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You Get 2 Million Dollars But you Can Never Play Doom Again


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I personally think I'd get more personal enjoyment from Doom over the 2 million dollars... I'd have to pass on the money. What the hell would I spend it on anyway? Like @Lol 6 said "I have always been a very simple person". I feel I am a similar way.

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too much fuckin money would not even kno what to do with it. Plus there are alternatives like freedoom so might be worth lmao.

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Ha no, for as piss poor as I am and how much I need the money (To buy a computer that isn't total shit and falling apart for example.), I'd probably still not take the money, because money buys things that make you happy, it doesn't make you happy on its' own, and frankly, if I couldn't play or mod Doom any more but had millions I'd most likely end up in a worse emotional state than if I didn't have all the money but could do something that makes me happy still (Or at least prevents me from further falling mentally.). On top of that, I doubt I'd even be able to make all that money last for as long as I'll probably be playing and making Doom related stuff.

So TL;DR, not being able to play Doom would make me actually end up WORSE off even with all the money.

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5 hours ago, Dubbag said:

he has you in his clutches now

So you're saying;
Even if I were to take the cash and invest it into bitcoin and double - no, TRIPLE the cash and pay back the 2 mil - He still gets to make me do shit like "oooh fuckin idk sux me and die lol"

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You could always cheat on a technicality -which "Doom" are we talking about? ;-)

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I've played the shit out of Doom anyway, it's worth trading for 2 million. You can be set for life when invested correctly.

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Build a 3 or 4 bedroom house but make sure it has a really nice recording studio, then invest the remainder. Music and family always comes first for me, followed by mapping.

Edited by pcorf

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11 hours ago, Grazza said:

Hang on, you're saying this is like a structured settlement or an annuity? What if I need cash now?

Buy some opera singers with the down payment.

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10 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

What if you took the money and that guy had an unfortunate accident. :D


Yes... "Accident".

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No. No way would I ever trade being able to play my favorite game of all time for any amount of money. I don't care if it was $2 TRILLION. No amount of money could ever fill the Doom sized hole I would have. This is coming from a guy who's current net worth is around $6,000.

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I'd take the money because I've already played a lifetime's worth of Doom. I've been playing Doom for decades. I think I've already played all the most awesome wads and megawads worth playing. I could probably recreate a very similar version of E1, E2, and E3 just from my memory, I've played it so much. 

I could still make maps in UDB and that's almost just as fun. 

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Where’s do I sign up?!?


Sure never playing DooM again would really, really suck but I could basically buy a house and “retire” (at least from soul destroying 9-5’s) with $2m so imagine I would be happier over all :-D


If it was $2m to never play any video games again though, well that would be a much harder choice :-P

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No. It's like a contract that stipulates what I can do with my free time. If I weren't allowed to play Doom from 9 to 5, I would have understood, but this is a breach on my rights. I'd need to be constrained by poverty to accept this.


This thread actually saddens me, seeing so many people willing to drink the kool-aid. Go to the Quake community or wherever.

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I think it would be a "no" for me. 2 million dollars is actually not that much, in a sense that it's not wealth wealth. If the sum was like 50 million or maybe even 10 million - that would give me pause. Playing Doom, especially Oblige maps, has given me hours of true pleasure and happiness. I would listen to a podcast or a YouTube video and play a level and it's just a wonderful way to relax.


I think if it was 10 mil and more - it would be stupid not to take the money. And there's something about saying "no" to a whole experience for the rest of one's life that just feels so difficult a choice.

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i will call the doctor. the man is definitely insane, and i am not properly trained to deal with insane people.

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A bit of topic but what do all you people saying “No” do for work? Y’all must be a hell of a lot richer than me XP


$2m is a modest home and, invested and spent wisely, retirement for the rest of your life!


Hell I’d do dirty shit under the table for less XP

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4 hours ago, printz said:

This thread actually saddens me, seeing so many people willing to drink the kool-aid. Go to the Quake community or wherever.


That's a cute high horse you're sitting on - If you were actually given this opportunity I'm almost certain your answer would be wildly different. Besides, we'd probably go to the quake community in the absence of access to Doom.


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4 hours ago, printz said:



This thread actually saddens me, seeing so many people willing to drink the kool-aid. Go to the Quake community or wherever.

Not like anybody would need that money to help their family or themselves because of the economic state they're in

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i get the 2 millions invest all in bitcoin and i wait 10 years playing freedoom during the time after that i get my 2 million back who is probaly going to be 15 million or something and i buy my ability to play doom back

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