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You Get 2 Million Dollars But you Can Never Play Doom Again


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just make a different engine that is demo compatable with iwads and pwads on dos and name it something else for the 2 mil
or just "play" boom

Edited by Paf

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So no playing but I can still make maps? I'll take the 2 mil no question. I honestly love mapping way more than playing. I'd just need some dedicated playtesters and I'd be all set.

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EZ money...


Granted, I'll miss some of the custom content this community produces, but 2M gives me the ability to solve a lot of problems for people I happen to be close to without even breaking a sweat..


I think people who would turn down such a deal are either millionaires already (highly unlikely), or they have no concept of how much you can do with 2M if you're at least somewhat clever about it... Of course it's easy to say "I'll keep doomin'" if all of this is hypothetical, but I'm fairly certain most people would take the money and invest it in themselves and their future when given this opportunity for real...

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Might be tempting if I didn't already have...


...ten trillion dollars. Make it dishwasher safe and it may be worth considering.


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On 4/12/2021 at 2:52 PM, 1Destro3456 said:

That's a bit more fair than 10 grand, still I'm pretty new so I don't really have a lot of memories or friends or engagement with the community so I's still take the 1 million over Doom, again, I might meditate on the decision later but I'll probably get over it after months or max a year because I can still solve many monetary issues with it. 

10 grand is 10,000 dollars, 1k grand is 1 million dollars, so 10k grand is 10m


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26 minutes ago, Aicidia said:

10 grand is 10,000 dollars, 1k grand is 1 million dollars, so 10k grand is 10m


Yeah, I'm dumb, English isn't my main language, gonna have to edit it, give me a moment


Thanks though

Edited by 1Destro3456

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5 minutes ago, MidnightMage said:

If some guy gave me 2 million Dollars and I could never play Doom again, I'd be very wealthy.

and you don't even have to stop playing Doom. just spend some amount of that money to get rid of that guy once and forever. after all, he already gave you the money, so he is of no use anymore.

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13 hours ago, Dragonfly said:


That's a cute high horse you're sitting on - If you were actually given this opportunity I'm almost certain your answer would be wildly different. Besides, we'd probably go to the quake community in the absence of access to Doom.


2 millions to be spied on all the time for what I do in my free time and possibly get lawyered out of this or bludgeoned by thugs for failing to honour this "contract"? No thanks. That's exactly the same challenge when faced with a hefty bribe. The answer is always no. I'd rather live with my income. 


As I said, I would understand if this only applied during the work time and to be able to quit any time (for whatever crazy reason) losing the rest of the money. 

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12 hours ago, Grazza said:

Might be tempting if I didn't already have...


...ten trillion dollars. Make it dishwasher safe and it may be worth considering.



Hahahahaha I love the Zimbabwe money :-P I have one of the One Hundred Trillion dollar notes (the largest single denomination note ever) sitting in my draw :-P

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16 minutes ago, DooM Bear said:

One Hundred Trillion dollar notes (the largest single denomination note ever)

The hundred million trillion pengo note would like to have a word with you (there was a billion trillion pengo note, but it was never issued).


Even this was nothing compared to the hundred million adopengo note, given that the adopengo ended up equivalent to 2 sextillion pengo.


Unfortunately I don't have either of those notes (only photos from the Currency Museum in Ottawa), but I do have some stamps (unpostmarked, so legal tender at the time):


Top right is 500000 adopengo.


The fact that the forint was introduced at an exchange rate of 1 forint = 4×10^29 pengo (= 200 million adopengo) did give me pause for thought when paying 100 forints to use the bathroom. The pengo itself was introduced at an exchange rate of 1 pengo = 12,500 korona.

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19 minutes ago, Grazza said:

The hundred million trillion pengo note would like to have a word with you (there was a billion trillion pengo note, but it was never issued).


Even this was nothing compared to the hundred million adopengo note, given that the adopengo ended up equivalent to 2 sextillion pengo.


Unfortunately I don't have either of those notes (only photos from the Currency Museum in Ottawa), but I do have some stamps (unpostmarked, so legal tender at the time):


Top right is 500000 adopengo.


The fact that the forint was introduced at an exchange rate of 1 forint = 4×10^29 pengo (= 200 million adopengo) did give me pause for thought when paying 100 forints to use the bathroom. The pengo itself was introduced at an exchange rate of 1 pengo = 12,500 korona.


Holy crap!


I’ve never heard of those before! Gonna have to have an eBay hunt to add one to the collection :-D


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14 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

I think people who would turn down such a deal are either millionaires already (highly unlikely), or they have no concept of how much you can do with 2M if you're at least somewhat clever about it... Of course it's easy to say "I'll keep doomin'" if all of this is hypothetical, but I'm fairly certain most people would take the money and invest it in themselves and their future when given this opportunity for real...


Hmmmmmm... okay, fair point you've got there, Nine. New plan: I'll take the $2M and then hire a hitman from the Dark Web to kill Mr Briefcase. Then I'll have Doom AND be rich enough to finally buy my own house and help out friends and family.

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7 minutes ago, THE IMP said:

The last time it was 1 million. Prices goes up I see, so someone wants us to quit DooM. It must be tricks of EA again.

And originally was 10 million then it went down

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My question is this guy pays only one of us or each of us. If so, my father also plays DooM with me.So yes, +2 million $ income. Additionaly, if I make my mother and sister start to play DooM too. Is that mean if they left playing DooM would they get same amount of money I'd get from that rich guy/lady ? If yes, oooohhh boy +4 million $ income. Total 8 million $... Good Money lads, good money.

Edited by THE IMP

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17 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

I think people who would turn down such a deal are either millionaires already (highly unlikely)

Not that unlikely if you calculate how you'll much you earn if you stay employed for the rest of your active life. Of course it's not the same as having all the cash up front, you get to pay interests for any loans, so I see the advantage of having loads of cash, but it's not really that dramatic and worth the lifestyle cost.


17 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

but I'm fairly certain most people would take the money and invest it in themselves and their future when given this opportunity for real...

Invest in myself? How? The only way I imagine it in a productive way is that I'd have a huge capital to start a business. Combined with "no Doom rule", it results in all work and no play. No thank you, I don't need this curse.


Doom is not just playing it. Mapping for it, programming it are also playing Doom. Heretic, Hexen and Strife use the Doom engine. Contemporary games are Doom clones. Quake is a Doom-like 3D game etc.


People suggested, "oh you have loads of cash, you can just eliminate the dude". Yeah, become a rich criminal, good job.

Edited by printz

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56 minutes ago, printz said:

Yeah, become a rich criminal, good job.

sounds like my dream career. where to sign it?

Edited by ketmar

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I assume you're still allowed to watch Doom and interact with Doom communities? Either way, I'd take the money without a second thought.

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Fuck it, take the money. I'd use it to pay off student loans, then use it to invest and make more money, then give the money back to the lovely fella w/ interest since I probably made a lot w/ investments. Finally, bam, get back to playing DOOM. It'll probably take a decade, more or less, to pay it all back, but at least I can play other games yk.

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On 4/12/2021 at 2:53 PM, Dubbag said:

that's still Doom lol

I'll play Boom, it's technically a different game that runs on modified source code of Doom, that ironically runs the original files that Doom can run as if you were playing Doom. It's under a different name, so I can play it.

Edited by Paf

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12 hours ago, THE IMP said:

My question is this guy pays only one of us or each of us. If so, my father also plays DooM with me.So yes, +2 million $ income. Additionaly, if I make my mother and sister start to play DooM too. Is that mean if they left playing DooM would they get same amount of money I'd get from that rich guy/lady ? If yes, oooohhh boy +4 million $ income. Total 8 million $... Good Money lads, good money.

and you could invest with it to get 16m then give 8m back so all of you can play doom again

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Doom is the most joy I have ever had, of course I wouldn't take the money, unless if I did... If I did I would move onto Duke Nukem, but modding for EDuke32 is too complicated for my tastes, and I am lost when it comes to mapping for Wolfenstein 3d, so I would choose mapping for Quake or Half Life.

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11 hours ago, printz said:

People suggested, "oh you have loads of cash, you can just eliminate the dude". Yeah, become a rich criminal, good job.

not to mention you'd better get ready for hell to rain down upon you from his friends. Be ready to go to war and spend the rest of your life looking behind you.

Edited by Dubbag

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18 hours ago, DooM Bear said:


Hahahahaha I love the Zimbabwe money :-P I have one of the One Hundred Trillion dollar notes (the largest single denomination note ever) sitting in my draw :-P


I own a Zimbabwe ten trillion dollar bill. It's funny how some leaders think they can get rich and pay off their debts simply by printing more money.

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6 minutes ago, [McD]James said:


I own a Zimbabwe ten trillion dollar bill. It's funny how some leaders think they can get rich and pay off their debts simply by printing more money.

think of all the burgers you could buy with 2 mil.

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Ok guys, what if it was only like 1 million? In today's economy, won't last you longer than a decade on average.

Edited by Dubbag

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45 minutes ago, Dubbag said:

think of all the burgers you could buy with 2 mil.

Close to 200,000 x 40 (If you were buying 200,000 chicken nuggets cases holding 40 nuggets each) from Macdunalds for 1,796,000. If you add tax, it rounds to nearly 2 mil. Almost exactly $1,993,560 dollars down the drain if the tax is 11%.

Edited by Paf

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Nah, $2m wouldn't be enough to live on for the remainder of my life after taxes and such.  Doom will sustain me for much longer than $2m could.

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