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Why is Doomguy super hyper fast?

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When playing in first person it looks like you're running normally. When watching all the other doomguys on co op, however, you see them run at incredible speeds. No wonder not even overcaffeinated pinkies can hurt him.


Edited by HombreSal

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I don’t have a clue why but remember seeing a game theorist episode or something like that where they calculated that he runs at like 60mph (100km/h) :-P


I should work out his 0-60 speed but imagine he is probably faster than most hyper cars XP


Edit: Couldn’t find the video but google says he runs at 57mph :-P

Edited by DooM Bear

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I think it's because Doom's development and immediate release aftermath predated widespread knowledge of both WASD + Mouse and SR40/50 (note I did not say it predated KB+M, just modern configurations of it).  If you played Doom with an oldschool KB+M layout or even keyboard only using the default controls while also simultaneously pretending you didn't know about SR40, you'd move a lot slower too.

Edited by AlexMax

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4 hours ago, HombreSal said:

When playing in first person it looks like you're running normally. When watching all the other doomguys on co op, however, you see them run at incredible speeds. No wonder the demons can't hurt him.



Game isn't realistic, thats all :)

And if you want another Answer:

There is less Gravity on Mars and its Moons aaand he:

19 minutes ago, davocular said:

...never skips leg day.


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Worth remembering it's a first person shoot em up with the empahsis on 'shoot em up'.


The games closest relatives and influences are the shoot em ups with fast, linear moving jets and spaceships.


The realistic, slower speeds and movements of modern 'FPS' games are not the closest comparison.

Edited by Steveb1000

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Basically gratuitous amounts of coffee, both on Doomguy's and Carmack's behalf.


5 hours ago, Gez said:

[...] the walk speed (you know, the thing nobody uses anymore).



Walking is useful, how dare you!

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Probably everyone early 90s had a design thing for "the faster, the better".
Notice that Sega was banking hard on Sonic and Mega Drive's Blast Processing™ commercials.
If Doom was going to be better than Wolfenstein, of course it should be FASTER.

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Good point Mark, it could be a way to boast how much they could get out of the 386's cycles, in an era where everything computer was slow.

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Yep, now I remember something about Carmack bragging about how fast Doom could run on relatively cheap computers. It would be difficulty to showcase the engine's capabilities and stability if the player moved at realistic speeds. So, it's probably a feature added just for the sake of showcasing the engine's power.

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3 hours ago, Gothic said:

He eats chilli dogs on a daily basis, just like his hero Sonic the Hedgehog


He'd probably be much much faster than Sonic if he weren't carrying all the weapons and armor you grab in the level.

Edited by HombreSal

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