes like he just discovered the best thing in the world.


That's a good example of what this stuff is doing to my mind and the nightmare can't end soon enough. My mind is too dangerous to be unshackled by meds and left to freely roam and graze on pastures. As you might suspect, it's also dangerous to others that come into contact with it in this state....now I have David Attenborough's wildlife commentary/narration in my head so I'll go no further with this. But do you see what I'm dealing with here?


I'm not as coherent as you might think. Outside of my failure above I just left another thread where my attempt at humour backfired in spectacular fashion (mostly due to my poor wording of it). There's about a page worth of comments defending Going Down's midi going on in that thread at the moment. I managed to cause that outrage with a Wad title and two words. If someone hadn't quoted me and thus, summoned me back there, I would have been none the wiser. It then took me a further 5 minutes to figure out what the hell was going on. 


I'm exaggerating but the point is the meds leave my brain scrambled for most of the day. It takes me forever to type out a post in this state and I may unintentionally come across as snarky or offensive. I'm not, but I am easily amused and confused in this state.


Also thanks for the concern (and your understanding). I'm fine but my brain isn't. 2-3 weeks to go before I'm off medication and then I'll achieve some semblance of balance again. Although I do have moments where I'm lucid enough to sensibly comment on something. Until then take anything I post with a grain of salt and bear with me, I probably won't remember it 5 minutes later anyway.


Anyway, enjoyed the exchange but I just remembered this is a 'post a picture' thread and as usual I'm derailing it with my drug induced ramblings. I think I better knock-off for now. I'm in no fit state to be talking to anyone, nevermind making posts on a forum heh.


Have fun.


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8 minutes ago, Skullhacker said:

It's based on a room in my house.

Neat I've tried doing the same thing. It didn't work out.

Edited by Dubbag

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Bathroom tax!



MAP22: Nova Akropola (Realm of Chaos)

Edited by Andromeda
wrong level :P

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17 hours ago, MattFright said:

This is about all of the Doomcute i've ever made, dinner room + "painting" of my DW avatar (yes, that's a lot of sectors and linedefs).




For someone that claims to have little experience with Doomcute stuff that is actually pretty good.


I love how you're all nonchalant about it.


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